I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 290 Almost Found

So strong!

Tiona had a very clear feeling at this moment.

When fighting against Aisi, it was clear that her strength was much inferior to her at Level 5, but now she suddenly distanced herself.

She had obviously used all her strength, but she was caught by Ais so easily, and after blocking Ais' attack, she still felt her hands were numb.

This feeling is not only felt by Tiona, but also by Bert, who keeps attacking with speed.

I am no match for Ais in terms of speed.

Bert, who is good at kicking, is best at speed fighting, but now his speed fighting has no effect on Ais.

All attacks were easily seen through, and they were even counterattacked at a faster speed. They were still unable to resist in the areas where they were good at.

"This is Level 6."

At this moment, Bert deeply felt the gap in strength brought about by the gap in level.

The powerful crushing speed and strength, the amazing insight and amazing countermeasures, even one-on-one can be done with ease.

He would never forget Ais' magic.

But now Aisi can easily overwhelm him and Tiona even without using magic, let alone the difference after using magic.

In the past, Finn, Grace and Riveria had never experienced such a battle with him. Even if they had experienced it, they could not feel the difference across levels. But now Ais has just upgraded her level, so this The feeling is the most intuitive.

Faced with the attacks from the two men, Ais was very calm.

After leveling up, she can see the battle situation more clearly, and her vision and senses have become more sensitive than before, which also allows her to face the attacks of Bert and Tiona more calmly.

"The strength is much greater and the speed has become faster."


The unconscious wind made Aisi's consciousness pause for a moment, and her eyes quickly looked somewhere in the crowd.

Her eyes saw no one, and even her feelings told her that there was no one there, but the wind told her that there was a person standing there.

"What's wrong, Si?"

When Bert and Tiona saw Ace's gaze shift, they stopped and looked in the direction of Ace's gaze, but all they saw were people from the Familia, and they didn't notice anything strange.

"There's someone hiding."

"I can't see it with my eyes, I can't feel it, but the wind tells me... hmm?"

Halfway through her words, Aisi suddenly paused. She immediately increased Feng's senses, trying to find the hidden person, but at this moment, even Feng couldn't be found.

.......cannot be found. "

Unable to see, feel, or even catch the wind, Aisi didn't know who the hidden person was, but she knew she needed to find that person.

"Can't find it?"

Tiona looked around confusedly, but she couldn't see anything.

But Bert looked thoughtfully at the place where Ais pointed just now.

"Is it that guy?"

"Huh? Burt, who are you talking about?"

"Stop talking and come with me."

If it is really that guy, then there is only one place for that guy to go now.


On the other side, Bell left the courtyard and was on his way to Captain Finn's office.

"What a surprise. I didn't expect the 'Sword Princess' who was promoted to Level 6 to notice my presence. I really didn't expect the issue of wind."

Although it was unexpected, he quickly made up for this flaw.

"Earth, wind, fire, water, and thunder are all elements that can capture tangible things like me. I have to be more careful in the future."

His eyes couldn't catch him, and he felt like he couldn't catch him, but in the end he was found by the elements. This really gave him a wake-up call.

In addition, someone seems to have discovered his identity.

The three fast-moving footsteps below could confirm their purpose from the sound.

Bell stopped and waited in the corridor for a while, then saw three figures quickly passing through the center of the corridor.

Bell glanced at the three people passing by.

"Not only is it strong, but its reaction speed is also not slow. It aimed directly at Captain Finn's office and it was immediately confirmed that it was me?"

Bell was not surprised, nor was it surprising that Level 5 had such a reaction, not to mention that the "Ferocious Wolf" among the three people had met him, so it was probably because the "Ferocious Wolf" discovered his identity.

Feeling relaxed, he strolled towards Captain Finn's office.

The conversation inside can be heard from outside.

"...Finn is a person who cannot see or feel, but the wind tells me that he has always been hidden.

...Please give me flowers...

"It's Mr. Bell, so don't worry about it."

Bell did not open the door directly and go in, but waited at the door for the conversation inside to end.

"Mr. Bell must have something going on, but being able to find Mr. Bell, Ais, you have really become stronger."

.......The wind just found him for a moment, and then disappeared. "

"That's right. It seems that Mr. Bell found himself found by your wind, so he found a way to escape from the wind's search."

You really understand me.

Bell couldn't help but sigh outside. He didn't know if his performance was too comprehensive, which made Captain Finn have such thoughts.

But in fact Captain Finn's guess was correct.

He did know that the "Sword Queen"'s wind could find him, so he quickly took measures to hide it.


Just add a message of deception to the outer layer of the body, so the power of God Loki.

Although Bell is not capable of deceiving the world, it is more than enough to deceive a gust of wind.

"Ace, Bert, Tiona, you can continue to go back and train. If Mr. Bell comes, he will find me soon, or go to find Loki."

"You can go to Loki's place and have a look."

Not long after I heard these words outside, the office door was opened, and the people who came out were still the same three anxious groups.

Bell waited until they were far away before knocking gently on the door.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Come in, Mr. Bell.

After getting permission, Bell opened the door and went in.

"Good afternoon, Captain Finn."

Finn asked with some teasing as he held his chin.

"Have you ever thought about being discovered by Ace, Mr. Bell?"

"I was really surprised. I was sure that I couldn't see or even feel my presence, but I was caught by the characteristics of the wind. I was really surprised when I was noticed, but Fortunately, my reaction was faster, otherwise the "Sword Princess" would have discovered my special skills. "

Faced with the ridicule, Bell just showed some helplessness, and he was almost caught by the "Sword Queen" because of his skill.

After the emotional display, Bell became more serious.

"Captain Finn, I am here this time hoping to get help from the Loki Familia.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a three-price review.

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