I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 379 Will We Become Enemies?

"Thank you then."

Finn didn't refuse, at least in this way Haruhime's safety could be guaranteed.

For the front line, Haruhime's ability is the key to fighting the "fairy spirits". Only by ensuring that five of them jump out of Lv. 6 can they fight against the higher-level "fairy spirits".

However, Haruhime will fall into "weakness" after she releases her magic. Haruhime using two magics at the same time will almost exhaust all her magic power.

Moreover, the "Ten Thousand Treasure Mallet" cannot be used a second time in a short period of time.

So it's definitely a good thing to be able to be sent back to the safe floor after Haruhime uses magic.

This will not only reduce the protection work given to Haruhime, but also allow them to focus on fighting.

"Mr. Bell, do you think we still have a chance?"

"The idea of ​​opportunity is actually wrong."

Bell worked hard to correct the erroneous ideas and statements of Finn's "553" leader, and expressed his own opinions.

"The reason why adventurers are risk-takers is because we strive for our own opportunities, not those given by others."

"Captain Finn, I am also reminding you that your current achievements are not a result of charity."

"That is not charity, but entrusting the future to you."

Bell actually knows why the three members of the Loki Familia and the Ota of the Freya Familia can break through their limits.

It was just because the god who claimed to be the "Evil God" planned an action to inspire Orario.

In fact, the gods watched Orario fall into stagnation of growth and completely fell into the vortex of laziness. The gods and several brave men did not want Orario to be completely lazy in the future.

This choice gave Orario's adventurers some excitement.

They are not giving "alms", but entrusting their future hopes to those who come after them.

"The "evil god" made perfect use of the dark factions, combined with the remaining "Quiet" and "Gluttony" of Zeus and Hera, and gave Orario hope for the future.

"Although you stepped on them to get to the top, you must not regard their expectations as "charity" given to you.

"Otherwise, it will only make me look down on you."

Bell's words were not polite at all, and even his words were devoid of any emotion.

But these words made Finn think deeply.

Soon he changed his slightly decadent look.

"As you said, what we receive is not charity, but expectations for the future.

In the past, he, Riveria, and Grace fought against [Silent Alguaia] at the same time.

Back then, they used almost all means, but they were still unable to defeat the powerful experience of "Quietness".

But in the end, "Jing Ji" became seriously ill during the battle, so they seized the opportunity, and then they joined forces to kill "Jing Ji".

Even now Finn finds this unbelievable.

Looking back now, maybe it was not "Jing Ji" who was seriously ill, but the opportunity given to them deliberately.

In fact, it was not until after the battle that they realized that both "Quiet" and "Gluttony" were seriously ill.

It was also because of this information that they made their judgment.

"Silence" and "Gluttony" were actually intended to give them a chance to move on, and that's why they were defeated.

But on the surface, it's just a war between dark factions and Orario.


Even fame was not just to give Orario a future, so they chose to do what they thought was the right thing before their death.

"We have been entrusted with expectations and have no choice but to move forward."

At this moment, Finn had completely come out of his previous depression.

Yes, he has too many responsibilities and expectations, and he can't stop here.

Even the "Fairy" can never stop his progress.

However, after coming out of the decadence, Finn also felt a strong sense of fatigue.

"But this time I'd better rest for an extra day."

In fact, his spirit could no longer hold on anymore, and his mental burn made him confused about the way forward.

Even now that he was out of confusion, Finn still felt more mentally exhausted than before.

Now he just wants to have a good rest in the tent for a day.

"Rivelia, your condition is not good either. You should go to rest as soon as possible."


In fact, Riveria was almost unable to hold on any longer. Just now she was worried about Finn's condition, but now it seemed that she didn't need to worry anymore.

With a tired mental state, Riveria returned to her tent to rest as quickly as possible.

Bell, who stayed behind, saw that Captain Finn's mental state was not very good, so he was not ready to stay here anymore...

"Then, I will first..."


Finn interrupted Bell's departure, but stared at him with unusual energy.

"Are we going to be enemies?"

"An enemy? I don't think so."

Bell thought briefly and then smiled and shook his head.

"Becoming an enemy means there is a conflict of interests."

"It's a pity that we don't have any conflicts of interest. Even the Loki family is an important trading partner of mine. We should not develop a relationship that becomes enemies."

"But if you all die here, then maybe God Loki will really develop a hostile relationship with me."

"So, Captain Finn, rather than thinking about those complicated problems, it would be better to find a way to survive this trial."


Finn also had a slight headache.

This trial is not of an ordinary level. If you can surpass it, you may be able to break through to Level 7.

But if they can't cross it, all the senior adventurers of their Loki family will be wiped out.

Therefore, "survive" is their first priority when facing this trial.

After talking a few more words, Bell didn't mind saying a few more words.

"As for me, you don't have to worry so much."

"I also pursue interests when I do things. I don't want people who are beneficial to me to die so quickly."

"So I sincerely hope that the Loki Familia can overcome this trial."

Finn very much believed in the truth of this sentence, in fact Bell was really such a person.

He is good at hiding himself, good at sneak attacks, good at making some special props, and good at taking advantage of some available conditions.

"So, Mr. Bell, you still don't deny that you are taking advantage of us."

Finn shook his head slightly, he didn't feel so much reluctance at the moment.

Just like the choice Loki made.

As long as the interests are consistent, then this is not exploitation, but mutual benefit.

The topic had come to an end, and seeing that Finn had no intention of continuing, Bell bowed slightly and slowly disappeared into the tent.

"Then I'll leave first."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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