I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 362 The Social Death Of Finn And Others

The three "heretics" looked at each other, and each felt that the God Loki, whom they had never met before, seemed a bit unreliable.

Lei Yi had some hesitation on her face, but she couldn't help but ask:

"Are all your main gods on earth like that?"

"Absolutely not!"

Finn straightened his back when he heard this. He needed to resolve this misunderstanding as soon as possible, otherwise there would definitely be a lot of problems in the future.

"The gods on earth are still very reliable, just like God Hestia of the Hestia Familia, that is Mr. Bell's Familia. You can tell just by looking at him.

Lei Yi looked over to Bell inadvertently, and her impression of the gods on earth was slightly restored.

After all, it was possible to train a main god who would not attack their "heretics". Lei felt that such a god was quite reliable, otherwise she would not be able to train a reliable adventurer like Bell.

"In addition to God Hestia, God Hephaestus is also very reliable."

Finn saw that Rey's impression had changed a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and then tried hard to attract another reliable god.

But such a statement made Lei look at Finn with a strange face, and she said in a statement tone:

"Then according to you, isn't it just that your main god is the most unreliable?"


These words made the three Level 6 people present lose the ability to speak.

Although they have strong strength and super talents, they are unable to use them at this time.

After all, this is really not their problem.

Is there anything they can do if the Lord God is unreliable?

No matter how big their faces they are, they can't say that their main god is reliable when so many people are staring at them, right?

If they did, Finn was sure Bell would laugh at them all the way.

Maybe God Hestia and God Hephaestus, who had been watching their expedition from the Hestia Familia side, would laugh like crazy.

It really is!?

Seeing the three people not making any excuses, Lei Yi instantly realized that the main god of the Loki Familia is an unreliable guy!


At this moment, Loki was really going crazy. He jumped up from the sofa and even screamed uncontrollably.

Hestia and Hephaestus, who were working on the side, were already prepared.

The two of them laughed when they saw the reactions of Finn and others.

There is no way, the development of things is really ridiculous.

Faced with what Bell said, "(chaf) the pervert Loki will not send his favorite child into the abyss," Finn and others even quickly calmed down from their brainstorming and confirmed this sentence one after another. authenticity.

This illustrates a problem.

The three giants of the entire Loki family knew that Loki was just a simple old pervert.

This simple old lustful person may have many ideas, but she will never give up her lustful thoughts for any other reason.

They even believed that Loki's actions were guided by lust.

But this - Loki is really prepared with enough lethality. No, God Loki looked at the three people in the picture.


Loki let out a weird laugh, and all the black matter that seemed to be broken and blackened appeared on the background behind Loki.

"Riverlia, since you said I'm a pervert, then if I don't pervert you when you come back, I'm really sorry for your comment."

"What about the other two?"

Loki's nervous laughter stopped, and he looked at Hestia who asked the question like a broken doll.

"I'm only interested in cute girls!"

"How could a young lady, an uncle, and those two girly guys be my target?"

After complaining, Loki continued to stare at the three people in the picture with his inorganic eyes.

"Ah, the expedition is almost over. Let me meet you quickly."

"Ah, the expedition is almost over. Let me meet you quickly."

These words were supposed to be spoken by Loki in the Hestia Familia, but at this moment they echoed in this scene.

At the same time, everything God Loki said just now entered the ears of the four Level 6 and three "heretics" present.

The faces of the three "heretics" are getting weirder and weirder, and the three Level 6s, who are the three pillars of the Loki Familia, just want to lower their heads at this moment.

At least now they are really almost too embarrassed to see anyone.

This time they really hope Loki is the one who kicks them into the abyss.

At least that was the Lord God's test for them, unlike now, the Lord God's social death scenes, and even those were heard by them.

"Bell-kun, you are too cruel!"

Finn felt his teeth hurt from shame now.

Even facing Orario's strongest Ota, he didn't think he could be so uncomfortable, but now he really wanted to die.

In fact, the only person who can do such a thing is Bell.

But so what if he knows?

Have no idea.

After all, these words were not spoken by Bell, but by their Lord God.

"Well, this is indeed what Loki would say."

Aisi, who had always been a bit naive at this moment, suddenly said this.

At this moment, Finn and others did not want to raise their heads even more.

They didn't know if Loki was dead at this moment, but they really felt the shame of being members of Loki's family.

The Lord God is such a pervert and was recognized by the "heretic" he just met.

This is something that no matter how hard you get used to it, you can't get used to it.

Finn couldn't stay in the awkward situation just now. Knowing that he could only move on in this situation, he still chose to speak despite the strange look in his eyes.

"Lei, there are some things that are hard to say here. Let's wait until later to contact you.

.....Hmm, I guess so. "

Lei Yi didn't refute anything, but looked at Finn with some strange sympathy and pity in her eyes.

Finn had no way to refute this look, he could only pretend to smile despite all the discomfort, but God knew how stiff his smile was now.

"We 'heretics' are indeed not suitable to stay in this safe layer for a long time, but it will not be easy to contact us next time.

"That doesn't matter."

Bell interjected here, and he directly took out a special talisman from the four-dimensional space and threw it towards Rey.

"This is a talisman for communication. No matter how far the distance is, communication can be carried out."

"The method of use is also very simple. Just put a magic stone into the amulet and it can be used."

"Whenever you have trouble, you can contact Captain Finn directly."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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