I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 252 Terrifying Results

"Sister Ais..."

Lefiya looked at Ais who fainted and felt only worried.

Since she joined the Loki Familia, this is the first time she has seen Sister Ais lose so miserably.

Even if she has a panacea stored in her body, she cannot feed it directly to Sister Aisi, otherwise the broken hand may become deformed before it recovers.

The broken hand must be fixed before the panacea can be used.

Now she could only make Sister Ais lie down as flat as possible, so that she could fix her broken arm later.

"Miss Lulune......"

"Ah, there's no need to use honorifics. We're about the same age. Just call me by my name."

"Lulune, doesn't your mission matter?"

After all, that person took the goods that needed to be taken up, so it wouldn't be appropriate to watch them leave, right?

"Then is there anything I can do?"

Lulune looked sad. She didn't want to hand over the things, but the question was, could she keep them?

"What happened just now is completely beyond my tolerance. No matter how much the reward is, I still can't take it with my life."

"Even the "Sword Princess" can't resist the person who is targeting the person taking the thing, and I, a Level 3, can't do anything about it. "

"Lv.3? Isn't it L27v.2?"

After reporting her name, Lefiya knew who the person in front of her was, but the Level 3 this person mentioned was inconsistent with the Level 2 she knew.

"Ah...forget it, it's okay to tell you. I am Lv. 3, I just lowered my level."

Lulune subconsciously covered her mouth. But when she realized that she had said it, she didn't want to hide it anymore, and directly told the fact that she had falsely reported her level.

"That's... illegal."

"It's okay, it's okay as long as no one knows."

Faced with the saying "If you don't get caught, you don't violate the rules," I feel a lot of pressure.

However, she had just been taught to be flexible and didn't bother so much. Maybe there were more such things than she imagined, but she just didn't know.

Just like the person just now, he wore a cloak and a hood so that no one could see his face, but the words "Hestia Familia" from his mouth already explained the other person's identity.

Their family had just carried out a transaction with the Hestia family, and the content of the transaction was rune stones.

There is only one adventurer in the name of the Hestia Familia, so that person is also the runestone maker.

The fabricator is an income-generating profession, just like the blacksmith of the Hephaestus family.

Lefiya would have thought it was reasonable if the other party was good at magic like creating rune stones, but what the other party just used was a knife. And she also cut off the hand of the woman who even Sister Aisi couldn't resist with one blow. She wouldn't believe this strength at all if it wasn't a false report of level.

"That person just now is super strong."

Lulune easily changed the subject and skipped the question of concealing her level.

"Even the Sword Lady can't stand an opponent, but that person can cut off one of the opponent's hands and can also use special magic to hide us."

"If it hadn't been for that person, we would have set up a trap this time."

Thinking about what happened just now, I am covered in cold sweat.


Lefiya's mood was also very complicated at this moment.

Lulune stood up, patted the dust on her butt, and said goodbye to Lefiya with an apology.

"I'm very grateful for your rescue here, but I'm sorry, I need to leave first.

"So fast?"

Lefiya was a little surprised.


Lulune looked at the sky melancholy, and then said with a sad face.

"Now I have to go talk to the Lord God about this matter. There is such a big commotion on the 18th floor. If the leader knows that it is the mission I took that caused the trouble, she will have to tear me into pieces."

Ah, I always feel a little pitiful.

Lefiya can also understand this feeling. If she encounters such a thing, she will cry.

Although she was crying, Lulune was still grateful for her good luck.

Unless she meets a powerful guy, she will stay on the 18th floor permanently.

Even though he had been kicked hard just now, it didn't mean he couldn't get to Orario.

Considering that she had caused such a big incident, Lulune also felt that she needed to report the matter before the news reached Orario.

Pulling up her hood, Lulune carefully walked from the trail in the back mountain to the entrance of the eighteenth floor.

Less than two minutes after Lulune left, Finn and Riveria rushed to the back mountain.

The two saw Ace lying on Lefiya's lap with her arms twisted, and there were obvious handprints on her neck.

Their expressions changed and they hurriedly came to Lefiya's side.

Riveria quickly helped Ais check her physical condition and was relieved after confirming that the injury was not serious and that she was just unconscious.

"He is just comatose and his right hand is severely fractured. He still needs to be fixed for recovery."

Treatment of the right hand is not possible here.

Finn breathed a sigh of relief. He only had a broken right hand and was unconscious. This should be the least serious injury.

"Lefia, have you met that woman?"


The "Mud Dog" of the Hermes Familia should only be at level 2. Facing a woman with level 6 strength, even Ais is no match. How did Lefiya and the others escape being chased alive?

Riveria was also surprised by this, so she looked at Lefiya.

"At that time, I only saw a white light in his hand, and I could vaguely hear the ringing of the bell. After waiting for a long time, when Sister Ais was about to be choked to death by the woman, he aimed at the woman's neck and swung One knife."

"He saved you? How did he do it?"

"I have no idea.………"

"Well, it's the "mud dog" of the Hermes Familia. "

This result made both Finn and Riveria take a breath.

060"Then how did you escape that woman's pursuit?"

"It's... someone we haven't seen before, but that person took away Mr. Hasana's handover and asked God Hermes to pick it up from the Hestia Familia in three days."

Lefiya recalled it, and she didn't know how that person did it.

"Lefia, you must have met Hana's contact person, right?"

Finn had felt that the man should have appeared on the eighteenth floor before, but he didn't expect that he actually jumped out.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Lv. 6...I didn't expect to meet such a character on the 18th floor."

Finn's face was particularly ugly, and Ais would be taught such a miserable lesson, which also shows that the opponent's strength is above Level 5.

Lefiya hesitated about whether she should say it or not, but she decided to say it anyway.

"Hestia...I see."

"The woman's neck couldn't be blocked, and she even used both hands to change the trajectory of the knife. However, it still cut off the woman's right arm and cut her neck in half.

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