I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 368 The Bypassed Topic

A hole slowly opened in the space, and a person sitting on a wooden chair was sent into this space.

Bell couldn't help but yawn when he came over. After all, he had been sleeping until he woke up naturally recently, so it was a bit uncomfortable to suddenly break his biological clock like this.

"Sorry, I'm used to not using magic to fall asleep recently. The sudden break in my biological clock really makes it impossible for me to adjust right away."

"I was listening just now when we were on the way. Well, God Loki was also woken up by me and came over to take a look."

"Most of them are similar to the results you speculated."

"The theme of this expedition is sublimation and death, which is the tone set from the beginning.

"Sure enough, it was Loki who was behind this."

Bell's confession also confirmed Finn's suspicion that Loki was driving everything behind this.

"'Sublimation and death' means that if we don't move forward, we will die at the hands of the 'fairies'?"

"That's not true. It's not impossible if you choose to escape, but if you choose this way, it proves that the highest level of the Loki Familia can only stagnate at the level of Level 6.

Bell doesn't really want to kill the Loki Familia. What the Loki Familia needs is a chance to sublimate.

In view of the special situation this time, Bell also hopes that the three pillars of the Loki Familia can seize this opportunity.

Of course, this sentence is not completely dead. If the person involved in the problem is aware of the problem and chooses to run away, he will not say anything. It is just that the investment in the Loki Familia is completely wasted.

Investments may succeed or fail, and Bell is prepared for such situations.

But now it seems that he doesn't have to worry about failure.

At least from the reaction just now, it can be seen that no one in Loki's family is a coward, and all of them are brave enough to fly.

"It's just that my worries are unnecessary."

Bell's eyes scanned everyone present.

"The Loki Familia are indeed adventurous adventurers. Even in the face of death, they will move forward without hesitation. I admire this will very much."

"After all, a coward like me can't do such a thing."

... Mr. Bell, it’s not a good idea for you to lie like this. "

Listening to Bell's humble words, this time Finn spoke his mind directly.

"I don't think a coward would have the guts to challenge Goliath alone."

There was no emotion on Bell's face when he heard this. He just nodded calmly, but then refuted it seriously.

"Those who challenge Goliath are definitely brave people, but I am just an adventurer hiding Level 2 strength [but I am not qualified to challenge Goliath."

Finn could only sigh at this, feeling helpless in the face of this pressure to continue hiding.

After all, he couldn't force Bell to be exposed.

Maybe he took action, but Bell didn't take action.

Seeing the helplessness on Captain Finn's face, Bell had a calm smile on his face.

"So, does Captain Finn have any basis for guessing my level?"

"According to what I know, the adventurer who leveled up the fastest in Orario in the past was "Sword Princess". No matter how quickly my strength improves, I won’t be able to surpass two or three levels in less than a year, right?"

"Is this reasonable?"

.......Too unreasonable.

Even Finn couldn't help but complain in his mind.

It is not an easy task to cross to Level 2 in one year. Only extremely talented adventurers can cross the most difficult stage of Level 1 as quickly as possible.

And not only is the initial upgrade very difficult, the subsequent accumulation is not achieved overnight.

No matter how fast it is to upgrade from Lv.1 to Lv.4, it will take 5 to 6 years.

He was promoted from Level 1 to Level 4 in less than half a year. I am afraid that even if he sacrifices his future, he cannot be promoted in half a year.

So Finn is confused as to what kind of skills Bell has.

What kind of nonsense skills can allow people to level up so quickly?

"It's so unreasonable!"

Tiona complained directly without any hesitation.

"It only took less than half a year to go from Level 1 to Level 4, which is unrealistic no matter how you think about it."

After hearing this, Bell agreed very much with the judgment of "big cut off". In fact, he thought so himself.

"That's right, this is unrealistic. It's really unrealistic."

"If there really were adventurers in Orario who had this kind of skill, they would have already become famous among the gods. How could they remain so unknown?"


"Yeah, that's right."

Tiona also nodded in agreement, but Tione, who was sitting next to her, looked unhappy.

"This idiot didn't even know he was being used as a gun."

Bell didn't really care about the hostility of the "Angry Snake", but just continued:

"Don't continue talking about this topic. It has no practical significance for us.

"Captain Finn, you'd better tell me what you want to do with me."

There was nothing Finn could do now. The topic was avoided directly, and there was no way to turn it back now.

Finn nodded with some understanding.

"This brings me to my magic."

At that time, Loki rolled his eyes when he said these words. Finn was quite fair about this statement.

But because they can't do it, they can only try their luck to find suitable adventurers among the huge crowd to develop into dependents.

Finn also asked Loki before, asking her if gods can see the future.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment and give me a price.

"So, what do you think we should do?"

If the gods could see the future, then the gods in the lower world might be able to find the best adventurers as soon as possible.

This question can be discussed, and Bell just used his magic to explain it.

"My magic can also be used to divination some situations, but it is only a divination of fortune and misfortune, and cannot see a clear future.

"If gods can even do this kind of thing, then why are they playing the family game in the lower world?"

But Finn felt that even if he changed the topic, he would probably be avoided.

"Mr. Bell, how do you know about the "fairy spirits" we will encounter during this expedition?"

Finn thought to himself "What a pity" and changed the topic.

The perception of blessings and disasters may be achieved using Bell's omnipotent magic, but whether it is as accurate as Cassandra's is another matter.

"Even if my magic is omnipotent, I can't do what only Cassandra can do.

But Finn felt that Bell's magic might be able to do it.

"No! Gods are not completely omnipotent, at least they cannot see future trends and directions. 』

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