I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 444 This Is Just A Transaction

Inside the tent, Finn and Riveria looked at the illusory sight of Bert's right leg, and their hearts were filled with emotion.

"Although this is the second time I've seen it, I still can't understand why amputated limbs can be regenerated."

Riveria could only lament that this part of the truth was beyond her comprehension.

It simply doesn't look like flesh and bones, but something like a phantom limb appears on the broken leg. However, this part of the phantom limb should not be used as a normal limb. At least now, Bert has no idea about phantom limbs. There is no control whatsoever.

"Burt, how do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything."

The werewolf looked at the phantom limb on his right foot. He had no control over it, but when he moved deeply, the uncontrollable phantom limb also moved with his body.

"Same as when it broke just now, there is no "280" force, and you can't feel its presence when exerting force.


Finn looked at Bert's phantom limb and shook his head slightly. He didn't know what the principle was.

"Perhaps Loki will know. But judging from Loki's tone of voice, she will definitely not say anything casually that we should not know.

"Well, it's Loki after all."

Bert didn't think that Loki would obediently tell them the principles of the operation of this rune stone. Maybe this part of the principle touched areas that they couldn't touch.

Bert snorted and sat on the hospital bed with his hands on his chest.

"That guy has had this kind of character from the beginning. She will definitely tell us things that we should know, and she will never reveal a word of things that we should not know. According to her, "There are some things that are not good for knowing more about." ”.

Finn and Riveria also know this, but they also understand this truth.

"Loki also conspired with that guy. I'm afraid the "fairy spirit" we crusade is just a part of their plan. In fact, that guy Loki knew that we had a high chance of survival, so he chose to take the risk. "

The werewolf is not an imbecile adventurer. On the surface, he has a violent personality, but like Grace, he is a rough-and-tumble person.

After seeing the unusual aura of the "Fairy Spirit", the werewolf became very clear about one thing.

They were fooled!

When I think of the aura that the "fairy spirit" exuded at the beginning, the werewolves' instinct as orcs noticed a very important problem - they can't win!

It was not a conclusion that he was personally swallowed up by the aura of the "Fairy Spirit", but a conclusion that he came to after confirming the aura of the "Fairy Spirit" and temporarily raising himself to LV.6 based on his own strengthening.

But the final result was that they won, and winning was an accident.


Of course Finn also understood what Bert had noticed. In fact, he had gone with the determination to die in the previous battle, but he did not expect that the final result would be so dramatic.

"Loki must have made certain considerations before making such a decision."

"She does not set our ability to pass this test as a goal. The test itself is just whether we can use all our trump cards to face it and fight for that glimmer of hope."

"Perhaps Burt's magic didn't accidentally hit the core of the "fairy spirit". We should be like what Cassandra saw. Only when we are pushed to the limit will we get a chance to win. "

"It's an "opportunity" given by others. "

Bert added angrily, but Finn sighed unable to refute.

"So, in Cassandra's precognitive dream, she saw Mr. Bell appearing on the 59th floor. He did not go there to show Loki and the others this battle, but simply to arrange the 59th floor. He left for a trial site.”

Although they had guessed such a result, the "fairy spirit" they faced was still not a vegetarian, at least it showed a strength far beyond theirs.

Lv.7, even close to Lv.8 strength.

When thinking about the trial they faced, even Finn felt decadent and powerless.

"Although I overestimated Bell-kun's ability, I didn't expect that he could even deal with the "fairy spirit" problem. You can even use "fairies" to set up such a big stage for us, making us feel like clowns on this stage. "

To say he is a clown may be a compliment to them.

At least the clown knew that he was playing a clown, but they knew nothing. He was just like a temporarily assigned clown who was pressed on the stage and watched their instinctive reactions on the stage...

Although this statement is slightly pessimistic, these words also express some of the resentment deep in Finn's heart.

But Riveria is not as emotional as Finn. She is better at looking at problems from an objective perspective.

"Finn, what you said is a bit too emotional. Considering the results, this is a mutually beneficial situation. This is not a charity, but a transaction.

"The reason why Mr. Bell arranged this is probably because he also has a reason to do this. For example, the god of medicine Leiya."


Finn was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately after being reminded by Riveria, but then he shook his head helplessly.

"I even forgot that God Hestia and God Freya are still in an antagonistic relationship. God Freya is always watching Mr. Bell. No wonder Mr. Bell is so anxious to use this method to trade with Loki. Already."

"He wants us to grow up so that the Loki Familia has the strength to confront the Freya Familia."

This answer made Finn facepalm speechlessly.

Good guy, no wonder he felt weird before.

He wondered why Bell was so interested in participating in this expedition. The reason was to avoid God Freya.

But thinking about the God Freya, Finn felt that he could understand Bell's desire to hide.

God Freya is not someone who gives up easily in 4.2. Even if she made an agreement with God Hestia, she would probably use other methods to get close to Bell.

Facing the powerful god Freya, Bell chose to create a family that could compete with the Freya family.

Finn finally understood why this expedition would face so many excitements. It turned out that this expedition had been filled with buffs from very early on.

"Hey...even though I was teased, at least the result was good."

After sighing helplessly, Finn could no longer face this matter with resentment.

Just like Riveria said, this is actually a transaction.

No matter what, Bell's arrangement still allowed them to take that step.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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