I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 311 Killing The Floor Master

The force of the counter-shock was so strong that Bell almost dropped the dagger in his hand.

Suddenly feeling a gust of wind approaching, Bell grabbed the dagger in his hand and jumped away quickly.


The mountain-like hand slapped his neck with such force that even Bell could feel it as he jumped away.

Before his feet could stand firmly on Goliath's body, he started to tilt. Bell squatted down with a calm look in his eyes, and stabbed Goliath's body directly with the dagger in his hand.


This time the dagger did not bounce off the skin, but stabbed directly into Goliath's subcutaneous tissue.

Almost instantly, a purple trace appeared on Goliath's skin, and it was still spreading rapidly to the surroundings. But after it spread to the surroundings, the spread was contained.

Seeing this scene, Bell, who felt the angle under his feet getting more and more tilted, put away his dagger and quickly left Goliath's body.


At this time, the two goddesses in the Hestia Familia were staring intently at the projected image.

"This is what Goliath looks like."

Hestia had only seen Goliath like this in books before, but this was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

"This is also the first time I have seen Goliath on the 27th floor of the 17th floor."

Being so tall but with such speed, Hephaestus felt that if Bell hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been slapped to death by Goliath.

"It's big, powerful, fast, and can even use sonic magic. The Floor Master is indeed no ordinary monster."

But Hephaestus felt a little subtle, and even had a strange thought: "Is this really Goliath?"


After landing, Bell quickly retreated facing Goliath, his eyes fixed on the location where he had just been scratched by the "Hydra Dagger".

"It actually controlled the poison around the injured area to prevent it from spreading."

"Blood of Hydra" can affect even monsters' magic stones, but Bell didn't expect that Goliath would use this method to limit the poison to a certain area to minimize the impact of the poison.

However, even knowing this, Bell did not intend to replace the "Hydra Dagger", but continued to take an offensive stance.

Quickly rushing towards the foot where Goliath had just stood, Bell raised the dagger in his hand and aimed it at Goliath's ankle.


The fluctuations like a small earthquake made Bell's face change slightly, and the accompanying sound waves allowed him to determine what kind of attack it was. Bell quickly gave up attacking Goliath's ankle and quickly left from the front of Goliath.

After leaving Goliath's attack range, Bell saw that Goliath had already raised his mountain-like giant hand. The spot where the power hand was aiming was his own ankle.

"This guy knew where I was going to attack. So he deliberately used sound waves to create an earthquake effect in order to make me speed up the attack rhythm and lose my sense of balance. Then this guy took advantage of the opportunity to attack me when I lost my balance. attack."

"I see. This is the reinforcement from the floor master that you need to face to challenge the floor master."

Bell was sure that the Goliath in front of him did not exceed Level 4, so this was the enhanced strength of the floor master that he needed to face in a duel.

Just like the "Sword Lady" challenged Udaios to a duel, Udaios, who usually would never draw his sword, drew his sword during the duel.

This shows that the level of difficulty faced by the floor master in single combat and group fighting is different.

Just as Bell was thinking, Goliath stood up again and rushed towards Bell.

"Sure enough, this speed still needs to be controlled."

If the size is too large, the reaction speed is too fast, and the strength and durability match the size, then there is no need to play.

Bell also rushed out quickly with a dagger in hand.

Goliath suddenly stopped and opened his mouth, revealing a trace of white light. It was the same method as before, but this time Bell clearly felt that the target was not the ground, but himself.

Magic power gathered under his feet, allowing his sprinting body to accelerate even further.


The sound wave hit the ground, causing a small earthquake on the 17th floor just like before, but this time Bell was ready.

Of course, Bell also believes Goliath is equally prepared.


With a roar, Goliath raised his fist and struck it down quickly.


The shocking vibration made the ground on the 17th floor seem to be completely overturned.

Goliath's body was filled with dust, but at this moment, a figure passed through the circle of dust and appeared behind Goliath.

And Goliath found this figure incredibly, quickly turned his head and pointed at the figure in a short time, opened his mouth, and hit the figure with a sonic attack.

Seeing that the attack hit the figure correctly, the figure turned into a human-shaped piece of wood.

At this moment, the real person has arrived at Goliath's ankles.

Holding the "Hydra Dagger", he slashed Goliath's Achilles tendon.

The sharp-edged dagger cut through Goliath's flesh almost instantly, allowing the poison of Hydra to enter Goliath's Achilles tendon.

After achieving this step, Bell quickly retreated and started to exert force at the same time.


The long-ringing bell rang again at this moment, and continued to ring at an interval of 5 seconds.


The poison in the Achilles tendon caused Goliath to lose his balance. His body leaned forward uncontrollably and hit the ground heavily.

Goliath, who was able to get up quickly just now, seemed to have lost his flexibility at this moment.

"Sure enough, the poison is only contained within an area. It does not mean that the poison cannot have any effect on Goliath."

"Once the poison that affects the body's mobility is suppressed in the legs, such a huge body will not be able to move normally and quickly."

Goliath, who was still flexible just now, has lost his fighting ability.

But just when Bell was thinking this, Goliath's head suddenly turned to him, and the innermost part was still glowing with white light.

"...Good guy! Forgot that this guy still has this trick!"

Bell kept charging up his right hand and pressed his left hand to the ground.

Sensing the crisis, Goliath wanted to move but could no longer do so. His body was slashed by white light, and his giant-like body instantly turned into a pile of white ash.

The earth wall vibrated slightly, but still resisted the sonic attack.

A vertical sword energy with white light instantly slashed from Goliath's back.

A thick earth wall rose directly between Goliath and Bell.

However, this sonic bombardment did not mean to stop. The second attack caused signs of fragmentation at the edge of the earth wall.

But Goliath clearly heard the bell ringing throughout the entire floor, but could not find the target.


After the fourth sonic attack, the field wall completely collapsed.



PS2: It’s very strong, and my nose is still a little stuffy now. .



PS: Asking for collection………….. Asking for flowers………… Asking for evaluation

The third sonic attack indeed shattered half of the earth wall, but the bells were still ringing.


Suddenly the bells stopped ringing.

A figure also reappeared.

"Huh... Once the floor master is strengthened, it will become difficult to deal with."

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