I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 433 The Only Injured Hermes

"This is your soul world.

"My soul world..."

Freya saw the curiosity on Bell's face and explained with a smile.

Soul world?

This is the first time Bell has heard such words.

Of course, this is the first time Bell has seen this world.

Freya looked at the stone door next to her that completely blocked everything outside, and looked at the darkness around her, and couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder I didn't see your soul the first time. I didn't expect it to be like this."

The dull soul is only on the surface, but the inside is blocked by a stone door that is almost impossible to see through. It is like a wall of sighs that completely separates the underworld and the pure land of bliss.

Freya was curious as to why Bell, a human soul, would be in such a situation.

This kind of barrier is not just a barrier at the soul level. This stone door is simply a natural protective wall, completely blocking almost all parts of the child's soul.

The deep darkness outside serves as another wall for the child's soul. The two lines of defense of the soul barrier are just like the child's character. It is obviously very exaggerated, but also extremely low-key, careful and cautious.

Freya walked in front of Bell little by little. Notwithstanding the height difference between the two, they were almost looking at each other.

"I can't get you through coercive means."

"And your child's character... Ha, I really have never seen such a troublesome child."

Even Freya was speechless when she thought of Bell's pattern of actions over the past six months.

Although she enjoyed the process of searching for the child, her irritability sometimes made her uncomfortable.

Even now, even if he is facing the soul world directly, he still cannot see the brilliance of the soul inside this child.

These two layers of defense really blocked the child's soul world so well that even if you enter directly, you won't be able to see any color.

The two defeats made Freya even more curious about the secret of the child Bell, and she was even more curious about the child.

"However, your child is indeed the second child I have encountered since I went to the lower world who can ignore my charm."

"And you are even more special than the previous one.

Freya had a longing smile on her face.

"I want you."

But soon this desire turned into helplessness.

"But your fate is with Hestia. It is simply the biggest joke the world has played on me."

Fate sometimes plays tricks on people, and even gods cannot resist the tricks of fate. This may be the reason why gods are incomplete.

Bell was silenced for a moment, and then said with a complicated look:

"God Freya, since you know this, you don't need to waste so much time on me.

"That's not okay."

Choose to give up? Freya simply refused.

"Seeing your soul world makes me even more sure that you are indeed the person I am looking for."

"You are the "encounter" I hope to find in the lower world. "

Although she still couldn't see the deep side of this child's soul, just by seeing these two layers of defense, Freya understood that she had found the right one this time.

But it was because of this that there was unspeakable jealousy deep in Freya's eyes.

"It would be great if I could find you when you come to Orario. In that case, you will be mine."

It's a pity that fate played a trick on her and deliberately caused the person she was looking for to be completely separated from her, which created such a bad situation.

Suddenly, Freya's figure fluctuated.

"Defense mechanism..."

This situation made Freya even more discouraged.

The soul world is so perfect, it is a wall of sighs specially designed to protect children, and it even kills abnormal souls. It is simply abnormal.

"Let's talk about the rest outside."

After returning from the soul world, Freya still had a little helplessness on her face, and even complained with a little temper.

"What a shame."

Looking at the child in the picture again, I found that the child ran away faster than anyone else, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He simply treated her like a scourge.

Does she look so scary?

Such a child's temper gave Freya some unstable emotions.

"Hermes, I'll trouble you about the date with that child."

After saying this, Freya turned to Uranus without giving Hertis any time to prepare.

…………please give me flowers……

"God Uranus, the matter is over, then I will leave first."

The emotional Freya turned around and glared at the innocent Hermes. She turned around and left without saying anything.


Hermes, who was glared at inexplicably, had a question mark on his head.

He didn't say or do anything, and he was polite to Freya, so why was he the one being resented?


Uranus's serious face showed a rare smile.

He could see what Freya did, but Freya's changes made him feel that Freya was much more normal than before.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers, please comment and give me a price.

Hermes was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

After saying that, Ganesha rushed out of the prayer room as quickly as possible regardless of Hermes's objections, leaving Hermes alone with his eyes popping out.

"Uranus, shouldn't Ganesha help with such a matter?"


It can only be said that Ganesha still understands that the goddess is easy to deal with, and not getting involved in the goddess's emotional problems is the best way to keep yourself safe.

God knows how much Hestia treasures Bell. Asking her to send Bell to the tiger's mouth is definitely looking for trouble.


Is this Ganesha?

Why is Ganesha, who is usually very stubborn, not so stubborn today?

When Hermes reacted, he could no longer find Ganesha. He had never seen Ganesha running so fast.

"Hermes, Hestia and I are not familiar with each other and can't talk to each other. Therefore, I will trouble you about this matter."

"Hermes, it's up to you to negotiate with Heya regarding Freya's affairs."


Let him talk to Hestia about asking Bell to meet Freya? Wouldn't that cost his life?

Otherwise, Ganesha was not sure whether he would be beaten up by Freya's suitor at night.

So Ganesha knew very well that it was right to blame Hermes for these troublesome things. Only in this way could he ensure his own safety.

Ganesha, who was watching Hermes' joke from the side, shuddered instantly, and even his brain full of muscles turned around in an instant.

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