I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 321 Loki’S Biggest Weakness

After trembling his lips a few times, Loki retorted with an unhappy expression:

"I just thought that Orario is not safe recently and wanted to find a safe place for myself.

"Ah! It's really because of that bandit theory!"

If it was just Hestia's guess before, then Hestia is now almost certain that Loki wanted to get in the way because of his bandit theory.

Hestia's reaction made Loki feel very depressed.

Why does this little man know what I'm thinking?

But Hestia seemed to understand Loki's expression.

"Huh! You can only talk about serious things so casually when you are lying."

In just one sentence, Hestia directly told Loki's "truth".

Although she usually doesn't deal with Loki who always bullies her, Hestia is not a fool. She knows better than anyone when it comes to when what Loki says is false and when what he says is true. There is a sense of judgment.

After all, Hestia is also the leader of the social circle in heaven. Anyone with social difficulties has a good relationship with Hestia. Even Zeus, Hera, and Hades all have a good relationship with Hestia. friendship.

In a sense, Hestia's social skills are really awesome.

No matter what type of god they are, most of them will not have a bad relationship with Hestia.

And this is also related to Hestia's natural character and inadvertently seeing the truth hidden by other gods.

If other gods take the initiative to get closer, they may have to think about what this guy is doing.

But Hestia came over, so there was no need to think about it, because she was not here to play, to have a meal, or to make friends. Hestia didn't need to think so much.

It is also because of this idea that Hestia has established a huge social circle in the heaven, which basically includes the entire circle of goddesses in the heaven.

In a sense, if Hestia really wanted to, she might be able to grow a family in a short time.

After all, the first criterion for becoming bigger and stronger is that the social circle of your immediate boss is large enough.

That is to say, because Hestia fell directly in front of Bell from the beginning, there was no way for the Familia to become bigger and stronger.

At this moment, Hestia was looking at Loki with an unhappy expression.

"If you're here because of your gangster theory, then you'd better leave quickly.


At this moment Loki chose to refuse without hesitation.

"The plan we agreed on will be launched during the expedition. I still need to keep an eye on the progress of the plan during the next expedition. I will definitely not go back until our children come back from the expedition."

"Don't you have a "projector" over there? Don't your children all have "image capturers"? Can't you see it over there?"

"That's what I saw when my child was facing me. Where is your child? Will this brat follow the same trajectory as my child?"


Loki's rebuttal made Hestia suddenly puff up her face, because this was indeed the truth.

The key to the plan agreed with Loki this time is not the children of Loki's family, but Bell, who is the operator.

Therefore, if you want to see all the scenes of this expedition, you need to be inside the Hestia Familia and witness the entire process of the entire expedition with your own eyes.

Seeing this, Bell had no choice but to stand up.

"Lord God, in fact, God Loki will only live here during the expedition."

"On the one hand, it's because Orario has indeed lacked some security recently. The Loki Familia will go on an expedition tomorrow, and most of the combat power cannot stay within the Familia. Naturally, the ability to resist foreign enemies will be very poor. lowest point."

"On the other hand, it's because of the agreement we made with God Loki. Most of the actions of that plan are indeed on me. This is also the reason why I went to place a space passage in God Loki's room this time. After all, the plan The hidden part is not suitable to be seen by other members of the Loki Familia.

Of course Hestia knew these things.

Now Bell and Loki have made a plan to "move towards Level 7". This expedition is to find opportunities for the three children of Loki's family to cross over to Level 7.

This plan is very important, and it also requires great concealment to implement. It is indeed necessary to pull Loki out alone.

“Well…..Okay, okay.

After all, she knew that the reason for letting Loki move in this time was the expedition. Although she felt unhappy, Hestia was not unable to accept it.

"But only during the expedition. Once the expedition is over, Loki, you can move back by yourself."

"we'll talk about it then."

Loki had a refreshing smile on his face and used perfunctory words to excuse himself.

Please, if living here is really comfortable, why do you have to go back to your hometown so often? Wouldn't you like to spend the night here like Hephaestus?

But Loki will not say these words at this moment, at least he will not cause trouble for himself at this time.

"Then I'll find a room of my own. Ah, boy, put the spatial coordinates in my room later."

After saying that, Loki went directly to find the room he liked. The way he did it was just like coming to his own home.

But Hestia looked unhappy as she watched Loki go find his room.

"Hmm! That guy won't stay here forever and refuses to leave, right?"

"What do you think?"

Hephaestus shook his head slightly beside him. This is because it is easier to ask a god than to send him away. It may be a bit difficult to send Loki back.

"That's how she is. Unless you eliminate her completely from the beginning, she will definitely use various means to get in here."

"She's not blind. Her "Twilight Pavilion" is a little bit worse than this one. Her children can’t protect her all the time, but this is a natural safe zone. Do you think she will come here often to avoid (Zhao’s) troubles?”

Hestia's face became even more angry when she heard this.

But Bell shook his head slightly.

"Hestia, I don't think God Loki comes to our house often."

"When God Loki saw you and Hephaestus just now, he was stunned for a moment, and then shuddered. I don't think God Loki wants to be stared at by you all the time.


Hestia immediately understood Loki's reaction just now, she puffed up her chest very proudly, and then said proudly:

"That guy is quite self-aware. He knows that he will be ridiculed by me at home."

"Hmph~ Then let me see if she still dares to show up at our house after the expedition. Then I will have to talk to her more about her figure."

At this moment, Hestia's smile looked a little more sinister and sinister.

PS: Dear patients, how are you doing? Let me first report that I have some taste problems, I am still coughing, but my temperature is gone. .

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