I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 406 The Shocking Fact That Was Hidden

"Why are you suddenly talking about the origin of gods?"

Hermes was a little confused as to why Loki brought up this topic.

"That's because recently I learned the reason why our gods exist. The meaning of our birth, and the reason why we can exist in this world.


Hermes was even more confused by Loki's words. Their speculation about their own existence is that higher-dimensional existence created them, but they have never been able to observe higher dimensions, so they cannot understand why they were created.

"So, you are saying that you have observed the existence of higher dimensions?"

"No, no. Our guess is that a higher level, higher dimensional existence created us, but this guess is probably not correct. The existence of our gods itself has a lot to do with the rules of the world, and our birth should There is an inevitable connection with the world.”

"Well, this can be regarded as the direction we originally guessed."

Hermes nodded slightly. He remembered that they had also speculated in this direction in the past. However, they are also unable to provide conclusive evidence for such a statement, so it only exists as conjecture.

"I remember that I didn't know who came up with it. "The world was also created." This allowed us to shift this speculation, right? But I think that guy's statement is correct. Well, after all, we really have no evidence. "

Most gods in the heaven always make some guesses when they have nothing to do. The most common one is the meaning of their existence.

Hermes remembered that when he was in the heaven, many guys who seemed to have trouble with their brains often thought about this type of problem. He has been in contact with those guys. Most of the idiots who have such thoughts are mentally ill. After reaching the lower world, most of these madmen have problems.

This made Hermes stare at Loki carefully.

"Why did you suddenly bring up this topic at this time? You don't have the same interests and hobbies as those guys at this time, do you?"

Loki looked disdainful at this.

"Don't think I don't know you're calling me "crazy." I am different from those guys who only think about those problems and have pure pitfalls in their minds. The reason why I say this now is because I have actually found solid evidence. "

"Evidence? You found evidence in the lower realm that is related to our existence?"

Hermes was immediately interested. Although he doesn't like those crazy theories, he is still very interested in the meaning of his own existence as a god.

Of course, this is based on solid evidence.

"That's right. But this answer makes me a little emotional. I, Loki, have never been fooled so miserably."

The tragic truth made Loki feel a little bitter. And Hermes, who discovered this, was also the most surprised.

"Didn't Hermes, Uranus, Zeus and Hera mention it?"

"Huh? You mean they also know?"

"Otherwise, do you think Ouranos would be so decisive in dealing with the black dragon? Those dark factions have done many extraordinary things in the past, but have you ever seen Ouranos target the dark factions so directly? ?”

Hermes frowned slightly when Loki reminded him.

"I see. No wonder Ouranos would be so decisive in attacking the dark faction this time. I thought the black dragon matter had violated Ouranos's bottom line before, but I didn't expect there was such a level."

"So Ouranos's decision this time was to deliberately let the dark faction take the blame for Mr. Bell? Such a biased move is rare."

Suddenly Hermes' voice paused for a moment. He knew that the black dragon incident this time must be inextricably related to Bell. He also guessed that Ouranos did this just to let the dark faction take the blame for Bell, but Ouranos was too decisive in doing this.

Hermes thought about this problem quietly, and then came to a conclusion.

"For Ouranos, he often uses Orario and the Lower World as the standard to measure things, rather than personal emotions. Therefore, Ouranos can be relatively fair, and he can be a The guild does not participate in any forces."

"Then his partiality means that Bell at this moment is even more important than Orario?"

This conclusion surprised Hermes, but it also made him think about what Loki just said.

"So, Ouranos is indeed hiding some very important things. So, no wonder Ouranos immediately chose to blame the dark faction when he realized that the black dragon was related to Mr. Bell."

Now Hermes finally understood why Ouranos was so decisive this time, and even arranged for the dark faction to be so deadly.

The so-called evidence that Loki knew was probably known to Ouranos, but he had always concealed the reason why he knew those things.

Recalling the unhappiness on Loki's face just now, it was obvious that this was someone she couldn't vent to even if she felt aggrieved. Hermes understood that this was an existence that they all knew, but their gods could not make any reaction to it.

"From where? Ha~ From the mouth of the black dragon.

"So, where did you find out the reason?"


"Never will be."

"However, once our gods are unable to train the children of the lower world to cross them, then the world will reshuffle the children of the lower world and our gods. The history of the world will be restarted, and our gods will experience it all again."

"Just like us gods can't kill the black dragons, they can't kill us as gods either."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me comments and compliments.

"The boy talked a lot with the Black Dragon, and even asked about the reasons for the existence of Behemoth, Leviathan and the Black Dragon. It also involved some amazing inside information, including Behemoth, Leviathan and the Black Dragon. In fact, they are all individuals created by the world.”

Hermes now wanted to know what Loki knew.

"But, are we still us after the restart?"


At this time, not only Hermes was stunned, but also Asfi was stunned.

It is related to the survival of the world and the existence of gods. It is really difficult to imagine such conditions.

Hermes' breath was stagnant. Good guy, how long has it been since he didn't get involved that things have progressed to this point?

Loki looked at Hermes meaningfully, but Hermes lowered his hat solemnly.

Loki had a bit of self-deprecation on his face. It was ironic that such a thing was known not from the mouth of an ancient god, but from the mouth of someone who had always been targeted for subjugation.

"That boy went to see Heilong. Heilong's reaction was because Heilong found that boy, and that boy also went to formally meet with Heilong in order to avoid trouble.

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