I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 288 The Loki Familia Is Also Very Lively Today

"The direction of support is actually attack, defense, treatment and opportunity."

"In this case, I need to understand the characteristics of many people and learn more about the monsters, which will cost a lot in the rear."

Here Bell paused for a moment.

The money spent is not the focus, the focus is still on the mentality.

With the business of making rune stones being a sure profit, the problem of making money is not that big. At most, it takes a cycle to make money. Only after the buyer has consumed all the rune stones can he continue to make money.

However, this period of stable income allows Bell to bid farewell to the poverty in the past.

The real problem is the thought put into it.

"No wonder Orario needs the Familia."

"No wonder Orario's deep crusade is organized within the family members. The team's tacit understanding cannot be compared to a temporary team."

So Bell has completely given up on this issue.

After all, the Hestia Familia he belongs to will theoretically not have any other adventurers joining him. He doesn't need it, and he won't trust those adventurers either.

Rather than trusting a guy who doesn't know where he comes from, it's better to put more thought into it.

"If that's the case, then we need to contact the members of the Loki Familia first."

"Let's go talk to Captain Finn first."

Mobility is one of Bell's creeds.

Closing the handwritten notebook in his hand, Bell left his room and prepared to go to the Loki Familia.

"Mr. Bell, are you going out?"

When I walked out of the room and came to the living room, I heard Lord Kamigami's voice.

When Bell's gaze shifted, Master Gogami was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a book as usual. It seemed that Hestia had liked reading books from before. Since he had the financial conditions, Master Gogami I often buy a lot of books from outside and come back to read them.

Maybe he can bring some books back to Lord God.

Bell wrote this idea down and will buy some souvenirs when he goes out for shopping next time. I just don’t know what kind of books Shangshen likes to read, and I don’t know what kind of books Shangshen has read.

"I'm going to have a look at Lord Kamigami's library next time. Maybe I can find some books that Lord Kamigami likes to read next time."

After his thoughts passed, Bell didn't let Lord God wait for long and answered quickly.

"Well, I'm going to go to the Loki Familia."

"Hey~ Is it Loki's side again?"

Hestia was immediately unhappy when she heard that Mr. Bell was going to Loki's family. She felt that Mr. Bell had been going to Loki's side too frequently recently.

This made Hestia relax her legs that were crossed just now, and looked at Mr. Bell slightly unhappy with a puffy face and asked.

"Bell-kun, are you going to find the fox from Loki's family?"

"No, no. It's better to go talk to Captain Finn about something."

Bell quickly denied that his relationship with Sanjono Haruhime was really not to the point where he needed to deliberately find someone. Although the same thing happened last time, Bell had fewer relationships with Sanjono besides that one time. Haruhime's contact.

"Recently, I found that I have lost a direction on the way forward. Based on the advice Hephaestus gave me the day before yesterday, I plan to try to go in the direction of support.

"Assistant...ah, no wonder you want Loki's side."

Hestia then understood the reason why Mr. Bell was going to Loki's side, but she also remembered that Mr. Bell was not good at contacting other people. He said that he did not trust any adventurer.

"Isn't it okay with the Loki children? Mr. Bell, didn't you say you don't trust other adventurers?"

"What I hate is just the intrigue between adventurers. I don't believe them because I don't understand and am not sure whether they will choose to betray. I will still choose to cooperate with adventurers when necessary, not to mention Loki The family members and we are also in the same boat."

Bell never trusts adventurers, that is, he doesn't trust ordinary adventurers.

He knows that people's hearts are different from each other, and it is definitely right to never trust anyone gullibly.

But if it is an adventurer with related interests and the same interests, Bell will still choose to believe it, such as the Loki Familia.

Hestia thought about it and felt that she was right. At least the children of the Loki family were more trustworthy than the wild adventurers outside.

"Yes, the children of the Loki family are at least much better in quality than the children of other families."

"But there are also many outstanding girls in the Loki family."

Hestia's eyes became sharp at this moment.

Faced with this statement, Bell was helpless. After all, there was no way to deny it.

"That's true. Both the "Nine Demon Princess" and the "Sword Princess" are excellent girls. "

"Mr. Bell, you still say that."

Hestia's lovely face slowly puffed up, as if she was reminding Bell that she was angry, and she quickly opened her hands.

Bell helplessly came to Lord Shangshen and expressed his apology.

Bell is already familiar with the Loki Familia, which also means that the top brass of the Loki Familia are used to his inexplicable appearance.

Traces of the battle can be seen in the central field, as well as the ground cut open by slashes.

I saw many people standing around in the courtyard of the Loki Familia, and the people arguing in the center were "Wolf" Burt and "Great Cutoff" Tiona.

With Lord God's blessing, Bell went to the Luji Familia.

Bell could feel the power of Level 5 at a casual glance, but what he felt more deeply about was the girl standing on the other side, "Sword Queen" Ais Wallenstein.

"Ha!? Didn't you (Li Zhao), you stinky woman, not respond to order just now?"

"Burt, it's not that Ais was too harsh, it's that you reacted too slowly."

But as soon as I walked into Loki Familia Bell today, I felt that the atmosphere was a little heated.

"Shit! You stinky woman just want to cause trouble for me, right?"

"I will."

..... How dare you, Bert, dare to talk about me!? Isn't it the same for you? And I can react much faster than you. "

However, the sound of the two men quarreling also attracted Bell's attention, causing him to seek medical advice.

"Hey! Ace, you are too harsh."

There is a "stinky woman" on the left and a "stinky woman" on the right. This allows Bell to know who the speaker is even if he doesn't get close.

Of course, most of the time Bell will not meet other people. Unless it is an unexpected meeting due to that kind of meeting, otherwise the people Bell will meet after coming to the Loki Familia are actually the leader Finn and the main god Loki. base.

"...[Mr. Bell, remember to come back early."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Three minutes later, a blushing Hestia accepted Mr. Bell's apology with satisfaction.

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