I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 452: Stunning Ability Values

[Name: Bell Clonney


Development ability:









·Magic power:10→???1931


"Four-dimensional space":


"Royal Thunder":

·Quick Attack Magic

·Envoy of Thunder and Lightning


"Personal training":


·Double the experience of fighting powerful enemies


·High luck

"The Desire of the Poor"

•Accumulate power]

When this piece of data appeared in front of Loki's eyes, the series of four-digit "ability values" had completely dumbfounded Loki.

"Magic 1900?"

"The other values ​​are all at least 1200!?"

"Am I crazy? Or is there something wrong with the favor system?"

This string of data is extremely gorgeous.

Loki could have sworn that he had never seen any adventurer with such outrageous abilities in the lower world for so long.

Even the world-famous "Silent" in the Age of Heroes does not have such an exaggerated "ability value" of 370.

"Quiet", who trains everything to the extreme and is called a "talent monster" by the gods, has talents far beyond those of ordinary adventurers. At the same time, "Quiet" is also one of the few adventurers other than ancient adventurers who has broken through the restrictions of the "favor system".

You must know that the ability value of "Silent" is just that the magic power has broken through the limit, and the agility and dexterity are still limited to the high point of 999.

But every ability value of the boy in front of him has exceeded the limit of 999 and reached unimaginable heights.

The magic power is as high as 1900.

Although Loki didn't know what level this excessive breakthrough data belonged to, Loki could understand that this boy was the most special one among countless adventurers.

"Calm down, Loki."

Hephaestus put a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"Hehehe... How do you want me to calm down?"

This series of weird ability values ​​really made it impossible for Loki to face the problem calmly.

"Hephaestus, has this kid grown so ridiculously since he was Level 1?"

This made Hephaestus recall Bell's level 1 ability value.

"It seems...not that (chda) high."

"How much exactly?"

"Hmm...around 1,200?"

Good guy, Loki was completely silenced around 1200.

All ability values ​​are around 1200? And the ability values ​​are from Lv.1?

Loki had never seen such an outrageous ability value.

This made Loki smile bitterly.

"I originally thought that this kid would only grow a little faster at most, but who knew the height of his growth could be so outrageous."

"The ability value has been increased to about 1200 during the Lv.1 period. My Finn, Grace and Riveria can only pile up the ability value to 999 at most. At the beginning, I felt that Finn and the others had already increased their ability value. It’s worth exercising to the limit, who knew there was such an alternative.”

For any adventurer, 999 is the limit of ability value growth.

It's not that there is no way to continue to grow, but that people who are not talented enough will be limited to the extreme position of 999. Only talented people can break through this value.

But "Silence" only reached 1001. But this guy in front of me has already reached 1200.

The limit of this breakthrough is not ordinary.

"It is indeed Orario's strongest talent. This ability value is really intuitive."

The ability value is enough to clearly explain the words "the strongest talent".

Loki took a deep breath and looked elsewhere, and then her eyelids twitched wildly in the area where abilities were developed.

"The ability value may increase very quickly, but the development ability is opposite to the improvement speed of the ability value. But this theory is not suitable for this kid."

A development ability level of one B and two E.

This is not an "ability score", this is a level of ability development.

Even the development ability that Finn and his friends initially chose has only reached E now. As a result, this kid has only been an adventurer for half a year and has achieved what Finn and his friends have achieved in decades, even better than decades of hard work. Even more outrageous.

Because this kid not only raised his development ability to E, but even got a B.

"Hmph~ My Mr. Bell can grow up very quickly in various abilities."

Hestia held her chest and head high proudly.

She is definitely proud of her children's excellence, but she usually can't show off her children's growth because she needs to hide it. Now Hestia can be arrogant in front of Loki.

Loki glanced at Hestia, who was showing off. If this kid was her child, she would probably show off even more than this little dwarf.

Keep reading.

"Good guy! So this is the problem."

Loki soon discovered the top skill in the skill circle, "Personal Training·Precocious Maturity".

It's not that Loki doesn't understand the word precocious. This skill is the key to Bell's rapid growth.

But the problem is that there is no detailed explanation of the entire skill, which means that the scope of "precocious maturity" is very broad, and there is not even a special definition.

This can only be described as outrageous.

The characteristic of "early maturity" itself is already very special when it appears in the skill column. However, as a result, there are not many restrictions on this "early maturity", which is outrageous.

Then Loki discovered another problem.

"Little dwarf, is this the emperor?"

But this kid is different.

There's also "kismet" and "the desire of the poor."

Also, the idea of ​​"Chasing Thunder and Lightning" is a bit unusual.

If an ordinary person, Loki, would just glance at it and pass by, because she knew that she must be overthinking it.

There are also power-charging skills. Loki seems to know how this kid cut off an arm of the guardian of the "Fairy Spirit" with a knife.

This kid already has a glimmer of possibility, maybe even this magic is...

Hiding + sneak attack + charging, it's no wonder that even the "fairy spirit" guardian who can defeat Ais can only choose to retreat. That is simply the only option.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

What's happening here?

One is a lucky skill, and the other is a power-charging skill.

There are only two magic spells in this kid's magic column, one is four-dimensional space and the other is thunder control. Obviously, they are not the rune magic that this kid often uses.

There is also the magic of "Controlling Thunder". The explanation below is "Quick Attack Magic" and "Controlling Thunder".

There are surprisingly few lucky skills. Even if there are more, they appear in the development ability section. However, there are very few lucky skills in the skill column.

It is not a magical incantation. In other words, this magic is magic that can be used without chanting.

"It should be power."

....This guy has two kinds of powers!?"

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