I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 435 Happy To Go Home And Bump Into The Messenger

"Ha~ I didn't expect that Finn and the others could really defeat the fairy.

Even after witnessing this feat with his own eyes, Loki felt like he was dreaming.

...You have repeated this a dozen times. "

"Huh? Are there that many?"

"Don't you even notice it yourself?"

It was understandable for Hestia that Loki was very excited. After all, she had also experienced the excitement of knowing Bell's special skills. She was really excited during those days.

But the tablet in front of her kept talking about this topic a dozen times, and even Hestia found it annoying.

Staying up late for several days to watch the situation in the dungeon made Hestia sleepless for many days. She was also very worried about Bell's situation in the dungeon, and she would feel at ease only when she could see it with her eyes.

After confirming that the expedition to the dungeon ended successfully, Hestia wanted to have a good sleep to relax her tense nerves.

Even though she was sure of Bell's abilities, she still needed to be prepared for the possibility of breaking up with Loki.

In the midst of worry and joy, Hestia felt that her energy and physical strength were being depleted very quickly, and now she just wanted to lie down quickly, have a good sleep, and face Bell who came home with the best attitude.

"Ha~ I know you are very excited, but I am very sleepy now, can you go back to sleep?"

"How can I still sleep!"

"Who cares about you! You don't want to sleep, but I still want to sleep."

Saying that, Hestia ignored the energetic Loki and pulled up Hephaestus beside her.

"Hephaestus, we don't care about this idiot, I'm already so sleepy."

"Just in time, I'm sleepy too."

Hephaestus stood up and stretched his body. His shoulders were a little sore after sitting for a long time. He stretched out his hand and squeezed them, but he had better wait until Bell came back to talk about the massage.

Loki looked silently at the two guys who were showing off their figures unintentionally, and she felt her eyelids keep beating.

He lowered his head and looked at his own eyes, and suddenly shed tears of humiliation unconsciously. He couldn't help complaining with envy:

"Tch, who doesn't?"

This scene also made Loki unconsciously recall the previous shape and size of Hephaestus and Hestia, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Have these two guys grown up again?"

But Loki quickly put these distracting thoughts away.

"I'm overthinking it. As gods, we have lost the room for growth. How can those two guys still have room for growth?"

Among the goddesses, Hestia and Hephaestus both have good figures, but as gods, they do not have room to continue to grow, so she must have been wrong.


Just thinking about it, Loki also became sleepy. After a big yawn, there was more water in the corners of her eyes, making her vision blurry.

"I can't do it either... I've stayed up late watching it for several days. I need to have a good sleep."

The face that was full of energy just now also had a layer of exhaustion on it.

Even gods need time to rest, not to mention that the gods who came down from heaven have chosen to seal themselves, sealing all the divine power belonging to the gods, and their physical fitness has been reduced to the level of ordinary people.

Even a god would feel tired after staying up late for several days in a row.

After the excitement, fatigue will follow.

With such fatigue, Loki returned to his room without feeling sleepy.

When she woke up it was already the next morning.

The soft big bed, the fragrant quilt, and the continuous sweet dreams made Loki immersed in his sleep for a long time.

Loki slept so deeply today that he could hardly open his eyes and get up from the bed very early.

It wasn't until noon that Loki's sleepiness weakened and he sat up from the bed.


He raised his hands high, his body tensed up, and after exhaling, Loki lay limply on the bed.

"Ah~ I might not be able to go back to such a comfortable life in the future."

Although it is said that a golden nest and a silver nest are never as good as one's own doghouse, that is just a general statement.

This is no ordinary golden nest. The structure here simply takes luxury to the extreme. Even the gods would be confused if they lived here.

Isn't Loki the most confused one now?

"No, I can't continue sleeping today."

Although she still wanted to stay in bed for a while, Loki knew that she couldn't continue sleeping today. She needed to go back to the family to arrange the welcome ceremony.

"A lot of things need to be started."

The matter of Level 7 and her child's victory over the "fairy spirit" in the dungeon both need to be publicized, but these things must at least wait until her child comes back from the dungeon.

It would be inappropriate to promote it too early.

All Loki needs to do is prepare a welcome ceremony for Finn and the others. This expedition is of great significance to her children. At least there is no need to go out to eat and celebrate the welcome ceremony, just prepare it at home.

After all, the welcome ceremony is followed by the official upgrade ceremony. Loki can't wait to see his children break through the Level 7 status bar one by one.

In an excited mood, Loki put on his clothes and returned directly from the space tunnel to his kennel.

Then Loki, who had great hopes, just returned to his room and saw a guy he didn't want to see.

"Hermes...why did you come to my house?"

Loki, who was interrupted, looked at this uninvited guy with an unhappy expression.

Loki didn't regard Hermes as a man at all, so he sat down on the bed and crossed his two relatively long thin legs.

"Well, actually, this time it's not related to Loki's family. We also know that your child defeated the "fairy spirit", and we saw it yesterday. "

"Tch, maybe you don't have to be so disgusted with other people. But when it comes to you, it's better to be a little less disgusted."

Loki's dislike of Hermes was written rudely on his face.

"Uranos has arranged some troublesome tasks for you?"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"There's no need to dislike it so directly."

This sympathy made Loki's face less disgusted.

The look of disgust on his face made Hermes feel even more embarrassed. .

Poor guy, he was the messenger of Zeus when Zeus was here, but after Zeus left, he became the messenger of Ouranos.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The key is not that this guy came uninvited, but that this guy actually walked into her private room. Who had the guts to let this guy in?

She raised one corner of her mouth slightly, and the word "disgust" was twisted and written on her face that was as perfect and delicate as other goddesses, highlighting her facial expression.

That look of eating melon was immediately displayed on his face.

"Just tell me, if it makes me happy, I won't be able to help you.

Loki frowned. This messenger didn't come because of her children, and looking at the embarrassment written on this messenger's face [it must have been Ouranos who arranged a strange plot for him.


"Since you saw it, why did you come to me?"

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