I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 412 Two-Hand Defensive Measures

After solving the problem of Hermes, Loki quickly came to the hall, jumped directly from the back of the sofa to the sofa.

Fortunately, when comfort was first considered for the sofa, Bell chose to use warm and soft spores to condense it. It will not spread, is soft and comfortable, and will not have the problem of sinking. Otherwise, Loki's jump just now would have shattered his butt.

"How is it? How is it? Has it started yet?"

Hestia rolled her eyes at Loki who was yelling in disgust.

"You can't read it yourself?"

Loki choked violently and turned his eyes back to the projected screen.

In the picture, the boy wrapped up thickly is still walking on the edge of the 59th floor. After taking a few steps, he will stop to arrange something.

Loki knew that those things were runes, and the set runes quickly integrated into the wall, leaving no trace at all.

This is that boy's specialty.

But Loki still felt very uncomfortable looking at it, because of the scale of the 59th floor.

"That kid won't always be stationed at the edge of the 59th floor, right?"

"What do you think 493? Mr. Bell said that in order to avoid trouble that shouldn't come in, you need to make corresponding preparations. Otherwise, Mr. Bell wouldn't have to go to such trouble to arrange it."

Loki looked at Bell making preparations on the screen with a speechless expression.

Normally, no one would make such rigorous preparations.

But considering that the boy Bell did this to ensure the safety of the plan, Loki couldn't say "sick".

Sitting quietly in his seat, he watched Bell on the screen making preparations.

Preparation work is a very tedious process, especially with Bell's attitude of preparing to decorate the entire 59th floor, which is even more time-consuming.

Bell himself was observing the situation in the center during the layout process.


The slightly heavy crawling sound made his men stop their work, and his body quickly rushed to the wall, and his feet stepped on the wall, as if they were adsorbed to the wall.

His amazing eyesight quickly locked onto the acid bugs that slowly appeared.

"It seems that the acidworms and giant flowers that went to the lower level are coming back. Have you collected enough magic stones?"

(chcb) I checked the life breath of the "fairy fetus" in the center and found it was still empty. The breath is at the level of Level 5, not even up to Level 6.

"It seems that the energy of the fetus is quite different."

Carefully feeling the number of acid worms, there are not many. It seems that not all the acid worms have returned. Moreover, the condition of those acid worms is not that good, and the smell of the acid worms coming back is not very stable.

"The actions of those acid bugs also require a certain amount of energy. Now that the dungeon is trying its best to repair the damage caused by the black dragon, it will no longer have that much energy to satisfy the deficiencies of monsters on other floors."

"Heh, it seems that the failure of the food bank on the 24th floor has a great impact on the fairy's fetus."

Olivas Act was in a very bad mood at the moment.

"The loss of acid bugs and giant flowers is much greater than I imagined."

The monsters at level 60 are not that easy to deal with. Even if the acidworms and giant flowers can suppress many monsters due to their quantity and characteristics, they can only suppress them.

Now the goddess is unable to cultivate giant flowers and acid bugs as she did in the past due to lack of energy, which also makes him understand that his current situation is very bad.

If you want to collect magic stones from lower level monsters, you need to pay a higher price for acid worms and giant flowers.

But the problem is that giant flowers and acid bugs cannot be produced in large quantities because the goddess cannot obtain more power. The problem returns to energy.

"Based on the current attrition, I'm afraid the acidworms and giant flowers won't be able to play a big role in capturing Arya. The focus now still needs to be on the cultivation of the fetus."

He made a decision in his heart, and at the same time issued an order to Sunzhong and Mehua.

"Collect the magic stones of the deep monsters no matter the cost."

Sourworms and giant flowers have no thoughts of their own. They were created as tools for collecting magic stones and were born for this purpose. So after receiving the order, they put down the magic stones they collected and went back to the lower level to collect them.

Olivas picked up the magic stones on the ground and placed them one by one next to the outer membrane of the fetus.

The fetus in the membrane felt the magic stone and opened its eyes slightly, its eyes as big as a lizard staring straight at the magic stone.

The magic stones blocked by the outer membrane were sucked into the membrane bit by bit. The fetus smoothly grabbed the magic stones and put them into the mouth one by one.

And this scene was also seen by Bell, who was staring at the wall in the distance.

"Is it really an extreme shortage of energy?"

The fairy fetus may be a very good way to give birth to a clone that is connected to oneself through one's own body. Taking revenge on Orario and the gods by releasing a large number of fetuses is simply the best plan.

One or two Level 6s cannot destroy Orario, and will even be easily dealt with.

But this also means that the fairy's body requires a lot of energy. Otherwise, how could the fairy give birth to a large number of clones?

This scene didn't make Bell feel strange at all.

Therefore, it is urgent to give birth to a large number of Level 7 fetuses.

The only pity is that this plan will cause an extreme shortage of energy.

As long as the intrusion from both directions is cut off, the success rate of the crusade can be increased by at least 30%.

Even dozens of Level 6s may not be able to completely collapse Orario, because there are Level 7 adventurers in Orario.

"It seems like you don't have to worry about things with the fairies for the time being."

After landing, Bell continued to arrange the runes.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

In order to avoid trouble in the subsequent official crusade, he needed to make some more arrangements.

This is the biggest reason why Bell is so cautious now.

If the hotbed of the past underground city is still operating, obtaining energy will be a matter of time. But once there is a strike in the underground city, the situation becomes very embarrassing.

In fact, most of the rune layout on the 59th floor has been completed. Although the 59th floor looks very large, there are not many places that really need to be arranged. In fact, there are only two entrances and exits that are easiest to be discovered, so they need to be arranged there only when the crusade officially begins, otherwise they will be easily discovered.

In addition to guarding against the intrusion of others, one must also guard against the projection of fairy consciousness.

After confirming this, Bell stopped looking at the wall.

Then the connection between layer 59 and the deep layer is completely cut off.

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