I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 292 Almost Punched And Sent Back To Heaven

Regarding the fact that he was already Level 3, Bell chose to temporarily hide it. After all, there was no need to deliberately explain his level. There was no problem in hiding part of the facts if he could conceal it.

Apart from his true level, Bell actually did not hide anything.

He is really accumulating "ability points".

He also hopes to accumulate enough "great deeds" for upgrades during the expedition in the near future.

Soon a series of hurried footsteps came. It sounded like four people, so they must have handed someone over.

If you don't consider the setting of the rattle, the work efficiency of the Amazon girl is indeed very high.

The door of the office was knocked open again. Bell subconsciously glanced at Captain Finn and saw his very calm and unruffled face. Bell confirmed that this family member always had such a tough style when entering the door.

"Finn, I heard that boy...ah! It's really your boy!"

After hearing the sound, Bell noticed that the person who broke in was not the Amazon "Angry Snake" just now, but the god Loki.

Bell looked at the way God Loki was gnashing his teeth at 27, and he knew that God Loki still remembered what happened last time.

"Long time no see, God Loki."

"Long time no see you!"

As he said that, God Loki immediately took a step towards him, even preparing to punch him directly in the face.

Bell gently raised his hand, pressed his wrist lightly against God Loki's fist, brushed past God Loki with his body, and lightly tapped God Loki's waist with his other hand.

Loki felt his body go numb, and his feet were soft and he leaned forward.

Just when the "ferocious wolf" was about to catch her, a hand passed through God Loki's abdomen and lifted her up, face down of course.

"God Loki, you are too impulsive."

Bell placed Loki face down on the sofa.

God Loki, who had difficulty turning his body, still turned his body hard and stared at him with vicious eyes.

"You bullied my fox, and you still dare to say such things!"

This statement gave Bell a headache.

"Didn't I just take two steps back when I was doing something? Do you need to target me like this?"

"Hmph! Brat, what you're doing is flirting but not taking action. It's simply the behavior of a scumbag."

I didn’t flirt either!

Don’t you know if Bell wiped it? But the problem is that he really didn’t try to seduce the girl’s heart of Sanjono Haruhime. There is a god in his family, so he wouldn’t do something so tasteless. things.

But Bell apparently didn't realize that he actually wiped it.

The words he said that day were the most seductive means.

As well as the life-saving grace that day, the simple-minded little fox will remember these two things for the rest of his life.

But I don’t think that’s flirting with girls.

It can only be said that this is a cognitive gap.

"Then if I go by what you said, does that mean I've wiped you out? Then do I still have to be responsible for you?"

"Tch! You are not a cute girl. Even if you have to take responsibility, I will find the delicate and soft-bodied Aisitan to take responsibility."


A gust of wind blew by, and a fist hit God Loki directly on the head.

Bell saw the whole process of the fist falling, but he subconsciously took two steps back and used his actions to prove that the punch just now was not from him.

Glancing at the completely silent "Loki", Bell couldn't help but admire the accuracy of the "Swordswoman"'s attack. She knocked out Loki with just one punch, and she didn't trigger the shackles of death and was killed. Send directly to heaven.

With this level of control, I am afraid that even with several years of experience, I will not be able to achieve such a precise fainting.

Bell looked carefully at God Loki's head, and it was obvious that there was a swelling.

It seems that the attack is still too heavy.

But Finn pressed his head helplessly.

"Ais, you are too harsh."

Only then did Ais react belatedly. Looking at Loki who fainted, she quickly put her hand on Loki's neck. The pulse was beating very slowly, but it was still beating.

"Loki is alive."

As she spoke, Ais gave Finn a reassuring look, but Finn didn't feel the slightest bit at ease, so he could only ask another person.

"Mr. Bell, please help check on Loki's condition."

Bell glanced briefly and gave Captain Finn a reassuring look.

"There's nothing wrong. I just fainted after being hit hard on the head. But according to the intensity of the attack by "Sword Princess", without treatment, God Loki may need to sleep for a few days before he can recover."


Ais looked at her fist with a question mark on her face. She clearly controlled her strength.

""Sword Princess", you probably haven't forgotten to level up, right?"


Aisi was silent for a moment, and then she realized that she had used her hand based on past experience. The force just now was Level 5, but now it was Level 6, maybe the force was too much.

Like a child who has done something wrong, Ais hid her hands behind her back, looking at a loss.

Seeing the "Sword Lady"'s behavior, Si'er couldn't help but feel amused.

"If the people of Orario 080 were to see a style like "Sword Princess", maybe no one would call her a "doll". "

"But "Sword Princess", I advise you not to attack God Loki until you can completely control your power. With your strength, if you use a little more force, maybe the "emergency life-saving switch" in God Loki's body They are all opened by you. "

As she spoke, Aisi hid her hands behind her back and shook her head repeatedly.

"It was an accident."

Bell didn't really care whether it was an accident or not. He gently shook his fingers in the air, and the swelling on Loki's head gradually disappeared.

"So I told you to pay attention. The bodies of the gods in the lower world are almost on the same level as Zero. If you don't send people back to the heaven by accident, you Loki Familia will be in misery."

"Of course, the more important thing is that if God Loki knew that she returned to heaven because of her dependents, maybe she would really have no face to come out to see others."

Being angry and subconsciously punched by his own child sent him back to the heaven. It is estimated that many gods will laugh like crazy after God Loki is really sent back to the heaven for this reason.

"I guess God-sama would definitely laugh at God Loki for three days and three nights if he knew about it."

After being told this, Ais really didn't dare to move casually now.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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