I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 455 Don’T Look Down On 3-Star Gifts

The next morning, Bell woke up from his sleep.

He glanced at Hestia and Hephaestus who were sleeping beside him. The tiredness of the two goddesses could be seen on their sleeping faces, which made Bell somewhat embarrassed.

After all, it was half a month's separation, and when we met again, we didn't have the usual restraint.

The excessive excitement caused him not to sleep well last night, and the whole night of exercise also made Hestia and Hephaestus, who had been accompanying him all the time, so tired that they could not open their eyes.

Even though they are goddesses, with their divine power sealed, they are of the same quality as ordinary girls in the lower world, not to mention that they exercised quite a lot last night.

The twisted space around Bell dragged him to the bed.

This time Bell was sure that he didn't wake Hestia and Hephaestus.

After quietly leaving the room, Bell subconsciously released his senses, and found Loki still lying in the room in a corner on the second floor.

"Aren't you ready to go back?"

This thought stopped Bell's thinking for a few seconds.

"Oh, by the way, it is safest if God Loki does not appear in the family now."

Although he hasn't gone to Orario to confirm the specific situation, Bell can feel that Orario's strong aura of gunpowder from the words of the three goddesses.

God Loki did not return to his family to prepare a ceremony to welcome the expedition team just in case.

As long as God Loki does not appear inside the family base, the dark faction will not have a chance to take action.

Those guys probably wouldn't take action casually in this situation.

After Bell thought for a moment, he turned and headed to the bath on the first floor of his home.

After carefully washing off the odor of sweat from his body, Bell slowly sat in the bathtub filled with hot water.

Looking at the empty bathtub, Bell felt only inexplicably peaceful.

Pull out the system's item bar and look at the gifts placed in the "3-star gifts" row. Now is the time to absorb the gifts.

"Except for a 5-star heroic spirit card and a 4-star gift card, the others are all 3-star gifts."

Although there is no such thing as a guarantee, it still makes Bell heartbroken to see so many blue skies and white clouds in ten consecutive games.

Especially if you use "high-level card drawing", it's 1 million once.


"Why was my heart hurt when I drew cards before, but now that I am reborn and faced with drawing cards, my heart hurts even more?"

Obviously money comes faster now, but Bell just can't control his heartache.

After sighing slightly in his heart, Bell focused on the dress.

"The first is the pedigree of the golden tree, which enhances resistance to poisoning, curses and burns."

Bell remembered that this gift was supposed to weaken resistance, but when it was put here, it became resistance. Its effect was to improve many dimensions.

Of course, the effect has improved a lot, but for him, the effect is just the icing on the cake.

The function of this gift is similar to the "abnormal resistance" that develops abilities.

If you can be 100% immune to poisoning, then no matter how much resistance this gift increases, it will be beneficial to a person who does not have "abnormal resistance".

Although Bell is always prepared with strategies against poisoning, burns, curses, etc., it wouldn't be a bad thing if he could use gifts to increase some of his resistance.

[It will cost 1 million faris. 】

Bell chose "yes" in his heart.

The five gifts in front of me slowly merged together, and there were also some changes in the introduction.

"The pedigree of the golden tree: Increases resistance to poison, curses and burns by 50%."

"50%? So high?"

Even Bell was a little surprised that the resistance increased by this gift was so high. He originally thought it would be the same as the original gift by 30%, but this can also be said to be an unexpected surprise.

"We can test it then to see what the 50% resistance level is."

However, this can be tested later. For now, it is better to absorb it first.


The torn ceremonial dress turned into bits of white light and slowly integrated into Bell's body.

The boiling blood made Bell frown slightly, and his fair skin turned pink due to the boiling blood, and even began to turn towards a ripe red color.


He exhaled softly and saw a white mist even in a place with a very high temperature like the bathtub.

Thirty minutes passed before Bell's hot skin slowly returned from a hot red to a healthy pink.

"Absorbing the resistance-increasing gift has a greater impact than I imagined."

"Because the increased resistance to poisoning, curses and burning actually increases the possibility in the genes. That's why the damage to me in the process is so great."

"Then, increasing my recovery of magic power and physical strength is probably directly related to my cell vitality. It seems that some pain is indispensable."

But if it's still at this level, Bell can still resist.

At the same time, I am also glad that I attach great importance to absorbing the gifts. If I absorb a dozen of them together like the first time I absorbed the gifts, maybe I will definitely pass.

If Bell's own recovery ability is included, it may only take 6 or 7 minutes to restore physical strength and friction from zero to full recovery.

"Other gifts will also be enhanced."

This greatly enhances Bell's ability to continue fighting.

An increase from 1% to 2% is indeed a doubling.

Now that he knows this, Bell is not in a hurry to collect 140 other gifts.

"Other gifts have been doubled."

Judging from the current situation, we can only absorb two at most every day, otherwise the impact on the body will be too great.

In addition, the basic consumption of most of Bell's magic that requires magic support is not very large. Without increasing the magic output, this kind of recovery power can almost maintain Bell's combat status for a long time.

Just the gift that Bell has drawn now has increased physical recovery by 4% and magic power recovery by 6% per minute, which is not a small percentage.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Maybe the increase percentage is not very high, but you must know that this is the increase of one of the gifts.

The absorption is not enough, but the strengthening can be done now.

Absorbing four in one day is absolutely not acceptable.

Therefore, these gifts are still very useful.

But he just saw that the absorption of the gift requires corresponding preparations, so Bell felt that the matter of absorbing the gift still needs to be postponed.

This means that it takes 25 minutes for Bell's physical strength to fully recover and 17 minutes for his magic power to recover.

Even if you don't take into account the recovery speed of Bell's physical strength and magic power, just looking at this value is terrifying enough.

I took a quick glance at the other costumes.

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