I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 386 A Logical Conjecture

At this time, Hestia and Hephaestus were having regular communication.

"Mr. Bell, do you know? All the situations you caused this morning are all attributed to the dark faction.

"Those guys are responsible? It seems like those guys haven't had a good time recently."

"Yes. Ouranos directly issued an announcement to encircle and suppress the dark faction, and even the gods made suggestions to kill the gods who could kill the dark faction.

"Is killing gods allowed? It seems that the influence of the black dragon this time is indeed much greater than imagined."

Bell, who was staying in his temporary base, had no idea that the guild would directly issue such an announcement.

This completely puts Orario and the dark faction into a state of war.

"So, is it God Uranus who is biased, or does God Uranus really feel that the dark faction has gone too far and needs to be dealt with?"

Bell already had the answer in his mind.

"Hestia, there is no doubt that the god Ouranos has chosen to favor us."

"All his actions are for the survival of Orario, the gods, and the people of the lower world. I think that the ancient god will not be able to infer that the black dragon's reaction has something to do with me.

So he was just pushing Orario's situation in a better direction. "

Whether this answer is true or not, Bell is already sure in his heart. According to the ancient god's thoughts, this is definitely the truth.

At the same time, Bell also said very definitely:

“I think the god Ouranos must have confirmed that the black dragon reacted because of me.

Hestia, who was far away in the Familia, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Isn't that the case?

Bell looked at Hestia's disbelief and continued:

"The expeditions of the Loki Familia were something that happened frequently in the past. For Orario, this is a common thing."

"But this time something unusual happened among the common things, and that was the black dragon's reaction."

"Then it's normal to think about what happened during the Loki Familia's expedition to cause such an abnormal situation"?

"Obviously, the answer is that there are more special adventurers."

This is a natural speculation, so Bell is very sure that the god Ouranos must have determined that he is the main cause of the black dragon's roar incident.

This statement made Hestia and Hephaestus suddenly realize.

"So that's it!"

Now Hestia finally understood why Ouranos was so quick to blame the dark faction. It turned out that Ouranos knew from the beginning that the black dragon's reaction was related to Bell.

"No wonder Ouranos pushed so fast."

Hephaestus couldn't help but cover her forehead. After hearing Bell's speculation, she also understood why Ouranos reacted like that.

But then she thought of another person.

When I thought of the woman and Loki at the divine meeting, they just vented their anger. When Uranus asked, the woman directly agreed with Loki's statement.

So now it seems that the woman should have made the same guess as Ouranos.

"Bell, maybe Ouranos is not the only one in the Council of Gods who has guessed this answer.

Seeing the slightly unhappy look on Hephaestus' face, Bell understood immediately.

"Does God Freya know about it too?"

This result is actually not beyond Bell's expectation. In fact, this is the only person who Orario Bai stated would pay attention to him.

The impact of the Black Dragon incident is really too great.

Such a big event will naturally draw special attention from the gods, and one can also speculate on what kind of stimulation the black dragon received before it let out the dragon roar.

Then through that kind of logical speculation, you will naturally focus on him.

"Although it is untimely, God Freya will not do anything troublesome at this time."

"She will be very interested in me now, but as long as she keeps her promise in the last conversation, there will be no problem.

At this moment, God Freya's problem may still be quite big, but the impact on Bell has actually been reduced a lot.

Bell also had a 50% chance of winning against "The Fierce Ota". It was too easy to avoid being found by them.

Do you really think Luen is just for a living?

Moreover, God Freya also directly expressed her attitude, which was to win over people without fighting.

"God Freya is not yet sure that a certain trait in me is what she is looking for, so for the time being, God Freya is still looking for my location, at least to confirm it with her own eyes.

"My fighting ability may not be the strongest, but hiding is what I am best at now. It is still very difficult to find me through normal means."

Bell doesn't dare to say how strong he is, but he has many ways to hide it.

The development ability is still closer to the direction of "hiding", and with the rune base, it is still easy to hide it all the time without being found.

The gods keep their promises, and some of the things they say will not be treated as farts.

So there won’t be any problems with God Freya for the time being.

"But I think God Freya will never let go of clues to find me.

"If you go by my guess, the relationship between God Freya and God Loki probably won't be revealed too much.

(Li Haohao) Otherwise, God Freya wouldn’t have fooled all the gods.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"What should we do?"

That goddess is called an evil god. It is unrealistic for her to step in the same pit twice.

Although the situation is unclear, the situation is still more favorable to them.

It can be said that even though the problem of God Freya is much smaller now, Bell still will not underestimate God Freya's ability ring.

Therefore, it will be too difficult for God Freya to continue to use God Loki as a breakthrough next time.

Bell comforted the anxious Hestia.

"But based on my understanding of God Freya, she will definitely use some means to forcefully obtain information from God Loki.

And Bell's speculation continues.

"Based on my understanding, God Heilea must want to use God Loki as a breakthrough.

You are so right!

God Freya is not a weak goddess. This goddess really dares to enforce the rules of the entire world.

In addition, Bell also has enough confidence in the god Loki.

"Don't worry too much. In a sense, even if God Loki is hit once, he won't be hit a second time. Moreover, the information revealed by God Loki now is probably just information that can be guessed. "

The corners of Hephaestus' mouth twitched slightly. Just as Bell guessed, Freya really wanted to find a breakthrough from Loki.

That charming power can almost be said to be like brainwashing, and even gods cannot avoid it.

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