I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 463 Celebration Banquet

At this moment, the Loki family holding a celebration banquet has become more lively than before.

It was already busy before it got dark, and the "Twilight Pavilion" also began to welcome the families and gods who were invited to the banquet.

Hermes arrived at the banquet early with her leader and several children.

"This is really lively."

Hermes looked at the lively scene inside the "Twilight Pavilion" and couldn't help but sigh.

"Lord Hermes, today's promotion of the Loki Familia is a big event. Why wouldn't God Loki want to make it more lively?"

Yasi Fei completely understood God Loki’s desire to show off.

It's just that when she spoke, she lowered her skirt a little uncomfortably. To be honest, she was really not used to wearing this kind of dress.

Really, why is my main god always so willful? Yasi Fei really wants to change her main god, at least to someone who won't torment her.

It's a pity that Yasifei, who is well aware of her master's divinity, understands that her hope can only be imagined in her mind.

Hermes couldn't help laughing when he saw Yasphi's discomfort, then he closed the palm of his right hand and gently raised a gust of wind.


Seeing that her skirt was about to be lifted up, Yasifei quickly held it down with her hands, then blushed and looked at the pervert who did this.

"Please stop in moderation."

But facing the cute and shy red-faced Hermes, his captain, he was not afraid at all and still looked at him with a smile.

"Asife, today is a banquet, you have to learn how to make everyone happy.

Yasifei, who was being teased, rolled her eyes fiercely, lowered the hem of her skirt with her hands, and then kicked the perverted god away with her maximum movement.


Normally this pervert would be a little too much, but if he does this in such a formal occasion, do you really think she won't be angry?

But even if he is really angry, he will not be able to control his power star.

Otherwise, a shy and angry kick from Level 4 would be enough to send the god who has sealed his divine power directly back to the heaven.

However, despite this, Hermes, who was kicked out, still hit the wall hard.

"Lord Hermes, are you okay?"

"Well... Asifei is really getting more and more angry.

Hermes, who was lifted up by Lulune, covered his face and sucked in the cold air. The feeling of close contact between his face and the wall was not good at all.

But these words made Lulune feel contemptuous.

"It's not your fault that you would lift up the captain's skirt on such an occasion."

This made Hermes immediately respond seriously.

“It’s precisely because it’s a time like this that I have to do this.”

"Asfi has always been out of touch with others, so she needs to show more emotions in normal times.

Although the words were so precise and meant "I am doing this for your own good", Lulune could tell that only the last sentence was true.

"Lord Hermes, you just want to see the shy expression of the leader."

Hermes was silent for two seconds, and then shifted his gaze.

"Oh! Hephaestus is here too."

So, this is the truest thought in your heart. Although Lulune was not smart usually, she became smart at times like this. "She understood the hidden meaning in Hermes' words very well."


Although I knew it in my heart, I still had to give him the Lord God’s face.

"Where where?"

Lulune simply let go of the previous topic and went to find the location of God Hephaestus.

Following the gaze of God Hermes, Lulune soon found Hephaestus, Orario's famous craftsman god.

Today, God Hephaestus is wearing a red dress, which contrasts with his blood-red hair and eyes, but also shows off his snow-white skin to the extreme.

The mask worn on half of the face slightly reduces the beauty, but it has a different kind of charm and gives people a cool feeling.

And Lulune was quickly attracted to the people around God Hephaestus.

As one of the protagonists of this banquet and one of the characters who broke through from Level 5 to Level 6, Chun Cobrand.

Today, Chun does not wrap her body with a bra as usual, but wears a very formal white dress.

Although my skin is wheat-colored, Yu Se's dress makes her look unexpectedly golden.

It's just that Tsubaki is a little uncomfortable wearing a white dress.

.........Please give me flowers...

"Hmm... Lord Hephaestus, I'm really not used to wearing such a dress."

Tsubaki was not used to wearing such inappropriate clothes.

Shaking her body from side to side and looking at the fluttering dress, Chun couldn't help but sigh.

"Stop complaining, today is also your celebration party."


That's true. Chun also felt that Beizi shouldn't jump out at this time.

I can only try to make myself think of interesting things, hoping that today's time will pass quickly.

"No, at least not today."

Hephaestus did not hide it like he did in the past, but said it directly.

Chun already had doubts about Bell's strength, at least she didn't think that a Level 1 adventurer could create that kind of unscientific "replacement scarecrow" with his own abilities and magic.

Once a talented person jumps out at this time, he will definitely become the target of the dark faction.

You must know that Orario is full of dangers now. After all, the troubles with the dark factions are no longer just behind the scenes, but have been directly brought to the table.

"By the way, Lord Hephaestus, Beizi... are you still planning to hide behind?"

This fluttering dress was like the greatest restraint for her, but she couldn't really turn around and leave on this occasion.

She didn't like this kind of banquets and entertainment before. She was obviously more suitable for working in the back, so why did she have to attend such banquets just to level up?

"This is his habit. Hestia only has one family member, and if he jumps out at this time, it will definitely cause trouble. Since this is the case, it is better to hide behind all the time."

In addition to time, timing is also a big issue.

PS: Please collect...Please. Flowers...Please comment on the four prices.

It's a little too early.

Hearing Lord Hephaestus say this, Chun became even more powerless.

You must know that the earliest adventurer in Orario to upgrade in the past was the "Sword Princess" of the Loki Familia. If someone upgrades now in half a year, I am afraid that he will soon become a favorite in the eyes of the gods.

"Lord Hephaestus, can't I just forge at home?"

The request was rejected, and Chun lowered her head helplessly.

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