I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 414 The Nightmare Strikes Again

The light of the next morning shone on the face of Bell who was sleeping in the stronghold.

Bell, who was sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes. Sporadic drowsiness still remained, but his consciousness had not completely awakened.

Turning over and looking at the dazzling light from the crystal on the ceiling outside the window, he determined the current time.

"It's morning."

Sit up and feel the light of the morning, letting your consciousness become clearer.

Habitually let go of your perception and sense the situation on the entire 50th floor. And this also completely awakened Bell's consciousness.

"Are you awake so early?"

He came back a little late yesterday. After all, there was a lot of preparation required on the 59th floor, so naturally he had a little more time to prepare.

It was also because I came back a little late last night, so the biological clock was slightly delayed.

I stretched my slightly stiff body and picked up the clothes I took off yesterday from the ground and put them on.

Let’s continue looking at the expedition team.

*"Seven Five Seven"

The people in the expedition team who were originally in a bad mental state have regained their spirits.

The adventurers affected by the dragon's roar have now returned to their normal state of mind.

That day, after regaining their courage after being overwhelmed by the roar of the dragon, all the adventurers returned to their usual state. Maybe the black dragon is a natural chasm for them, and there is no way to cross it in one step, but they will not stop moving forward because of fear.

Even Finn and others, who had fallen into a pessimistic state because of the information about the "Fairy Spirit", have regained their former energy.

Taking two days to adjust makes sense for the entire expedition team.

It's just that after cultivation, the problems that should be faced also need to be faced.

The most important thing for the expedition team now is intelligence.

The only way to get information about the fairies is Cassandra.

Therefore, after waking up from rest, Finn asked Riveria to find Cassandra. Whether men like them are not suitable to enter the girls' tent, this matter must be left to Livia.

Fifteen minutes ago, she came to Cassandra's tent because of Finn's request. However, when Riveria entered the tent, she saw Cassandra who was still sleeping.


Riveria frowned and looked at Cassandra who was covered in sweat. The ugly look on her face made her almost want to wake Cassandra up. If she hadn't remembered Cassandra's skills, maybe she had really interrupted this important process.

Is it just like this every time Cassandra has a precognitive dream?

There was sweat on his head, and the quilt covering his body was soaked with sweat from his better body.

This is a very interesting picture for men.

But for a woman, Riveria only had worry in her eyes at this moment.

What kind of picture did I see in my dream that made me feel so uneasy as if I was having a nightmare?

The dark space was filled with purple-red flames.

Meteorite rain symbolizing destruction fell from the sky, and golden thunder and lightning filled everywhere.

But even so, the battle still continues.

The brave little human rushed to the front, but his arm was pierced by thorns rising from the ground. In order to avoid being penetrated by other thorns rising from the ground, the little human gave up his arm.

Bright red blood covered the ground.

But none of this could stop the fight from continuing.

The crazy little humans began to abandon themselves and launch attacks, blocking all the thorns raised on the ground, creating opportunities for the teammates behind them to move forward.

The second person to rush forward was the werewolf young man.

Facing the opportunity created by the little human race, he used his only magic without any hesitation. His whole body was wrapped in flames, resisting the magic attacks in front of him, and kept rushing forward with more powerful flames.

But the werewolf youth responded only with the most ferocious thunder and lightning.

Just like the little human blocked the attacks for the teammates behind him, the werewolf youth also blocked all the thunder and lightning, and even kicked out a flaming kick at the end.

Unfortunately, after that kick, the werewolf youth's feet seemed to be twisted, and his body fell heavily from the air.

But when the blow with the werewolf youth's wish was about to hit the fairy, it was completely blocked by the vines rising around the fairy.

Those rising vines not only protected the fairy, but also wrapped the fairy in the center, forming a thick wall that blocked everyone's approach.

At this time, the third person rushed forward [the dwarf holding the electric sparrow in both hands faced the vine disciple with a mountainous momentum. Even Teng Shi, who could block the flames kicked by the werewolf youth, was cut open by the giant axe.

Seeing that a hole was opened, the dwarf immediately let go of the ax and used brute force with his hands to open up a passage through which people could enter.

But the next second the passage was opened, the dwarf's body was penetrated by a vine as thick as an arm and flew out.

The entrance that was finally opened was even closing quickly.


Cassandra also woke up when the vines closed.

"Is that...really?"

Cassandra couldn't help but ask herself.

She watched the battle without making any sound. Even with low strength, she could see that everyone was working hard.

But what is the final result?

She was very eager to see the final result, but the precognitive dream was not under her control... There were some things that she couldn't just see if she wanted to. But compared to last time, I did see a lot this time.

"Having a nightmare again?"

"Here, Lady Riveria."

After hearing the sound, Cassandra noticed Lady Riveria sitting beside her bed. She quickly wanted to stand up, but Riveria stopped her.

"Don't stand up yet, calm yourself down first."

Riveria glanced at Cassandra's exposed skin, and she knew what kind of state this person was in even though she was separated by a quilt. And I just woke up from a nightmare. What I need at this time is not etiquette, but emotional stability.

Kassandra tried her best to calm down, but the tragic battle situation with rivers of blood made her heart still pounding.

"Looking at you, it's not easy for us to pass this test."

"Lady Riveria, this trial... will be brutal."

Riveria understood the meaning of this sentence very well. The future that Cassandra saw would definitely be a bloody and tragic battlefield.

"The enemy is a fairy, and a fairy who can use all kinds of magic."

"Magic? It seems that after the reversal, the fairies are still fairies, not monsters.

"Well, I think they are still fairies."

Monsters cannot use magic, only fairies can use magic.

Cassandra knew that the fairy was absolutely crazy, but she should still belong to the category of fairy and not be classified as a monster.

"For Orario and the vengeful 5.3 fairies of the gods..."

Riveria's mood was particularly complicated, but she had already been prepared in her heart.

"Cassandra, you don't need to worry about whether they are fairies or not. Now that they are on the opposite side of us, the question of whether they are fairies or not is no longer important."

"......Yes, I understand."

Cassandra has also witnessed a lot of things, and she has grown a lot.

Cassandra then began to talk about the scene she saw in her dream.

The content was very detailed, so detailed that Riveria could understand what a tragic battlefield it was just by listening to it.

Finn lost a hand, Grace was stabbed through the abdomen, and Burt broke a leg due to the attack. This has almost killed half of the main force of the expedition team, and this is the damage caused during the breakthrough. It is hard to imagine whether there will be any more tragic battle losses in the follow-up.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: I want to ask, is there any problem with the way the gospel is written?

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