I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 425: Seize The Opportunity To Attack

"Once the "Fairy Spirit" crusade falls into a long rhythm, it will be an overwhelming disadvantage for us.

"Haruhime's "Millennium Hammer" can only last for 10 minutes.

"The rune stones in our hands only last for 5 minutes."

"If the time we face the "Fairy Spirit" exceeds this time, the 10-minute limit of "Level Upgrade", then we will not have any conditions to face the "Fairy Spirit".

The decisive battle was very short, only 10 minutes.

But this is also the time when Finn feels most determined.

Once 10 minutes have passed, the trump card in their hands will be completely useless, and they will also lose the power to fight against the "fairy spirits".

Therefore, it is necessary to decide the winner within 10 minutes.

"According to Cassandra's information, "Fairy" can also use magic. This is like nightmare information to us.

"Even if the "fairy spirit" is swallowed up and reversed, it is still not a monster, but a "fairy spirit". "

"Facing the magic of "Fairy Spirit", what we need is not defense, but a fierce attack27"

Finn simply chose to give up his defense.

"Did you just give up your retreat?"

Riveria murmured but agreed with this choice.

"It is indeed a necessary choice. Fairies have very obvious advantages in magic. They can use all kinds of magic, and they also have unreasonable destructive power.

"Choosing to defend against the "Fairy Spirits" whose strength far exceeds ours is actually the same as committing suicide.

Conservative defense is the choice when the strengths of both sides are almost the same.

Choosing to defend conservatively when the strength of the two sides is too different is tantamount to giving the other side the opportunity to attack.

Now that we have obtained the information that "Fairy" can use magic, the conservative strategy is a choice only a fool would make.

"Facing a strong enemy, you should choose a strategy that gives up everything."

Riveria made her statement very intuitively.

"Yes, it is a mistake to continue to choose a slow fighting method when facing the "fairy spirits" whose strength far exceeds ours. Since the "fairy spirit" has magic, then it is enough for us to use offense to prevent the "fairy spirit" from using magic. "

In fact, Grace thinks the same way.

"I didn't expect that our opinions would be unified at this time."

Finn sighed and then became serious.

"Ais, it's up to you to give the fairy the final blow.

"You are the most suitable now."

If you want to deal with the "Fairy Spirit", a simple warrior is definitely not enough. The destructive power of a warrior is still much inferior to that of a magician.

But the job of giving the "Fairy" the final blow cannot be left to Riveria and Lefia. Although they have enough magical power to harm the "fairy spirits", they don't have a suitable chance.

The time of chanting the incantation was enough for the "fairy spirit" to kill them several times.

Only Aisi, who has strong magic power and fast casting speed, can serve as the main attacker.

Ais' magic "Wind Spirit Rush" is a short-singing, high-explosion magic, and Ais herself is a warrior, so she is more suitable for dealing with "fairy spirits" than Riveria and Lefiya.

"I see."

Aisi nodded slightly, without any fluctuation in the expression on her face, and simply accepted her task.

The choice of the main attacker has been decided, and then comes the others.

"Raul, it's up to you to protect Riveria and Ya. N

"Captain, where is Haruhime?"

Raul naturally accepted the protection work with pleasure, but after waiting for a while, he didn't hear the group leader mention Haruji's name. He thought it was because the group leader had forgotten it, so he mentioned it.

But Finn shook his head slightly.

"There is no need to worry about Haruhime's safety."

"I have discussed Haruhime's safety issues with Mr. Bell. He has also located the camp on the 50th floor of Haruhime's "Stand-in Scarecrow" [Zhongyao Haruhime received a fatal attack immediately after using magic to trigger the "Substitute Scarecrow" There would be no safety issues.”

Haruhime's safety has always been Fenn's biggest concern. After all, Haruhime's magic can be said to be unprecedented. As for whether it is unprecedented, Finn believes that it will never be used again in the future.

Therefore, whether it is to preserve the vitality of the Loki Familia or to strengthen the Loki Familia, Haruhime's safety needs to be guaranteed.

Fortunately, Bell was not particularly stuck in this regard, so the burden on Finn's heart was reduced a lot.

"Me, Bert, Tiona, Tione and Grace will open the way in front, no matter what the cost, we must send Aisi to the "Fairy". "

Finn's determination to die has been made clear enough.

This time the crusade gave them only one chance, so they needed to defeat the "fairy spirit" no matter what the price.

"Everyone has that thing, so in battle, try to die as completely as possible."

"Broken hands and feet will affect the performance of abilities. If you can't escape, choose to die once."

Finn also made a very decisive decision at this moment.

With the "Stand-in Scarecrow" around, one of their deaths will be offset, so if they expect to lose their hands and feet in battle, it is better to choose to use that one opportunity that can offset their death.

Normally, Finn would not do this. After all, the preciousness of the "Scarecrow Stand" is understandable, but this time the matter was too serious.

Rather than guarding the treasure without using it, it is better to use the treasure on the edge of the knife.

"Burt, you also need to be prepared."


"Kassandra dreamed about you using magic."


Bert's face became distorted in an instant.

That magic was the biggest pain in his heart. In the past, he never used that magic, or even looked at it.

The magical incantation was simply mocking him.

But Bert couldn't help but believe what Finn said, because Cassandra's precognitive dream was a glimpse of the future.

Finn knew the anguish in Bert's heart and the reason why he was so resistant to magic, but his strength was also a necessary condition for moving forward.


"I know, special circumstances."

Bert gritted his teeth. He was unwilling to recite the mantra, but he knew that it might be unchangeable.

That unacceptable magic is one of the conditions for their advancement, so even if they don't want to, they still need to accept it.

There is no way to realize the realization in my heart so quickly, but there is not much time left.

"Well, I need time and opportunity."

Seeing that Bert had chosen to accept it, Finn nodded slightly.

"I understand. I will create opportunities for you."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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