I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 294 Definition Of “Acceptance”

After checking God Loki, who was unconscious again, it was confirmed that her life was not in any danger, and even the injuries on her body were very minor. Bell couldn't help but marvel at the experience of "Nine Demon Queens".

"Being able to target the most painful parts of God Loki's body, and even causing the greatest damage with the slightest degree of injury, is an experience that would never have been possible if he hadn't been exercising all year round.

"Although the "Nine Demon Queens" are the forts within the clan, their melee combat skills are not bad at all. "

Riveria, who was praised, smiled modestly:

"The main thing is not that I have talent in this area, the main thing is that some people often do stupid things, and they always have to be taught a lesson."

After saying that, his eyes kept glancing at God Loki, and now everyone knew the reason.

What can Bell say about this? Of course, he just praises the behavior of "Nine Demon Queens".

It is estimated that it is difficult for any girl to accept Loki's hobbies, but this is considered a relatively normal thing. After all, not everyone can accept lilies blooming everywhere.

If God Loki were a man, maybe this situation would be different.

Of course, such an idea only circulated in Bell's mind, and it was just a speculation and conjecture.

"It's just that I suggest that Deputy Captain Riveria should restrain some of your...education behavior towards God Loki in the future, especially try to control the "Sword Queen"'s attacks on God Loki. Your Majesty, God Luo I don't always have that kind of luck. "

"As a switch in a god's body, it is very unstable. Once the switch confirms that the god is under life threat, it will immediately send the god back to heaven.

"Perhaps you can first teach "Sword Girl" how to use your techniques to teach God Loki a lesson. "

In fact, Riveria's attack methods are really cruel. They all aim at the painful places and hit them. The hits are not very heavy, but they will produce very painful effects.

This skill is truly amazing. I don’t know how much harassment a fort magician would have to endure before he could find so many painful spots on God Loki’s body.

Bell took one last look at the fainted God Loki, and felt a candle for this goddess in his heart. There was an elder in the family who was watching, and I was afraid that this goddess would not have to think about a good future in the future.

Then there is "(chac) Sword Princess".

Bell took a casual glance and found that there was still shyness on the other person's face. It seemed to be the sequelae of being taken advantage of by God Loki, and he was still quite full of emotions.

As for whether this emotion became so rich after meeting the projection of his parents, or whether it had always been so rich before and was just a matter of suppressing the expression of the emotion acquired, Bell didn't care too much.

There is no need to dig too much into a person's past unless it is necessary.

Bell then set his sights on the three people who assisted him, Raul, who was mediocre in talent and also had the title of "Super Ordinary Man", Cassandra and Daphne.

Except for Raul who is Lv. 4, Cassandra and Daphne are both Lv. 2. However, since it is just assistance and testing, the assistant does not need to have such a high level. A high-level adventurer is enough. The other two are here to test diversity.

"Now that the chores have been taken care of, I will take the people there first. The test should be done before night, and I will send everyone back safely before night.

Finn is naturally not worried about Raul's safety.

"Bell-kun, you only need one day?"

"Well, my test itself does not require a lot of time. It mainly focuses on the individual. The test is what different types of people need different assistance. And it is the first time to test, so it does not take much time. a lot of."

What Bell wants this time is nothing more than experience in big data, rather than detailed help to individuals. If it is really refined to that point, it will not be possible in a short time.

"The testing of weapons and individuals is just a general direction this time."

"After all, my support is not achieved overnight, I also need a lot of actual combat as experience support.

Finn didn't know much about the test, but today was just a rough test and he understood it.

"I understand, I will have Raul and the others on standby at any time in the next few days."

"Thank you so much."

Bell looked back at the three people who were being tested, and with a wave of his hand, the space crack swallowed all three of them together.

"See you tonight, Captain Finn."

After saying hello, Bell himself walked into the space crack and disappeared without a trace in the office.


"This kind of magic is so convenient."

Seeing Raul, the three of them and Mr. Bell disappearing so easily, Finn couldn't help but sigh.

This kind of space magic must have great potential in Fenn's opinion. Even if it is not an expedition, this kind of space magic can also play an amazing role in battle.

What's even more frightening is that Bell, who uses space magic, has no intention of reciting incantations. He even uses magic at his fingertips. This makes Finn guess that this space magic is a combination of runes.

Such convenient magic really reminded Finn of what happened to Riveria in the Magic Kingdom.

"Riveria, do you think Mr. Bell will be targeted by the Magic Kingdom?"

"Do you think that kid would accept the threat?"

"Accept" is enough to express Riveria's attitude.

"Acceptance" means making some choices based on one's own will, so using the word "acceptance" for the Magic Kingdom already explains everything.

Because "acceptance" is selective, you can choose to "accept", and naturally you can also choose "not to accept."

Since the person being threatened can choose "not to accept", will the threat from the Magic Kingdom have any effect?

"If Mr. Bell knew about the Magic Kingdom and knew that he was being targeted, then with Mr. Bell's hiding methods, maybe even the upper echelons of the Magic Kingdom are dead and they don't even know how he died."

"Even if he is a god, he still has the same attitude. He uses "bitch" to describe the god Ishtar. In this way, he will not accept threats from any party.

"Now I hope the Magic Kingdom can be smarter."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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