I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 364 The Three God-Killing Goddesses

"Good guy! That kid is so ruthless!"

This operation immediately stunned Loki.

It actually eliminates the possibility of "reincarnation" from the source and directly destroys the composition of the soul. This is really a murderous act.

"No wonder that boy said he has the same attitude towards monsters and humans."

"Everyone who died in the hands of that kid has lost the chance of reincarnation. "

This is really a very different kind of treating everyone equally.

But Loki was also aware of another problem.

Since that boy can use that power to this extent, is it possible to "kill gods"?

Although there are almost no gods among the gods who have the ability to kill gods, just because the gods can't do it doesn't mean that they don't have it.

"Little dwarf, can that kid even simulate "God Killing"?"

"It shouldn't happen, haha, "two-seven-zero" haha"

But neither Hestia nor Hephaestus laughed, and they didn't even think the topic was funny at all.

This made Loki, who was already laughing awkwardly, break into a cold sweat, and he slowly stopped his stupid awkward laughter.

"You... that's not the case. We are all so familiar with each other, so you don't need to regard those guys as hunting targets, right?"

"Loki, some gods are not gods at all."

Hestia said this calmly.

"The biggest problem is the incompatibility of the gods' virtues. Maybe it's the best thing for them to go back to the drawing board and rebuild."

Good guy!

It’s up to you, a little dwarf, to be the final BOSS!?

Loki was completely dumbfounded now. He didn't expect that the little dwarf would play such a big role this time, and even had the idea of ​​killing gods.

"The gods of the dark faction are not gods. Maybe they have done things that are in line with their own hearts, but in the eyes of some children, they are not gods, but just demons carrying the names of gods."

These words made Loki couldn't help but complain:

"When you say these words, you look more like a devil."

"If outsiders knew that your child was planning to kill the gods, you probably wouldn't be able to protect him even if you combined.

Hestia actually thought about this question.

"So, as long as it's not exposed, that's fine.

"Huh? Can this kind of thing not be exposed? Do you think killing a god is something that makes little noise?"

The killing of gods by humans in the lower world is often the most disgusting and most fearful thing for the gods in the heavens.

The gods in the heavens come to the lower world not to seek death, but to have fun.

If it were known that there are children in the lower world who have the ability to kill gods, wouldn't the gods from the heavens be completely in chaos?

Moreover, the movement of killing gods will not be very small. Once it is actually carried out, wouldn't the huge movement clearly indicate that someone is killing gods?

"The only thing that makes a lot of noise is the switch connected to the repatriation that seals the ability of the gods behind the lower world. As long as the repatriation switch is not touched, there won't be that big a movement."

Hestia said it clearly, but Loki broke out in a cold sweat.

what does that mean?

Doesn't this mean that Hestia has completely figured out how to repatriate the gods?

Therefore, killing gods is definitely not a joke, but this little dwarf is serious about it.

"I can't tell. You usually look innocent, kind and innocent, but I didn't expect you to be more ruthless than me."

At most, she was just playing tricks on the gods, but this little dwarf was really ruthless and didn't give the gods a chance to fight back.

It was completely a gesture of not caring about old feelings, just to send those former divine friends to hell completely.

Such an idea is completely inconsistent with the ordinary image of this little man.

Or is this little dwarf the most hidden among the gods?

"Hmph! Those gods who are trying to return the lower world to chaos must be ruthless. And I am not attacking all the gods, only those gods of the dark faction.

Hestia didn't care about accusations or anything like that, she only knew that the picture she saw was not fake.

The humans who were killed by those new species of monsters during the "Monster Festival" were not fake.

Those things were not only done by the "fairy spirits", but the dark factions also made great efforts.

"Now that Mr. Bell has the ability to make changes, I wouldn't mind seeing you actually do it."

I can't see it, I really can't see it.

Loki had always thought that the little dwarf was easy to bully, but who knew that the little dwarf could be so terrifying when he was really angry.

If they say they are attacking the gods, they won't even give them a chance.

It’s just a posture that wants to send the gods to hell......

Loki looked carefully at Hephaestus, who was also calm next to him.

"Hephaestus, you have no objection?"

"If the gods of those dark factions are allowed to die, I quite agree with it.

At this moment, Hephaestus spoke with unusual ease, as if he was not talking about killing gods.

This made Loki's neck feel cold.

"What's going on? Why are these two guys so murderous today?"

"Are the fools from the dark faction still targeting these two guys?"

Loki, who didn't know why, felt very confused.

But before Loki could think about it, Hestia spoke to Loki.

Now Loki couldn't bear it anymore.

PS: Please add it to your collection...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Loki has not forgotten this matter, but the exciting scene before made her memory deviate for a while.

"...I almost forgot that Lefiya's matter has not been settled with those bastards.

Even if she didn't kill them, it would be magnanimous of her evil god Loki.

Not to mention himself, Loki felt that these two guys were a bit murderous. But when it was his turn, Loki wanted to pull out all the gods of the dark faction and whip their corpses.

Just kidding, even my lovely elf girl didn’t do anything cruel to her, but those dark faction bosses jumped out and attacked 3.8 times. How can this still allow those bastards to survive?

The vengeance of my own children must also be blamed on those dark factions. It seems that what happened to Haruhime was caused by that stinky bitch Ishtar.

...Does this have anything to do with me?"

For a moment, there was a rare cold light in Loki's eyes.

"Loki, you are the one who should most hope to kill those guys, right?"

"Little dwarf, let me know next time your child takes action, and I will ask Finn to clear the place if necessary.

Wasn’t that bitch the result of joining forces with the dark faction?

To paraphrase the dwarf, do the gods of the Holy Dark Faction still need to be merciful?

Loki was stunned for a moment. When Hestia reminded her, she instantly recalled Lefiya's miserable look at that time.

"During the "Monster Festival", you didn't forget that your children were taken care of, right?"

Now that he remembered it, Loki straightened his attitude.

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