I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 314 The Helplessness Of The Craftsman God

"Hestia, transfer my upgraded data. No magic or skills will be used.


Hestia nodded slightly and did as Bell said.

Putting a piece of paper on Bell's back, Hestia picked up the rubbing paper after a slight surge of divine power.

It only has the name, level, development ability, and all ability values ​​of level 10 written on it. All the parts that can be hidden are hidden. Except for the development ability and level, the others are all behind. .

"Mr. Bell, Loki is probably going to be pissed off when he sees this "power value". The only useful information from head to toe is level and development ability, and your development ability has no reference value.

"I never planned to let God Loki see all my data from the beginning. It is enough to give God Loki a vaccination for my stage."

Hestia had already thought of Loki's face when he saw this data.

It will definitely be green.

From the beginning, Bell's definition of showdown was different from others' definition.

Although he chose to have a showdown with God Loki, it didn't mean that he needed to explain all his abilities to God Loki.

The level and development ability are the information that he believes can be exposed, and the rest is at least not enough to be publicized.

"When I meet the two of you, I guess Loki will really have a headache."

One likes to go against Loki, and the other likes to keep secrets, to the point of being extremely guarded.

Hephaestus could imagine the smart Loki scratching his head, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Loki.

"Hephaestus, you still talk about us, don't you feel the same way?"

Hestia's eyes widened and she looked dissatisfied at Hephaestus who ignored her.

"If it were you, would you tell Loki?"

"I told her she was not familiar with the hammer."

Hephaestus simply rolled her eyes. She was not someone who liked to reveal other people's secrets.

The word "unfamiliar" could probably pierce Loki's heart.

However, these heartbreaking words made Hestia laugh.

"Look, aren't you just like me?"

Hephaestus ignored Hestia's words.

After all, this is just a matter of course.

Her relationship with Bell is much closer than her relationship with Loki. She and Loki have been friends for 7 years.

But no matter how deep the friendship between best friends is, they are two different things.

The love affair of the goddess is still higher than anything else. If the relationship between gods and gods is so important, then the goddess should not come down from heaven.

So there was absolutely no hesitation in choosing Hephaestus between Bell and Loki.

Just like when Hestia decided to take advantage of Hestia's wall, Hephaestus didn't have any hesitation. He would be stronger if he struck first, but he might not even be able to drink the soup if he struck later.

"Bell, what are you going to do with Goliath's skin?"

Hephaestus directly asked about the membrane.

"Actually, I plan to make that membrane into a cloak with better defensive performance. Although my cloak has been blessed with runes, it itself does not have such good defensive performance."

Although Bell is a nostalgic person, he also knows that his cloak has insufficient defensive performance. If you have the chance, changing into a cloak is also a good choice.

"Are you still planning to make a cloak?"

"Well, because my fighting style is not suitable for wearing bulky armor. Although the membrane itself is a very soft material, we also need to consider whether the membrane will affect my actions. Therefore, I think the membrane is the most suitable. A good use would be to change it into a cloak."

Hephaestus believed that Bell had already considered it carefully, so she directly determined the direction of manufacturing the membrane.

But Bell was a little worried.

"Hephaestus, you still have two days, can you really do it?"

Hephaestus was stunned for a moment, and Hestia immediately laughed.

"Mr. Bell, don't you know what kind of god Hephaestus is? She is the god of craftsmanship. There is nothing she can't do with weapons and armors. As for time, if it is to make a weapon, it may take her a while, but Now I just have too much time to transform the membrane into a cloak."

Hephaestus accepted all the compliments from her best friend.

"Yes, it's just a remodeling of the skin membrane. It's not very troublesome. It only takes about half a day."

This makes Bell look like an uneducated idiot, and he feels stupid for saying those words.

.........Please give me flowers‥

"Um...I thought it would be very troublesome to make equipment, at least to start with the main engine."

I remember that the "Blade of Hestia" took three days to complete.

"That's a weapon from scratch."

"And the weapons don't start in three days, but in half a month. Simply collecting materials will take a long time, especially for those weapons that have requirements for building grade, which mainly refers to orders from Loki.

"It's actually not very troublesome to use Goliath's membrane to make a cloak. After all, it doesn't require a lot of materials, most of which are not very expensive, and the time is spent on sewing and repairing."

"As for the other reason, it's because of you."



Bell pointed at himself in confusion. He didn't know when he would be able to save time.

"You have almost no requirements for the equipment. You only need the function of the membrane itself. This is the biggest reason for saving time."

Most of the other adventurers had a lot of requirements when deciding to customize their equipment and weapons, but Bell had no such requirements. He just wanted to transform Goliath's skin into the style of Namikaze.

Isn't this simple?

To be honest, this is not a very difficult requirement for any craftsman. At most, it is just a matter of time and proficiency.

Even a Level 2 basic craftsman can finish it in two days.

What's more, the person who made this piece of equipment is still called the God of Craftsman, Hephaestus.

"That's why I said your requirements for equipment are really low."

As a good wife, Hephaestus actually really wants to help Bell build more weapons.

However, Bell's mastery of magic was too comprehensive, and due to Bell's luck in the dungeon, she also got some weapons that came from unknown places, and the quality was quite high, which directly caused her to fail to use her skills. space.

Every time I think of Hephaestus, I feel helpless.

As the God of Craftsman, she could create a weapon that countless gods in Orario could never ask for.

But the child she loves just doesn't have the need for weapons, which is very frustrating.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me a price for the flowers.

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