I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 305 The Road Ahead Is Difficult

Before the Loki Familia officially begins their expedition, they will polish their "ability values" to the extreme, and even before the Loki Familia's expedition, they will polish their "ability values" to the extreme, and then find the "great cause" to break through Level 3.

But this is the most ideal situation. Bell doesn't know if he can polish his "ability value" to Lv. 2 within a limited time.

"Mr. Bell, if this happens, you will probably be very tired for a while."

Hearing what Bell said, Hestia actually knew in her heart that Bell would still do it even if she stopped her.

It turned out that Hestia's guess was correct.

"I may have been a little tired recently, but it is necessary to be a little tired. After all, in addition to the problem of crossing the black dragon, we also need to prevent some thoughts of God Freya on this road."

"The best thing about this expedition is to find the clone of the Filthy Fairy deep underground and use it to increase the overall strength of the Loki Familia. As long as Orario is not the only one in the Freya Familia, Freya will The influence of the Yajuan clan will be reduced a lot."

"In order to achieve this goal, I also need to improve some success rates."

When talking about this issue, the expression on Bell's face was not as cheerful as before, because he thought God Freya was a big trouble.

Although power is a simple thing, sometimes such a simple thing can affect the entire situation.

Therefore, the most powerful power of the Yajuan tribe, Zhang Lali, cannot be ignored.

"If there is not enough time, I will choose to give up temporarily. After all, I cannot ignore the entire future because of my short-term strength. But if it can be done, I still hope to polish the "ability value" before the expedition.

Bell actually knew very well that being too anxious would be bad for his future, so he also set a limit for himself. If he cannot completely polish his "ability" before the expedition, then he will not choose to use radical methods.

Moreover, upgrading is just to add some security to your plan. But even if you can't do that, you don't need to worry so much. At least Bell is very confident about this plan. Even the current situation is enough to face many situations.

Therefore, you will not rush into your future just to increase the success rate of your plan.

"Ah... In this case, you will be busy again."

In fact, Hestia really wanted Bell to stay with her for a while, and she also wanted to act coquettishly towards Bell. It took a lot of effort to achieve this.

Hephaestus couldn't help but sigh in her heart, but she knew that this was the fate of adventurers.

"Sorry, Hestia, Hephaestus."

In fact, Bell doesn't have any good solutions for these things. Now he has really caught up with the critical period of his growth. At least before the expedition, he should have no time to rest. You have to arrange time every day, and you can't delay your own growth time.

"Ah, no need to apologize, Mr. Bell"

Hestia quickly interrupted what Bell was saying.

"We all know that you have been preparing for expedition-related matters recently, and you have to prepare to execute that plan during the expedition, which will definitely cost more energy."

"Now you need to focus on the things in front of you, and wait until you come back from the expedition to talk about other things.

"Yes, you still need to focus on yourself now."

Hephaestus also recognized this very much, and also hoped that Bell could focus on his plan.

"Freya's threat and Loki's agreement mean that you need to do more things in this expedition than you can even say. You need to focus more on yourself."

"I know."

In fact, the fetus Bell of the Filthy Fairy has already been researched. He can fully control the fetus. It can be said that he has made all the preparations. The only thing left is to see whether the Loki Familia can withstand the pressure. .

After the spirit passed, Bell lay limply on Hephaestus' lap.

"So, this is the only time you can relax before the expedition.

After being serious for a while, I fell into depression again.

Following this, a strong sense of sleepiness swept over him.

Perhaps it's because the relaxing atmosphere at home is so good, and the fatigue of the whole day has accumulated at this moment.

After a while, Bell fell directly into sleep. His even breathing made the two goddesses look at Bell sleeping on his stomach with distress.

…Please give me flowers…

"That's why I said it will definitely be very tiring."

Ever since she stopped Bell from using runes to sleep, Hestia had often seen this phenomenon of falling asleep as soon as she lay down.

Hephaestus also shook his head slightly and said:

"This is Bell's choice. He knew from the beginning that this road was not going to be easy, and he needed to make too many preparations. This situation would inevitably occur."

"Of course I know, it's just...

"It goes without saying that if you know, what our gods can do is to assist. What he is doing now is to change the situation of Orario, and it is also related to the future of the three of us. To appease his fatigue is what we can do now It’s the best thing to do.”

As he spoke, Hephaestus gently pulled up Bell, who was sleeping on her lap, and pulled him onto the bed so that he could sleep next to her.

"Hestia, I'm sorry for the magic stone lamp."

"Hmm~ I'll let you turn off the lights next time.

Despite her complaints, Hestia still went to the door and turned off the magic stone lamp.

In the room that lost the light, only the moonlight could still shine into the room. Fortunately, there was still moonlight that could shine into the room, otherwise the room would have been so dark that I wouldn't even be able to see my hands.

Hestia turned off the magic stone lamp and returned to bed in the dark.

After finding his position, he slowly closed his eyes next to Bell who was sleeping in the middle.

The time came the next morning.

After a night's rest, Bell's tired mental state completely recovered. All the fatigue was left behind yesterday, but Bell felt that the reason why he could recover so quickly was because of the two goddesses around him.

Bell sat up and kissed Hestia and Hephaestus lightly on their faces.

"Good morning, Hephaestus, Hestia."

As for the rest, there is no need to say more.

Although the heartbeats of the two goddesses still did not fluctuate at all, after an experience, Bell knew that the two goddesses had woken up.

But Bell didn't say anything. He smiled and sat up from the bed. A new day had begun and he had to get busy again.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me valuable reviews.

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