I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 360: When In Doubt, Let’S Talk About It Later

"help you?"

At this moment, Bell finally saw how ambitious the "Sword Queen" was.

"You want me, an adventurer with no level, to help you defeat the black dragon?"

"'Sword Lady', it seems that you are indeed seriously ill. "

But Ais was unmoved by these slightly mocking words and stared at Bell Crowne in front of her with burning eyes.

"You are very strong. I can feel that you may be stronger than me."

These words immediately made Bell roll his eyes.

"Don't be joking, okay? Most of my strength comes from magic. My own strength is not as strong as you think."

——Unless it’s a sneak attack.

Bell added a sentence silently in his mind.

Level 6 and 7 adventurers need to be more vigilant.

Bell admitted that his growth at each level was between 1.5 times and 2 times that of ordinary adventurers, but the gap in "ability value" was not so obvious after crossing levels.

If he uses "Royal Thunder" or "Run", Bell is sure that his strength can definitely exceed Lv. 6 under normal circumstances, but his basic strength is still far behind.

Unless it was a sneak attack, Bell was not confident that he could kill LV.6 with one hit.

Even if his strength has increased to Level 4, Bell only thinks that he has the ability to protect himself.

After all, a lot of his strength is based on skills and magic to close the gap in strength.

But Ais was not easily convinced. She took a step forward and continued to stare directly at Bell:

"I know you are very powerful."

"Last time, that woman was stronger than me, but you forced her back with a single blow, and even chopped off one of that woman's hands."

Bell took a step back helplessly. The "Sword Lady" was too close when she spoke.

"That's the effect based on a sneak attack.

"If I personally had enough strength to confront that troublesome guy head-on, I wouldn't have to use a sneak attack at that time."

—Although now I will still use a sneak attack to deal with that woman.

Yes, even if a long time has passed and the span of strength is huge, Bell would still choose to use righteous sneak attacks at that time.

This is natural.

Why should we attack an enemy head-on when we can kill them instantly with a sneak attack?

Bell thinks that he is not the kind of berserker who is particularly keen on fighting. He positions himself more like a magician with certain skills.

Of course, this is also because the magician's fragile physical impression can give people a stereotyped memory, which allows Bell to find opportunities for surprise attacks.

"Do you think I, an adventurer who chooses to use sneak attacks, will help you defeat the black dragon?"

"Do you think this is a joke, or do you think your joke is interesting?"

Bell's words meant a clear rejection, but Ai felt that these words were wrong.

Her eyes were still fixed on Bell, trying to find some flaws in Bell's face.

Unfortunately, what Bell is good at is hiding his own aura, so hiding his emotions is naturally one of them.

How to find the flaw in this situation?

In the end, Ais could only look back in disappointment. She didn't notice any strange emotion on Bell's face.

But she just felt that Bell was lying.

"Then why did you just say that you set the target on the black dragon?"

Aisi tried hard to find the problem, but in a flash of inspiration she caught what Bell himself said just now.

But Bell was very calm, and even his rebuttal words had no blind spots.

"The three major world commissions are issued to all adventurers. Even if it is not voluntary, this is the ultimate problem that all adventurers must face."

"I take the black dragon as my target, is there any problem?"


This sentence completely choked Ais to death.

She couldn't find a chance to refute, and she couldn't even refute it even if she wanted to.

After all, the Black Dragon is indeed one of the three major world missions. This mission is the final mission given to all adventurers, regardless of the front or rear. It is a mission that all adventurers can take as their goal.

Regardless of whether you are strong or weak, as long as you have the spirit, you can accept it and work hard for it.

Therefore, even if Bell said something like targeting the black dragon just now, it was not very suggestive. This is just what all adventurers can say.

"Sword Princess"'s suffocating look was all in Bell's eyes.

I was a little angry, with some deep resentment on my face, but I couldn't do anything in action.

I have to say that the "Sword Girl" at this moment still looks quite feminine.

Unfortunately, Bell doesn't agree with this.

Please, is it troublesome to invite "Sword Princess"?

Even if Bell chooses to reveal his strength bit by bit after the expedition, he is not prepared to be involved with the "Sword Queen". In that case, the target will be too big.

What will happen if an adventurer like him who chooses to remain unknown comes into frequent contact with the "Sword Queen" once he has just made a name for himself?

This kind of plot can be understood even if Bell uses his cerebellum to think about it.

Such a choice will make him stand in a place that is too conspicuous, and this place may even be dangerously conspicuous.

It's just that Bell didn't continue to stimulate the "Sword Princess"'s nerves. Her pure nerves would probably explode within a few good stimulations.

""Sword Princess," instead of focusing on me, you should think about how to help other members of your family improve their strength. "

"You know, even the Zeus Familia and the 743 Hera Familia in their heyday were no match for the Black Dragon, and they were even killed by the Black Dragon to the point where they were almost wiped out.

This is a very hard question and one that cannot be avoided.

Since the black dragon is the ultimate goal, the combat power required to defeat the black dragon cannot only be the Loki Familia.

Bell also pointed the question directly at these rigid standards.

"The highest combat power of the Zeus Familia is Lv.8, and the highest combat power of the Hera Familia is Lv.9, but what about the Loki Familia?"

"The highest level is only Lv. 6, and the upper limit is much lower than that of the two families."

"And those two most powerful clans eventually became the memory of history, so your goal is too ambitious.

These words also made Aisi feel very discouraged.

This gap in hard strength cannot be made up in a day or two.

And she also knew that Bell was right.

The final result of the stronger Zeus Familia and Hera Familia's crusade against the Black Dragon was that they were almost wiped out. So if you want to be qualified to challenge the Black Dragon, should you increase your strength to a level that can be compared with the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia? Woolen cloth?

This is a huge problem for Aisi, who is not good at management.

PS: Please collect...Please...please give me feedback on flowers.

PS: Oh my god, the computer repairman hasn’t come yet, I’ve been waiting for 6 hours...

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