I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 268 Unimaginable Answer

"The enemy is a fairy, and the main body also has a level 8 body. Then Hasana took away the clone-like fetus given by the fairy in the mission. The maximum level is Lv. 7, and the main body's Can fairy spirits produce such fetuses in large quantities?"

From the language of the Loki organization, Finn could completely understand how dangerous the enemies they faced were.

To put it bluntly, maybe the fairy essence hidden in the dungeon will rush up on its own initiative, and most of them, Orario, may be killed or injured.

Finn already felt a headache just thinking about it.

Although Finn had already realized that the fairies themselves were not easy to deal with, he really didn't expect it to be so complicated.

"If this is the case, there will be a lot more things to pay attention to during the expedition. In the unknown realm, there are still immortal spirits hidden in one corner, and fairy clones that may come out to cause trouble at any time."

"Perhaps even at the lowest level of Level 7, it will be very difficult to deal with it if you are not adequately prepared."

"Theoretically, fairies have the ability to use magic, but now they still need to guard against magic."

The fairy's greatest weapon is the use of magic.

Fairies are even more talented in magic than elves, and their opponent is still a Level 8 Fairy. If you expect the opponent to not be able to use magic, it is just like expecting Riveria to kill the black dragon with her bare hands. Nonsense.

Therefore, from the beginning, the enemy must be treated as if he were an elf and can be treated with demons.

"As for magic... you may really need to be on guard against it."

Loki couldn't say "you don't need to defend against magic", because even if it is a filthy fairy, it is still a fairy. How can you call it a fairy if you don't know magic?


When I think about facing such a level 7 or even level 8 fairy Finn who is good at magic, I feel that there is a possibility of the team being wiped out. Even if Haruhime is brought along, it will be difficult to use her "level improvement" to increase their chances of winning.

"Finn, you don't need to be particularly anxious about this problem. I will help you ask that boy if there is any way. Even if I can't help you block all the magic attacks, at least you can withstand most of them. It won't be a big problem.

Looking at Finn's sad face, Loki comforted him.

Although Loki cannot guarantee that all magic will be blocked, he can definitely reduce most of the damage.

"...…..All right.

There is no other good way now. Finn also knows that they must calculate this budget. Otherwise, if they are really unlucky and meet the fairy in the dungeon, if they are not prepared, they may not be able to do it. A way to come back alive.

"But Loki, this should be an additional expense."

"What level of props are needed to withstand Level 7 or even Level 8 magic? The value is probably not low."


Loki had completely forgotten about this incident. He had to pay for this.

After the tension eased a little, Finn also adjusted his mental state.

"what about others?"

"Something else? What else?"

Seeing that Loki really didn't react, Finn covered his face helplessly.

"It's not just a fairy thing, right?"

"I just saw that your reaction to not seeing Ais was not like your usual disappointment, and you were relieved when you didn't see Ais. This is not like your usual behavior, Loki.

Loki's whole body froze when her entire reaction was directly pointed out, which made her smile bitterly and didn't know how to hide it.

However, originally this was something that could not be concealed.

"Actually, in addition to investigating the fairies as a third-party force in the dungeon, that boy also confirmed the private soldiers hidden by the guild in the dungeon."


Finn, who was just about to take a sip of wine and wait for Loki's answer, burst into laughter when he heard "Guild" and "Private Soldier".

I thought I was mentally prepared enough, but when faced with the problem of the guild's private soldiers, Finn still couldn't hold back and spit out a mouthful of wine.

Finn was stunned for several seconds before wiping the corners of his mouth, and then turned to Loki with a look of shock and incomprehension.

"Loki, did I hear you correctly? You just said that the guild has private soldiers in the dungeon?"

"That's right."

Facing this "yes" Finn was completely speechless. He couldn't help but ask himself in his mind, did it take that long for us to go to the dungeon this time?"

Having just come out of the dungeon, we were faced with such a complicated problem, and even the private soldiers of the guild were involved.

This is no small matter, but a major event that can detonate the entire Orario.

"Are we involved too?"

Loki really couldn't look at Finn's face at this moment.

This silent answer made Finn helplessly look at the ceiling. This could be said to be a more dangerous situation for their clan than the previous question.

"Loki, please tell me about the guild's private soldiers first."

Finn regained his composure, and since there was no way to avoid it, he would face it directly.

"Actually...this is also the answer that the boy guessed.

"Because the fairy's fetus needs energy, it must have been placed in a secret place, but the guild found out the location and entrusted the Ganesha family to retrieve it."

When Loki said this, Finn was instantly awakened.

"The information that the guild knows is too detailed. The woman Ais faced would never leave the fetus in a place where it could be snatched away. But the guild knows such detailed information. If it weren't for the people of the guild, I won’t know the details of the woman’s actions when I found her in the dungeon.”

Although Finn made the same guess as Bell at this time, this guess was still a month late.

Perhaps because he didn't believe that the guild had its own power in the dungeon, Finn didn't think about it from that perspective from the beginning.

Loki nodded slightly. Of course she believed that Fenn could figure it out as long as she was given some clues, but it was still a little late to figure out the answer. Moreover, Fenn probably couldn't figure out who the guild's private soldiers in the dungeon were. What.

"Finn, what do you think the guild's private soldiers are?"

Finn frowned, thinking about this question carefully. (Winning the King)

"The first thing to rule out is Orario's dependents. If they are not active in the dungeon, they would not give such detailed information to the guild."

"Secondly, according to that woman's strength, no one with normal strength can escape her perception.

"Unless it's a special exception like Mr. Bell, I think the guild's private soldiers must stay in the dungeon for a long time."

This guess is correct, but Finn can only guess this far.

Loki was not disappointed either, because she didn't expect the answer to be so outrageous at first.

"That's right, that kid also confirmed that the guild has private soldiers in the dungeon, and that kid also directly guessed the identity of the guild's private soldiers from the second point you raised.


"To be precise, it is a monster with normal human rationality and thinking ability. The guild calls it a "heretic". "

This answer stunned Finn for a long time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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