I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 409 If You Can’T Beat Me, Choose To Join.

Uranus looked at Freya with a strange look on his face, who was sitting down with a smile on his face, and Hermes who was covering his face and saying nothing.

"Freya, is this your choice?"


Freya did not hesitate. She knew that her decision would have a great impact on the family, but she was willing to choose a position in order to get the answer.

"I am willing to contribute my share to the stability of Orario."

"In that case, it's as you wish."

Ouranos naturally knew why Freya said this, but considering the benefits, he still chose to accept it.

Hermes, who was standing nearby, covered his face and couldn't look away.

He knew Ouranos had made the right choice. The addition of Freya can greatly increase the power of their side, which is the right choice when facing Orario's problem and the black dragon's problem.

The Black Dragon's crusade definitely requires Bell's "One, Two and Zero", but Bell cannot be used alone in the front. Going deeper into the dungeon requires help from others, not just Bell.

The price for Freya's help is not small, and he still has to face Hestia's roar.

"Hestia, this is not my fault."

Hermes could only pray in his heart at this moment, and at the same time, he hoped that Hestia would not be mad to death when she found out.

Hestia has been avoiding Freya. This can be seen from the fact that Hestia lives in seclusion.

But Freya bumped into him this time. She was preparing not to let Hestia hide and run away, but to rush directly into Hestia's team.

With Uranus' approval, Yi Ya turned to look at Hermes with a smile.

"Hermes, now you don't have to hide it anymore, right?"

"Can you tell me the information you got from Loki?"

......…I see. "

Hermes took out the special rune stone from his arms with a look of helplessness.

"This is the "recording crystal" given to me by Loki. What is recorded in it are some special and precious images. "I think many things can be answered through this crystal.

"Hermes, I think you should explain in detail what images are recorded in it. Such an explanation will only make people confused."

Ouranos' eyes twitched slightly, but he did not interrupt Freya, but listened quietly in the seat.

But this made Hermes very uncomfortable. Although this was something that was very difficult to escape, he had just thought of handing over the "Recording Crystal" and leaving. Who knew that Freya would immediately pull him into the trap.

But there is no way.

Freya was staring at him with a smile. What could he say? What could he say?

Please do your report seriously.

Hermes adjusted his messy emotions and then explained:

"It's not that I don't want to explain in more detail, but I haven't looked at this crystal since I got it from Loki, and I don't know what's recorded in it. But Loki told me that this crystal records our gods. The meaning of existence is also the most unfriendly fact to us gods.

The interest in Freya's eyes became a little more intense.

She clearly knew that this "recording crystal" was the product of that child. "So the recorded content must also be something that the child deliberately left behind. Then what Hermes said just now is very meaningful.

The meaning of the existence of gods, the fact that they are unfriendly to gods.

If Hermes hadn't deliberately exaggerated, then this would be the truth that even the gods don't know.

So was this truth revealed by the child? Freya's curiosity was completely filled at the moment.

Ouranos didn't expect that the child had reached that conclusion, and he didn't know where the child got the answer.

"Hermes, let it out and have a look."

There is no need to be afraid of Freya now. She probably made the choice just to get the answer. Ouranos also knows this, so there is no need to continue to hide some secrets.

Hermes did not continue to struggle, but directly used the "recording crystal" to reproduce the recorded scene.

A picture was projected.

A tightly wrapped young man appeared on the screen, and he was walking out of a space crack. The space he was in was also very special. It was surrounded by white and didn't look like a normal place at all. But what was even more abnormal was not the space he was in, but the creature facing him opposite.

Those huge vertical pupils, even if they are just seen through the screen, the evil of those beast pupils can still be clearly felt by the three gods present.


Such a scene stunned Freya for a few seconds before she came back to her senses.

"It's really an amazing image."

Freya didn't expect that the child would actually see the black dragon, and even leave such an image behind. It was indeed precious enough...

"My old enemy, you are finally here.

The title of old enemy, black dragon, made Freya's eyes suddenly filled with smiles.

"It seems that my guess is correct, that child is indeed the most special."

Such a simple word can already confirm all Freya's previous guesses.

Freya did not interrupt the subsequent video playback, but focused her eyes on the child's back.

Because the picture capture is based on Bell's side, you can't see the front of Bell. What you can see is the perspective of 45 degrees behind Bell. But this doesn’t hurt Freya’s sight.

"It is the world that gave birth to us."

"Unless the world chooses to destroy you, you are just like gods and cannot be killed by each other.

"Whether it is humans, gods, or monsters, they will all come to an end."

"Ho~ I didn't expect you to come to such a conclusion."

"If gods and humans cannot cross over, then the world will usher in a complete reshuffle.

Because you shouldn’t seek meaning for meaningless things.

It's just another definition of idiot.

Compared with this kind of thing that can change the attitude of the gods in the world, it is the most boring thing for Freya. She is more interested in Bell who has reached this conclusion.

"No wonder Hermes has such a strange look on his face. He deliberately kept it aside when asked about the secret. This is indeed a shocking fact."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

...God cannot kill you.

"So, you are the test given by the world in a real sense."

Gods who think about the meaning of their existence are fools. Is such a god really a god if he cannot even know the meaning of his own existence?


Yes, this is definitely an unacceptable fact for the gods. But that's for the gods, not Freya.

"Because gods are conceived by the world, which is exactly the same as you."

This series of pictures and words gave Freya enough to understand the current situation. She really never expected that this was the truth of the world, and that this was the 4.1 meaning of the existence of their gods.

Freya never even thought about the meaning of the existence of gods and the problem of their gods being played with for half a minute.

"We are the opposite of God, we are another form of God."

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