I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 382 Freya’S Favor

"You didn't call your child back because you knew.

"I know that the black dragon incident has not affected my children this time, so I don't do it."

Freya's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was no temptation in her tone, but confirmation, as if she was fully sure of it.

With Loki's character, once he discovers that the impact of the black dragon's roar has expanded, he will never do anything.

At least she would arrange for someone to go to the dungeon immediately to inform the expedition team to stop the expedition.

But Loki, who was supposed to be like this, did nothing, which already explained a lot of problems.

Freya held her chin and looked at Hephaestus sitting in front of him with Hestia.

"And Hephaestus's reaction was too calm."

"The expedition team included her children, and even the leader of her own family was involved, but she didn't care at all.

"There is only one answer."

"You are not the only one who knows this. Hestia and Hephaestus also said so."

At this point, the smile on Freya's face stopped slightly for a moment, and some pink light began to appear deep in her eyes.

"But the black dragon has been unresponsive for many years, so why did it suddenly start to move?"

Here Freya said something that made Loki feel sinister.

"Is the black dragon's sudden movement related to that child?"

This sentence almost gave Loki a heart attack, so he could only pretend to be calm and stupid.

"Freya, are you out of your mind?"

"If you transfer the reaction of the black dragon to that boy, how long did it take for that boy to become an adventurer?"

Listening to Loki's denial, Freya's eyes showed intense interest, and she even couldn't help laughing.

"Loki, you are really easy to fool."


Loki's expression suddenly changed. Considering that she was still in the gathering, she was embarrassed to lift the table directly, but her expression also became very ugly.

With deep disbelief, Loki's eyes were filled with anger in addition to shock.

"You idiot, you used your power against me!"

Freya didn't care much about Loki's anger, but said with a smile:

"No matter what, I hope to get the information on that child."

"But that child is very guarded against me. Hestia and Hephaestus will not give me corresponding information, so you are the only one who is most suitable."

These words made Loki's face become even more angry.

This is because she is regarded as the one who is best bullied.

But Freya's chag words made Loki lose his temper.

"Consider this a favor I owe you."

This sentence directly made Loki look at Freya, a nymphomaniac who couldn't show any temper.

If this were said by other gods, then Loki would definitely say "How much is your favor worth?"

But if it's Freya's favor, that's another matter.

As the main god of Orario's most powerful family, Freya's favor can be said to be Orario's highest level.

But Loki also felt that Freya really went too far, and because he realized this, the anger in Lu Ji's heart was also suppressed.

"You've gone too far as a nymphomaniac. Is it necessary for such a piece of information?"

Freya knew that Loki couldn't understand her behavior, but to put it another way, maybe Loki could understand it.

"Would you just pounce on the child you like? Especially when that child still maintains a sense of mystery."

.....Ah, forget it, it's up to you. '

The word "mystery" will make the gods unable to move.

The "unknown" is often what attracts gods the most.

So after hearing this word, Loki immediately gave up getting angry.

There is really no need to get angry with this nymphomaniac Freya just because of this matter.

This lunatic is in the lower realm just to find the most suitable partner, and Loki estimates that the probability of him being that guy is very high.

It's not because that boy has super strength that makes Loki think so.

It was because there were so many buffs on that boy's head that Loki had no choice but to think so.

"The birth of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia", "the last fire of the Heroic Age", "the black dragon's old enemy", these titles can all be placed on that boy's head.

It wouldn't be surprising if there was an additional "Companion of the God of Love" now, it's just an extra layer of buff on the head.

"It's just that the person involved probably won't be so happy."

Based on her understanding of the dwarf, that dwarf would never spit out the meat in his mouth. Even Freya probably couldn't do it.

But it was precisely because of this that Loki was even more confused as to why Freya pursued her even though she knew she couldn't come back.

As for that kid, looking at that kid's behavior, even Loki felt that if there were no problems with that kid, he would probably be able to hide his true strength until he fought against the black dragon.

Discussions at the God Assembly continue.


Ganesha stood up as the host of this divine meeting.

Talking about issues. "

"The problem this time indeed exceeded our predictions from the beginning. Even the great god Ouranos did not expect that the black dragon whose freedom was restricted could still erupt such a roar."

"However, since the dragon roar, there has been no black dragon breaking through the dungeon. The Great God Ouranos has also confirmed that the black dragon has once again returned to the seal."

"However, the Great God Ouranos also speculated that the black dragon had a corresponding reaction due to some recent changes in the dungeon."

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, and the target is directed at the dark faction that is causing trouble in the underground city.

The ones who can stimulate the black dragon in the dungeon are definitely not adventurers, nor the expedition team of the Loki Familia, only the dark factions can do it.

The gods who participated in this meeting were also aware of this problem.

"Are they the dark faction again? What happened to those guys in the dungeon again?"

"Those guys said they wanted to subvert Orario, but what they did was release the black dragon?"

"Those guys are crazy!"

In fact, the black dragon's actions this time directly caused the dissatisfaction of the Orario gods.

After all, no one wants Black Dragon to cause bigger things on the ground.

Because all the gods know that once the black dragon completely jumps out of the dungeon, the harm may be more serious than those dark factions hope to return the world to chaos.

Even if there are many gods among the gods who don't care about what the Dark Faction does, they are not willing to see the Dark Faction stimulate the black dragon in the dungeon to jump out.

This caused many gods among the gods who were willing to watch the show to tilt the scales to the other side of the dark faction.

But what the gods don't know is that the dark factions don't want the black dragon to jump out and cause trouble.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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