I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 351 You Are A Good Person

The green wind group slowly opened a hole, revealing the magic stone wrapped in the wind inside.

This is an unusual magic stone.

Ordinary magic stones are purple, and the newly planted magic stones have a strange green color in the center, but this magic stone has some strange white light in the purple shell.

This magic stone made Bell a little curious.

The wind mass surrounding the magic stone turned into a pair of hands made of wind elements.

Bell wouldn't be such an idiot to touch such an uncertain thing with his bare hands. Is there still a secret hand hidden by the monster in Fang Qian's magic stone?

It’s definitely right to be cautious and careful.

The hands made of elements flipped the magic stone dexterously, providing Bell with the conditions to observe the magic stone.

After briefly checking the magic stone with runes, it was confirmed that it was the enhanced magic stone just now.

This magic stone has not been tampered with in any way, but the core of the magic stone still contains the essence of the monster just now.

Special spores.

"No wonder the monster just now can regenerate at will. This is not its body tissue, it just grew like that for hunting."

"The various limbs of the body are just the result of the growth of spores. Although they have a certain strength and aggressiveness, they are not the key parts. You only need to absorb part of the energy in the magic stone to regenerate infinitely."

Bell also felt perverted after discovering this characteristic.

Looking at the size of this magic stone, it is only the size of a thumb, which makes it difficult to break the magic stone with ordinary attacks.

Even now, the death of a monster is not considered complete death.

As long as this magic stone is given enough time, the spores inside it will continue to grow outward and grow back into the enhanced species just now.

"The foundation of Lv.4, if this guy really grows up, he may continue to grow, and he may even reach Lv.5, LV.6..."

Bell thought for a moment and made a decision.

Let this stuff be nourishment.

But some processing still needs to be done.

Bell's eyes scanned the potholes on the ground and the bones. He lightly stamped his foot, causing the ground to vibrate slightly, and the potholes were slowly filled.

With a wave of his hand, a breeze slowly purified the stench in the air, making the area seem harmless.

After completing these after-sales treatments, Bell walked towards Dragon Girl and unlocked the barrier near Dragon Girl.

"The matter is settled, let's go.

At this moment, the dragon girl was still a little dazed, as if her consciousness had completely flown away. She didn't react until Bell walked by.

The dragon girl raised her head and looked at Bell.


She is a newborn dragon girl, but she also understands power.

There was no way she could participate in a battle of that level just now. A slight collision might be death.

Her eyes couldn't keep up with the speed of that kind of fighting.

This admiration made Bell smile slightly.

"You who think I am powerful are just born. There are many, many people who are more powerful than me. Compared with those big shots, I am just a person like you.

"Are there many people like you among humans?"

The dragon girl's eyes widened. She thought Bell was already strong, but she thought there were many people stronger than Bell.

Bell naturally has no emotions at all for admitting this, because there are really many people who are better than him, and he is just getting started as an adventurer.

"Of course there is."

"Then will they save us too?"

"Well, it's probably impossible for them to do such a useless thing.

Bell thought for a while and explained to the dragon girl.

"Without any endorsement of your identity, the humans in the world above will never recognize you."

"Helping you is the same as betraying humanity in their eyes."

"So, don't presume that those people will bring you salvation."

"Perhaps, the only thing they are thinking about is whether they can drop special props after killing you special species."

It's very cruel, but it's true.

After hearing these words, the dragon girl couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then she felt frustrated and disappointed, and almost cried on her face.

Bell didn't have any mood swings. This is the path every "heretic" needs to walk.

The first thing they need to do when they are reborn as "heretics" is to clarify their understanding and not to regard adventurers as good people.

Any guy who tries to get closer and says something nice is almost always a bad guy.

"Don't treat adventurers as good people. No one will be nice to others for no reason. Therefore, when facing any adventurer, you must treat them as bad people.

After hearing what Bell said, Xi'an raised his head.

"Are you a bad person too?"

Bell was very happy that the dragon girl could listen to his words.

"Yes, you'd better treat me as a bad person. This is the struggle of a human being to survive.

But the dragon girl looked at Bell for a while and then shook her head decisively.

"No, you are not a bad person."

Maybe as a new-born "heretic", she doesn't have good judgment, but the dragon girl can feel that Bell is not a bad person.

Unlike the bad guys chasing her, Bell had no intention of killing her from the beginning.

As a "heretic", she may not be strong, but she can judge the looks of some people.

Ever since he first met Bell, there was no desire in his eyes.

Perhaps, this is what he calls "motivation".

Seeing Dragon Girl's firm look, Bell just shook his head slightly. He still felt that it was the best outcome for Dragon Girl to treat him as a bad guy.

"Don't think so."

"Once you have an undefended person, that person will be the cause of your death (Nuoliao Zhao)."

"Don't let anyone become your weakness. Only by staying alert to everyone can you hope to survive.

But the dragon girl didn't waver at all.

"I don't think you're a bad person."

No matter what Bell said, Dragon Girl still didn't think Bell was a bad person.

Now there was nothing Bell could do. After all, he was just teaching the dragon girl how to survive in this man-eating dungeon.

Bell sighed slightly and gave up teaching.

"Forget it, do whatever you want."

The stubborn dragon girl laughed after seeing Bell's helplessness.

She didn't know if the others were bad people, but she was certain that this person was definitely a good person.

Others would not do anything for them, but this person made that agreement with her.

Therefore, the dragon girl firmly believed that this person was a good person.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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