I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 353 Finn’S Worries

Three hours later, the second expedition team also arrived at the 28th floor.

When the second team arrived, the first team had already completed the work of setting up camp, and most of the people were already sitting there to recuperate.

The members of the second team have all participated in the expedition, and their strength is no longer at Lv. 1, but at least at Lv. 2 level. Otherwise, there is no way to enter the second team.

If the guard team does not have the ability to guard, then it should join a team for training.

After the second team arrived, Grace reunited with several people from the first team.

"Finn, how are those kids growing up?"

“Everyone is growing rapidly, and everyone’s progress is already visible to the naked eye.

"Oh~ It seems that this expedition has given them quite a bit of excitement."

Finn's answer really exceeded Grace's psychological expectations. She originally thought that these children were participating in the expedition for the first time and would not be able to adapt to the lower-class environment so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Finn's answer turned out to be - growth.

Grace was also very surprised by this, but also very happy.

The young children within the dependent family can grow up better, and the dependent family will have a better future.

Even though he has been a Level 6 for a long time, he still hopes that more children in the family can stand out.

Looking at Finn's pleased and happy look this time, it seems that the children in the family have really grown up a lot this time.

"It's very good. Their progress is more obvious than I thought, far exceeding our previous expectations."

"It's just a pity that the team led by Lily encountered the "Monster Feast."

Grace was not surprised by this situation. Instead, he was more concerned about the child's safety.

"How's that kid and her team doing?"

Finn signaled Grace not to worry, and then continued to add:

"Lily led her team to fight against the "Monster Feast". Although all resources were consumed, everyone was safe.

After confirming the safety, Grace put down her worries, but then she expressed wonder at the safety of Lily and the children.

"The fight against the "Monster Feast" actually left no one in the team injured. The children in that team also grew up a lot. "

Grace knew that most of Lily's team were Lv. 1 and Lv. 2 teams. It was amazing that such a team could show such solid resilience under the "Monster Feast".

And if there is no injury in that situation, it is really the result of the growth of all members of the team.

"Maybe if we don't face the "Monster Feast", Lily can continue to lead the team.

"Well~ It's common to encounter "Monster Feast" in the dungeon. It's definitely right to let them know the malicious intent of the dungeon in advance. "

The words "Monster Feast" already made Grace fully aware of the dilemma Lilyluka was facing, but he didn't think it was a bad thing.

"The deeper you go, the easier it is to face the evil intentions of the dungeon, which we often realize.

"Although they are just newcomers who have just embarked on this path, it is important to understand the malicious intent of the dungeon."

"If you don't lead the team, then come back next time. This time you will bring them the experience of understanding the dungeon.

"After all, we all know that adventurers themselves are not achieved overnight."

This is what adventurers say in no hurry.

However, this sentence does not mean that adventurers do not need to struggle, but that adventurers need enough time to grow.

Talent, hard work and luck take time to accumulate.

Therefore, adventurers cannot rush into taking risks, but need to accumulate time and effort.

Seeing the pity that still existed on Finn's face, Grace knew that Finn was regretting the luck of Lilyluka, a member of his race, so he advised:

"You don't have to think it's a pity that Lily can't continue. This is just her first time participating in an expedition."

"Think about it, did we reach the 28th floor during our first expedition?"

After hearing this, Finn couldn't help but recall their situation back then, which made him laugh.

"How could we imagine reaching the 28th floor at that time?"

"Even if we had talent at that time, we were still blocked from the entrance to the 13th floor by the feast of monsters in the dungeon."

Back then, he, Grace and Riveria were all considered talented, but they were still stopped at the door of the 13th floor when they came to the dungeon.

I remember that after several investigations and studies, a larger team was formed before we officially passed the 13th floor and headed to "Rivera Street" on the 18th floor.

Grace looked at Finn who was smiling again and then put a hand on his neck.

"We all had this experience back then. Can't we have children now?"

"Moreover, did we shrink back when faced with this kind of problem? Didn't we gather our teammates and rush through it together next time?"


"That child now has better conditions than we did at that time. Are you worried about her gains and losses?"

-makes sense.

Finn also felt like he was really crying out of worry.

"You are right, setbacks and difficulties are not something that we adventurers cannot overcome. This is the only way to go. It is useless for me to regret.

"That's right."

Grace smiled and skipped the topic, and then asked casually:

"Is there anything else going on besides those kids growing up?"

But as a result, this question immediately made Finn's face become serious.

—It really does.

Upon discovering this, Grace immediately straightened her back and heard Finn whisper:


"It's about the guild's power."

Grace was stunned for a moment and then reacted immediately.

"A special monster with self-awareness in the dungeon? Have you met anyone there?"

"Well...but it wasn't us who met, but Mr. Bell."

"Tsk tsk~ The forces over the guild are a big trouble. If they are not handled properly, it may cause turmoil in Orario.

"I know, but we can't refuse, and we have no conditions to refuse."

If possible, Finn really doesn't want to step into this deep pit, but now they have no choice.

Grace also knew why.

As for the guild's power, it has a direct relationship with Haruhime. After all, Loki owes the guild a favor, so it's hard to just leave it alone.

"But even if it's because of the guild, is it because of other factors that you agreed so directly?"

Finn knew he couldn't hide it, so he could only say bitterly:

"When Mr. Bell was rescuing people, he was seen by Loki, God Hestia and God Hephaestus.

This answer immediately shut up Grace.

He finally understood why the shrewd Finn didn't handle the matter quietly. There was really no way to hide.

Then Finn broke the even bigger news:

"The forces over the guild entrusted the "mud dog" of the Hermes Familia to deliver the "eye" to Ais, so that scene was also seen by the guild. "

——This idea is really stupid.

Grace's eyelids kept twitching after hearing this. Who knew that the guild also knew about this matter? No wonder they couldn't hide from it.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment and give me a small price.

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