I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 375 The Rekindled Fire Of Courage

After returning from that white space, Bell could not control his heartbeat from accelerating.

"Huh~ I'm really not cautious enough."

This kind of unexpected situation is actually what Bell hates to encounter the most.

But this was the only time Bell couldn't say anything. After all, he was just testing out of curiosity. Who knew there would be such a big movement.

He casually wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Just now, he felt very clearly that he did not have the strength to fight against the black dragon.

If the opponent were replaced by "The Fierce Ota", he could be sure that he would have a 50% chance of winning.

But if facing the black dragon, then the chance of winning is not even 10%.

"Sure enough, the recent increase in strength has caused some changes in my mentality."

"The idea of ​​arrogance and arrogance is the absolute worst."

Bell tried hard to calm his racing heart, and then reflected on his overly impulsive journey.

This kind of overly impulsive behavior will definitely not be done next time.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be the time for a showdown, so this kind of impulsive behavior was just a one-time thing.

Returning to the barrier where the original coordinates were located, I looked around and saw that the members of the Loki Familia were still recovering nearby.

However, after the dragon roar, no extra monsters were born around the "White Palace".

It seems that there is indeed a relationship between using and being used between the dungeon and the black dragon, otherwise the dungeon would never miss such a good opportunity at this time.

But the dungeon's lack of action also plunged the Loki family into a haze.

"The voice just now was that of a black dragon..."

"Absolutely yes...absolutely yes..."

"How on earth can you conquer that kind of guy?"

The voice was trembling, even with very strong fear.

Once an adventurer loses their courage, they are no longer an adventurer, but a coward simply trying to survive.

Even though the members of the Loki Familia are of good quality, there are still some people who are still intimidated by the black dragon's voice.

But this is indeed not a question of whether an individual can bear it, but a question of whether no one can bear it.

"Ha ha.…………"

As a very powerful fort mage among the elves, Lefiya of LV.3 has a very good future, and even has the potential to be as good as "Nine Demons Riveria".

But at this moment, she was knocked to the ground by the dragon's roar, and her whole body was trembling, unable to muster any strength.

Not only her, but even the four LV.6 members of Loki's family are not immune to this.

As the most powerful people in the clan, they could sense more information in that dragon roar.

The black dragon is so powerful that just a dragon roar can make people unbearable.

The black dragon that has never been seen has always been hidden in the deepest part of the dungeon.

Just these two pieces of information are enough to make people despair.

"Unexpectedly, the black dragon is actually hidden deep in the dungeon."

This situation was enough to make Finn's heart tense.

You must know that Orario, the center of the world, is built above the dungeon. Once the black dragon in the dungeon goes berserk, Orario will face the embarrassing situation of being completely destroyed, and even the gods may be killed by the black dragon.

"This is really the worst news."

But what Fenn is even more curious about is why the black dragon roars at this time, and there is no anger in the voice, and it seems more like an invitation to fight.

But will anyone in Orario be targeted by the black dragon now?

No, probably not.

If there was such a person in Orario, it would not be the strongest position in Orario for so many years.

But since there is no such person in Orario, then why does the black dragon make a strange dragon roar?

Finn took a breath and looked at all the members around him, his brows furrowed.

Listening to their depressing words, Finn felt bitter in his heart. After all, he also admitted that the impact of the black dragon's cry just now was really bad.

"Everyone cheer up!"

Finn was slightly startled when he heard a slightly delicate female voice.

When he raised his head, he saw that Lililuka, whom he had always been optimistic about, had stood up at this time, and she didn't look like she was affected by the dragon's roar.

Lilluka's voice also attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, Lililuka didn't care whether these things existed or not. What she was thinking about at this moment was to change everyone's depressed state and completely strip away this unfavorable condition.

"The reasons why we became adventurers may be different, but we all want to live a better life the same."

"The black dragon, after all, is just a type of monster. It's just a more powerful monster than other monsters. Don't we even have the courage to face it after hearing its voice?"

"If there is no way to defeat the black dragon, then everyone in the lower world will die. Then we will die like this without even having the courage to fight against it. Is that really okay?"

These words made everyone gradually stop being affected by the dragon's roar.

As adventurers, they want a better life and don't want to die like this.

But if they can't defeat the black dragon, then the lower world will inevitably face death, and they don't want to have the courage to face death.

Seeing this scene, Lilluka relaxed a little, but she didn't stop. She absolutely couldn't stop at this time.

"It has been a thousand years since the gods came to the lower realm of 380. The Lord of the World entrusted Behemoth, the king of the earth, with Leviathan, the king of the sea and the king of the sky.

"The Black Dragon". "

"We adventurers have defeated the first two monsters so far."

"Although that is all the work of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia, then the final target of the crusade is our turn."

"The Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia were once the strongest Familia in Orario. They did not retreat even in the face of death. Are we, the Loki Familia, scared out of our wits when we hear the voice of the black dragon?"

At this time, the adventurers who were still trembling stopped. The fear in their hearts was still there, but the courage that was scared away by the dragon's roar came back again.

Several members of Lilluka's team stood up with their hands on the ground.

Maybe their feet are still shaking, but they have rekindled the flame of courage.

"Captain, we can't walk just because we hear the black dragon's voice!"

The dwarf used his shield to support his body and stood up abruptly.

The fear on his face has been covered up bit by bit by courage.

"I don't want to be looked down upon by others even though my only advantage as an adventurer is courage!"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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