I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 335 Except Tiona

After the team made a wave of repairs on the 18th floor, they quickly started the second phase of their journey.

This time the target is the safe area on the 28th floor.

Because the 28th floor is not a gathering built by the adventurer group in the dungeon, there will be no chance of replenishment after that. The 18th floor is the final replenishment point.

However, since he had brought enough food with him for the expedition, Finn was not too worried about insufficient supplies.

So the first team quickly started a strategy plan.

"Finn, why didn't the floor master refresh this time?"

In fact, Tiona thought of this issue when she started the follow-up strategy.

Finn stayed on the 18th floor not only for the idea of ​​​​renovation, but also for waiting for the floor master's refresh, but after waiting for a day and still not waiting for the floor master's refresh, he chose to continue the expedition.

"It must have been someone else who took action."

"Hey~ So is there anyone else interested in Goliath?"

Tiona crossed her arms and clasped her head behind her head, thinking about who could snatch their prey at this time, but could she think of more than 20 people who could really do it?

Do those monsters need to compete with them for prey?

"You don't have to think about it, Tiona."

"Um~Finn, do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, there's no point in just thinking about it."

Finn doesn't think this issue needs to be thought about, and would challenge Goliath to consider both material and great achievements. But if you consider it from these two directions, then there is no suitable answer.

"Based on time, Goliath's refresh time should be before the start of our expedition. At that time, anyone could attack the refreshed Goliath, and it would be too difficult to get results."

Well, Tiona admitted that she was a fool, and she really couldn't think of the person who attacked Goliath.

But it doesn't matter if she is stupid, as long as the leader is smart.

Tiona, curious, asked the leader:

"Finn, who do you think did it?"

"Only the person who did it will know about this kind of thing, but it's not like there are no clues.

Finn was not that interested in who killed Goliath, but he was a little interested in the information he got.

"The specific refresh time of Goliath should be two to three days before the start of the expedition. According to Bos, no movement of Goliath was heard at that time, and at the same time, no family members entered at that time. Cross "Rivera Street".

"What, isn't there no clue at all?"

After hearing what Finn said, Tiona sighed in disappointment.

But Bert next to him snorted in displeasure.

"Stupid woman, Finn means that the biggest problem is that there is no movement."

"Regardless of whether Goliath was killed or not, the biggest problem is that the "Rivera Street" cannot hear the movement on the 17th floor. This means that the person who killed Goliath was either well prepared or had the strength to kill Goliath instantly. "

Ignoring what Bert called her, Tiona finally understood what Finn meant.

At the same time, Tione, who was beside Tiona, supplemented what Bert said just now.

"A person with the ability to kill Goliath instantly would not kill Goliath at this juncture. Therefore, the person who killed Goliath must have made enough preparations, and it should be for the "great cause" required for upgrading. "

Riveria agreed very much with this analysis and made her own judgment.

"There is no sound of the battle on the 17th floor in the "Rivera Street" on the 18th floor, which means that the opponent has done a lot of sound insulation, and there is a high probability that it is magic such as a barrier.

"Killed the Level 4 Goliath one-on-one. He possesses barrier magic that can isolate sounds. He deliberately chose to avoid other adventurers and acted before our family's expedition."

Having said that, there are enough tips.

Tiona inexplicably felt that these prompts were a bit familiar, as if they were spoken to by someone on purpose. Her brain raced for a long time before she finally came to her senses.

"Isn't that Mr. Bell?"

After getting the answer, Tiona received a look of disgust from Bert.

"You just realized it. You are really stupid."

"Ah! What are you talking about, you stupid wolf!?"

Tiona, who had been ridiculed repeatedly, finally couldn't help but pounced on Burt, immediately jumped to Burt's sadness, and grabbed the ears with her hands.

"Get down here you crazy woman!?"

"No, not until Bert apologizes to me!"

"Huh? Who would apologize to an idiot!"

The two people started fighting with each other as usual, and the attitude of neither admitting defeat made such things often happen in the relationship between the two people.

The people walking next to him were not surprised at all. Members of the Loki Familia all around them also moved around the two of them.

The fight between Bert and Tiona is also a famous scene among the Loki Familia.

"So, Mr. Bell is doing it for "great cause". Has he crossed over to Level 4?"

Facing Riveria's question, Finn also remained silent and didn't know what to say.

In the end Finn could only shake his head slightly.

"Not sure."

"In the past, Aisi's upgrade speed was the fastest in Orario. She accumulated all her ability points in one year and had enough "great achievements" to upgrade. However, Mr. Bell's situation seems even more unusual. "


"That's right! I just said that kid is abnormal!"

Loki, who was sitting in the Hestia Familia watching a show and drinking wine, also expressed the same emotion.

Hephaestus glanced at Loki, but at this moment she couldn't deny Bell's specialness.

"Finn and the others really dare to think about it. They actually thought of Bell directly because of the floor master's matter.

"Hmm... It should be that Mr. Bell has a special style of doing things. He is careful in his way of doing things, so that no one can see any traces. This is how the Loki children realized that it was Mr. Bell who did it.

Hestia could see clearly, and she immediately understood why the Loki children could target so accurately.

"Hmph~ How about it? My children are also very good."

This is when Loki is proud.

Although Hestia's child is a monster that cannot rely on common sense, the experience of her own child is not that cheap. The long-term experience in Orario also showed its results at this time.

"Tch, it's not like I can't admit this kind of thing."

Hestia pursed her lips, looking at Finn and others in the picture with only admiration and admiration.

The fact that Mr. Bell was able to tell from his actions that the person who killed the floor master was Mr. Bell shows that the children of the Loki family are excellent.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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