I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 372 The Black Dragon Still Alive

The deep "White Palace" is naturally a big challenge for the Loki Familia.

Even experienced adventurers need to be careful when moving here, otherwise it is really easy to overturn.

But for the upper echelons of the Loki Familia, the "White Palace" really isn't a big problem.

Why is there a problem when the top adventurers are staying in the upper echelons of the Loki Familia?

With 4 Lv.6 and 3 Lv.5, as well as a super-sized Lv.3 elf that can transcend levels and kill monsters, it is a bit difficult to cause problems for the upper levels of the Loki Familia.

Unless it is the problem of "fairy fetus" that the Loki Familia needs to consider in the unknown field now [Others, it is also a bit difficult to overturn the Loki Familia.

However, the "White Palace" was not taken seriously by the upper echelons of the Loki Familia.

Even if you have to work hard to keep an eye on the side, you will avoid unnecessary dangers for your children.

After all, this is a training stage for adventurers above Level 2, not a stage for them to die.

"This is the benefit of the Great Familia."

Bell, who was watching from the side, was filled with emotions.

The large family members have sufficient resources to provide members within the family with more opportunities for growth.

As long as you show your abilities and talents, there will be no shortage of resources in the big family members. 320 "It's no wonder that the Loki Familia is a place that all adventurers want to get into. With such a large Familia and so many resources, anyone with a certain amount of talent can probably reach Level 3."

As long as a talented adventurer reaches Level 3, it is actually a matter of time.

I have enough conditions, and the family members also have such resources. Isn't this just a matter of taking control?

Even Bell would be envious of this resource.

You must know that the Hestia Familia really had nothing at the beginning. Not to mention resources, whether they could come out of the dungeon alive all depended on their talent.

It can be said that Bell's growth was quite difficult.

He is the kind of person who has cheats, but this cheat needs resources to grow.

So his start was actually very slow at first.

Before there were runes, he relied entirely on luck to accumulate enough first pot of gold in the dungeon.

If you look at this, an ordinary adventurer would probably turn to other Familia within two days.

The resources of the Loki Familia are truly enviable.

But at this moment, Bell was just feeling emotional, and would not really envy the Loki family.

Now he relies on runes to obtain a lot of resources, and even compared to the Loki Familia, he is not far behind at all.

After sighing with emotion, Bell also began to observe this "white palace".

"There is indeed something wrong with the atmosphere."

Bell, whose five senses have long been transcendent, can naturally feel more detailed things.

"There are eyes of the dungeon in the white palace. It seems that these words are not in vain."

Yes, Si'er really felt being swept by someone's eyes.

However, he had always hidden his aura and was not noticed by the owner of his eyes.

And the owner of these eyes is probably not only the dungeon, but also the guild and the black dragon.

That is to say, the eyes of the three parties are always staring at the depths, and the adventurers feel particularly uncomfortable.

The stronger adventurers will have a greater reaction here, because their five senses are really telling them that there are eyes around them.

In fact, this feeling is correct.

In fact, in the dungeon, it's not just the feeling of being stared at in the "White Palace", but this wonderful feeling on every floor.

However, there are many eyes gathered in the "White Palace", so adventurers can clearly feel the unusual feeling.

With this thought in mind, Bell carefully walked out of the barrier.

At this moment, two eyes were aimed directly at him.


In the deepest part of the dungeon, in a pure white space, a dragon covered in pitch black suddenly opened its eyes.

It can be seen that a pair of its wings have been broken, and there is even blood from the wounds.

But this white space is extremely strange. The blood accumulated when blood falls on the ground will soon be absorbed by the ground.

I don’t know how long the black dragon’s wings have been bleeding.

But even so, the black dragon is still not weak at all, and is even in its prime.

A pair of golden vertical pupils revealed humanity beyond wildness, but it was soon replaced by fighting spirit.

The dragon's mouth opened wide, and a sound resounded throughout the dungeon, even Orario's dragon roar sounded.



The astonishing sound of dragon roars echoed deep in the dungeon throughout the dungeon.

Astonishing pressure spread from the dragon's roar.


The adventurers below Level 5 of Loki's Familia and Hephaestus' Familia were all shaken by the dragon's roar, and their bodies fell to the ground unconsciously.

Even the very few adventurers above Level 5 gritted their teeth and persisted.

But the intimidating power of the dragon's roar made them breathless.

Suddenly they heard the dragon's roar coming from the underground. Even they were fools and knew what this dragon's roar meant.

It was one of the three major commissions in the world, and it was the only black dragon that had not been attacked by the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia.

All adventurers know that the deepest part of the dungeon is where the black dragon is, but no one has ever been to the deepest part of the dungeon and doesn't know if this news is true.

But today, they can confirm it.

The black dragon that almost wiped out the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia has always been deep in the dungeon.

The black dragon has always been alive.

Even too lively.


Finn gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist the pressure, but his body could not help but tremble.

Grace also held on to the ax in her hand, and her body, which had been trained to the extreme as a dwarf, could almost bear the pressure.

As a magician with relatively poor physical fitness, Riveria suffered a more severe mental impact than a warrior, which was due to species suppression.

Ais, who had just been promoted to Level 6, was also feeling uncomfortable. The dragon's roar did not happen in front of her eyes, but in the distant underground, but even so, she still felt an almost unbearable pressure.

Because of the black dragon's roar, all the monsters in the dungeon lay on the ground, and even the dungeon stopped producing monsters at this moment.

Otherwise, in this situation, just a few monsters might be able to completely wipe out the Loki family.

But only one person was not significantly affected.

But that person has quietly unfolded the barrier.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: It’s a little late today, but it’s still up. .

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