I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 276 Reunion Across Time

The memory of the past was like a fire burning in her chest.

Recently, Aisi often dreams about the days when her mother held her and told her stories.

At that time, she was still like an innocent child, and her smile was not as rare as it is now, and it was always on her face.

But a sudden change completely changed her life.

An accident caused her to lose her father and mother, and her childhood completely changed.

She used to be just an innocent little girl. It is a girl's nature to like fairy tales, and stories about medical heroes were her favorite.

But that incident caused the innocent little girl to completely lose the smile on her face. Her love for fairy tales has turned into a sharp edge, and her innocence has been changed by the reality of the dungeon.

Looking at her hands now, she saw that they were already stained with the blood of monsters due to the sharp blades, and there were too many bones at her feet.

She doesn't look like a normal person now, she's just a doll that almost collapsed in revenge for "one, two, three".


The voice engraved in Aisi's heart suddenly sounded in her ears.

Even Riveria, who was holding Aisi, heard that familiar voice and that familiar face.

Wearing a pure white dress, her plump figure was tightly wrapped in the clothes. She didn't feel the slightest bit of lust, but she had the aura of a married woman.

The better face and gentle smile make the face that resembles Ais look more mature and charming, especially the long golden hair like a waterfall, which is simply shining in this dungeon.


Riveria looked at the woman in front of her and unconsciously blurted out a name.

After a moment of confusion, Riveria immediately picked up the wand and pointed it at the woman.

"You can't be Arya! Arya is already...Ais!"

Before Riveria could use magic, Aisi in her arms had already held down her hand in advance.

I saw that Ais, who had been obedient just now, had grabbed Riveria's hand.

She didn't speak, just turned around quickly.

That familiar figure made Aisi's eyes quickly turn red, and water quickly accumulated in her red eyes.


Someone she could only see in her dreams appeared before her eyes.

Aisi knew that the person in front of her was fake, but she still couldn't help the emotions bursting in her chest.

"Ace...my lovely daughter."

The woman smiled softly. She did not open her hands, but looked at Ais tenderly.

That gentle gaze pierced the strongest barrier in Aisi's heart, made her nose sore, and made her lose all resistance.

"Have you eaten well in all these years?"


Her mother's gentle words made Aisi no longer able to control her emotions.

Just when she was about to pounce, someone grabbed her hand.

Ais turned her head and saw Riveria's solemn expression.

"Ais, don't be fooled, it's an illusion!"

"let me go.…………."

"Ais, that's...

"I know it's an illusion! Let go quickly!?"

Aisi's emotions couldn't help but burst out, and her last words even made her cry.

She knew the person in front of her was fake.

But even if it was fake, she still had emotions that she couldn't control.


Riveria was unfamiliar with Ais like this, but she couldn't let go of Ais and let her pounce on her.


The woman's voice came faintly, causing Riveria, who was holding Ais's hand, to tremble.

"You have to catch Ais very well. This child has always been paranoid. If no one is around to hold her back, this child may fall into a whirlpool of trouble."

The woman always had a gentle smile on her face, and her eyes when looking at Aisi were full of love, but she was also very restrained.

Such a discovery caused a crack in Riveria's firm thoughts just now.


Even she felt at this moment that the person in front of her might not be fake.

"Riveria, hold Ais tightly and don't let her rush over.

The emphasis in the woman's gentle words made Riveria calm down, and she immediately grabbed Ais harder.

And Ais also froze in place at the woman's words.

The woman didn't show any sadness, she just looked at her daughter tenderly.

"Have you had a good meal these years?"

"Remember to sleep well every day and not stay up late all the time."

"There are many unknown dangers in the dungeon. You can't always rush forward and you have to be more careful."

Listening to those gentle words, Zai couldn't control his emotions, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Perhaps because she didn't want to appear too sad, Aisi held back her tears.

"Hahaha, you are so old, are you still crying so much? Aisi."

Suddenly a hand was placed on her head, followed by a burst of hearty and loving laughter.

This voice once again made Aisi's body stiffen. She slowly turned her head to the side, and what she saw was the same nostalgic person as her mother...


Wearing a lightweight armor, there is a seemingly ordinary sword on his back, but only those who know will understand that this weapon is definitely sharper than everyone imagines.

The man's handsome face showed unspeakable fortitude, but at this moment, the man only felt relief and kindness.

The man patted Aisi's head casually, with some relief in his smile, but some helplessness in his words.

"Watching you grow up is originally a very happy thing, but seeing you, a little girl, start to be stained with blood like me, is really the last thing a father wants to see.

"Listen carefully to what your mother said. The underground city is much more dangerous than you think."

After the man said this, he walked over to the woman.

"Arya, I really didn't expect that we would see Ais here."

"Yeah. I thought I had no chance, but I didn't expect that I could still see the grown-up Ais.

The couple didn't show that much sentimentality because their time was running out.

Immediately, the couple reached Aisi at the same time, but at this moment, some changes occurred in the couple's bodies. Their normal skin color began to turn purple-black, and they gradually became less like normal people.

But even so, the kindness on their faces did not change at all.

"Ais, the next time you see us is when you prove to us that you can survive.

"The chicks will one day fly into the sky, and the children will one day continue walking on the shoulders of their parents."

"Bring your best 0.4 friends, bring your most powerful partners, find us, surpass us, and let us see your growth.

"do you understand?"

Ais couldn't control her tears at this moment.

She got it.

Mom and dad have been waiting for her in the dungeon.

She wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. Even if they looked completely different, she still knew that her father and mother were still the ones she was most familiar with.

Therefore, she also has to make a commitment to her father and mother at this moment.

She did not rush forward blindly like before, but pressed her left hand on her chest.

"Dad...Mom...I will definitely find you, and I will definitely let you see how I grow."

"Please wait for me!"

Both men and women smiled happily.

"Oh, we'll be waiting!"

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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