I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 446 Complete Confrontation With The Dark Faction

"Orario's divine meeting passed a resolution against the dark faction. Now the dark faction is like a rat crossing the street in Orario. The guild also issued a reward for the dark faction. As long as the opponent's dark faction is confirmed, As for the identity of the valve, the reward will be borne by the guild."

"In addition, even the right to kill gods has been delegated."

This result surprised the three of them.

"Even the right to kill gods has been delegated? Is the guild so sure that it was the dark faction that stimulated the black dragon?"

"Hmm~ I think Captain Finn may have thought wrong about this issue.

Bell suddenly interrupted, causing Finn to be slightly startled, with confusion written all over his face.

"Mr. Bell, why do you say that?"

What the guild needs is never clear evidence, but an excuse recognized by the gods.

After seeing the incomprehensible looks from several people, Bell gave his own explanation.

"The dark factions are making more and more moves in Orario, and they can even get involved with the "fairies", which is a bad result for Orario. The guild was very unhappy to see such a result, so the excitement of the black dragon gave the guild a good enough reason to take action. "

"One thing that is clear now is that there are main gods of the dark faction among the gods. Their existence will bring great resistance to the crusade against the dark faction. But if the dark faction invades the bottom line of the gods, then the dark faction will Valve must stand on the opposite side of Orario."

"If opposition arises, the gathering may be forced to send back some gods."

At this point, Bell paused.

"Although I also think that the guild wants to cover up something by launching a resolution against the dark faction so quickly, but this result is what all the gods want to see. As for what the guild deliberately wants to cover up, it is no longer clear. It's important."

"indeed so."

Finn also understood what these words meant.

The Guild must have put a lot of thought into launching this resolution in such a hurry.

The several points mentioned by Bell just now may be the reason why the guild quickly implemented this resolution, but as Bell said, in fact, it is no longer important what the reason is.

"The reason is no longer that important. The key is now that the dark faction has officially stood against Orario.

"The guild has issued a reward. For the sake of money, I am afraid that countless adventurers will start to report those adventurers who are suspected of being the dark faction. Soon Orario's dark faction will completely lose their space for activities."

But Finn suddenly looked at Bell and asked with a serious face:

"Mr. Bell, I remember you said before that "fairy spirits" grew to that point because of the help of dark factions. "

"That's indeed what he said."

"So, did the dark faction that was sanctioned in Orario quickly reach out to us?"

"That's right."

Bell smiled and nodded slightly, and said with some anger in his voice:

"Actually, when I went to the 59th floor, the energy obtained by the "Fairy Spirit" was not very much. At that time, it only reached the peak of Lv. 5. But when I went to investigate the situation for the second time, I discovered that there were a large number of magic stones around the "fairy spirit". "

"Part of it was obtained by the giant flowers and acid worms in the deep layers, but more parts should have been gathered together by the dark faction."

"As for their purpose, I think it should be..."

“Leave all the living power of the Loki Familia in the dungeon.

Finn's face looked very ugly when he said this.

He is very sure that those magic stones definitely exist. After all, "fairy spirits" need to obtain enough energy to grow, which is like a lot of strengthening.

And many of the previous actions of the "Fairy Spirit" also illustrate this point, so the "Fairy Spirit" needs a lot of energy to become a threat to them.

Not only they understand this, but the dark factions who cooperate with the "Fairy Spirits" also understand it very well.

I just learned from Bell that Orario has regarded the Dark Faction as an enemy that needs to be conquered, and then the Dark Faction will directly attack the Loki Familia. Isn't this obvious?

This is to completely clear out part of the high-end combat power before the official war begins.

And considering that the Dark Faction became a street rat in Orario, and was denounced by the guild in the God's Association and offered a reward, it is even more certain that the organization secretly gathering magic stones for the "fairies" is the Dark Faction. .

In the past, those dark factions didn't reach out to their side, and Finn didn't care so much.

But now that the dark faction has taken the initiative to reach out, it would be a shame for them not to give a proper response to the dark faction's actions.

"That's it."

Bell is very happy that Captain Finn can analyze this point, and he also needs to tell Captain Finn some other news.

"When I discovered that a large number of magic stones appeared around the "Fairy Spirit", God Loki was also there to witness the whole process. And I have also reminded God Loki to investigate which Familia have purchased a large amount of magic stones. I think God Loki should tell you the list after you go back. "

""I see."

There was some clarity on Finn's face. He was very sure of the information Bell gave them, and he did not doubt the authenticity of what he just said.

"With Loki's ability, he should be able to investigate some clues. Acquisition of a large number of magic stones in a short period of time will be noticed no matter how careful you are, not to mention that it is a temporary acquisition, and there will definitely be more clues left behind. ."

"However, I think those Familia should be marginal Familia, and they are probably sacrifices thrown by the dark faction.

Bell naturally knew this, but he smiled indifferently.

"Captain Finn, it doesn't matter if it's specific or not. The main thing is that someone needs to take action now and someone needs to be a role model for Orario adventurers."

"Perhaps the final targets are just some small characters launched by the dark faction, but as long as the entire (Zhao's good) family is slaughtered, and even the gods among them kill the dark faction, I think the entire Orario family will be killed. Adventurers will have more courage to kill the gods."

"We won't show mercy when the critical moment comes because the other party is a god."

These words caused Finn to give Bell a slightly complicated look.

"Among them, killing gods is what you want to see, right, Mr. Bell."

In the past, only the Dark Faction would do such things, but if the adventurers of Orario could do this, then the Dark Faction might completely explode.

Finn was pretty sure there were only two possible outcomes.

Or the dark faction will choose the most cruel method to fight back.

Or the dark faction will choose to temporarily retreat to avoid its edge.

But Finn instinctively felt that the dark faction would choose the former.

Therefore, we will soon face an all-out war with the dark faction.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers... and please give me a review.

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