I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 470 Freya Felt Very Complicated After Learning The Truth

"Oh my god, luckily my Bell is not affected."

At this moment, Hestia was once again grateful that her child's specialness exceeded Freya's imagination, otherwise Freya's crazy criticism might have caused chaos in the lower world.

At this moment, Hestia felt a little chill on her back.

But if her Bell meets Freya's conditions for activating her power, then wouldn't her child have to switch to Freya?

Just imagining that scene was completely unacceptable to Hestia.

However, fortunately, even if Freya does this, the current situation will not have any impact.

This gave Hestia a chance to ease her pounding heart.


Gently patting the breast that made Loki shed tears of envy, Hestia felt completely relieved now. As long as Freya's methods are ineffective against Bell, then there won't be a big problem.

Freya simply glanced at Hestia, but she didn't say that there was nothing she could do.

This stupid thing hasn't reacted yet? Loki looked at Hestia as if he were an idiot.

Loki could hear the meaning of what the nymphomaniac just said.

Naturally and Hephaestus also understood. 27 "Hestia, what Freya said was just hard tactics. She never said anything like letting go."

If this woman could let go, she wouldn't have come over and said those words just now. Hephaestus lamented in his heart this woman's persistence, and at the same time lamented Hestia's understanding.

"Hephaestus, didn't anyone tell you that it is immoral to disturb other people's love affairs?"

"Freya, is the love you are talking about a robbery?"


Freya was stunned by the statement that Hephaestus gave no room for such a high profile.

In her impression, Hephaestus would not interfere in other people's love affairs. Even if she went a little too far, according to Hephaestus's character, this should be a reminder to Hestia not to commit the crime. It's just stupid, how could you bump into it by yourself?

Could it be that... Freya had a strange feeling in her heart.

She felt that Hephaestus looked a bit like her at this moment.

This feeling made Freya a little dazed, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"That's it, that's it."

She finally understood why Hephaestus directly collided with her on this issue.

"It turns out you are too. No wonder your actions are completely different from your past actions, and you actually bumped into me head-on."

Ganesha was still confused, but as veteran drivers, Loki and Hermes already understood. The two of them looked at Hephaestus who jumped out with strange expressions on their faces.

Hephaestus did not continue to hide this.

"Once a goddess's love begins, it will never stop. You should also know this."

No. Hermes stared at Hephaestus with disbelief. He did not expect that besides Hestia, even Hephaestus would fall in love.

I should have thought of it earlier. Hephaestus moved directly into Hestia's home. She was definitely not rich and unconnected.

It was only at this moment that Hermes realized that this was a result that should have been noticed long ago.

"Loki...well, she probably won't."

When he thought of Hestia and Hephis jumping in, the first thing Hermes thought of was Loki.

But as he glanced at the airport, which was even more determined than the cliff, Hermes suddenly woke up.

No one can be Loki.

Holding Loki, isn't that the same as holding a shota?

Of course, this idea must not be exposed.

Hermes was sure that once he had such thoughts on his face, Loki would definitely give him a flying kick.

At this moment, Loki barely recovered from the shock of "Hephaestus also likes that boy."

When she looked at Hephaestus at this moment, she couldn't help but say:

"No wonder you and Hestia always hang out together, and even live directly in that guy's house. You still have this kind of relationship!"

Suddenly, Loki remembered that he lived there too, and quickly began to blame him.

"Hey, hey, you have feelings for that kid, but I have no interest in that kid at all."

These words made the three goddesses present look at Loki one after another, and the muscles on their faces couldn't help but twitch. It was Freya who reacted first.

"Loki, of course I know you won't."

That child's vision is not bad enough to want you. Freya couldn't help but press the muscles on her face, trying to control her face not to laugh directly.

"That's right, Loki, you will definitely not betray me."

Hephaestus almost couldn't help laughing.

Hestia also endured it very hard. She really couldn't see that Loki would say such a thing. Who gave her the confidence?

"Ahem, then again."

This made both Hestia and Hephaestus shift their gaze elsewhere with a guilty conscience.

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I really can't tell. Hephaestus usually has the best relationship with Hestia, but he didn't expect that he would also use tricks on the child.

"So, did Hephaestus attack that child first?"

Freya's sharp words directly hit the crux of the problem.


This suddenly made Freya's eyes sharper.

"So, that means Hephaestus can do it, but I can't?"

Hestia couldn't help but puff up her cheeks after saying this. In fact, even Hephaestus couldn't do it, but Hephaestus 003 was one step ahead of her by not practicing martial ethics. Otherwise, how could she agree?

Freya really had no intention of continuing to talk about Loki. Naturally, she didn't think that the child would fall in love with Loki, an unfeminine goddess. Attention then focused on Hephaestus.

Seeing Hestia's angry look, Freya finally reacted, and then looked at Hephaestus in surprise.

"So, did Hephaestus use some tricks?"

When she thought of this, Freya felt as uncomfortable as a stone being pressed against her heart.

“It’s just a way to make Hestia understand.

So, did Hestia accept it for this reason?

As a result, in the end, it was not Hestia who made the first move, but Hephaestus took the lead?

But Freya somewhat understood the reactions of these two people.

"This is really... So, in the end, Hephaestus can do it, but I can't?"

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