I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 489 The Habit Of Caution

"As expected, there is no one from the Freya Familia here."

When reciting the chant, the woman also paid special attention to the surrounding situation. She was very sure that there was no one from Freya's family nearby.

"Even if it's a trap. As long as you can kill that bitch quickly, what if you step on a trap? Can you still kill me with just a few Level 4s?"

After the woman recited the last chant, a crimson barrier completely enveloped the entire "Mistress of Fertility". At the same time, the woman paused for a moment and waited for a few seconds but found that no one rushed out around her. At this time, the woman no longer hesitated and immediately rushed out of the alley as fast as possible, completely ignoring the people on the street and rushed into the barrier. internal.

Entering the barrier, the woman immediately noticed that the Level 4 little girls "550" had gathered around the bitch.

"is that useful?"

The woman sneered disdainfully in her heart, completely ignoring those little girls who had been hindered by the barrier operation. Her biggest problem now is not to face these Level 4s, but to kill this bitch Freya quickly.

As long as Freya is killed and forced to return to heaven, the members of Freya's family will temporarily lose their power because they have lost the favor of the gods.

Women know this is a trap. But there was a bait that was too big in this trap, so she had no choice but to refuse.

And the biggest way to solve this trap is to kill Freya. As long as her speed is fast enough, it doesn't make any sense even if those Lv.6 and Lv.7 are hidden around her.

So, decide to win

As long as Freya is killed with one sword, it will be her victory.

He grabbed the big sword on his back, used his own speed to accelerate, and quickly drew the sword to slash.

Completely ignoring those Level 4 brats, he headed straight for Freya.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped. At this moment when her own life and death was in crisis, Freya never turned her gaze to the attacker. Her beautiful eyes were always staring at Bell.

Bell was the one who felt the passage of time the most, but his eyes were also fixed on God Freya.

Just when the big sword was about to touch Freya, the woman's body suddenly stopped moving.

The woman discovered the problem, but her willpower lost control of her body. Her body was completely still in mid-air, and she even maintained the posture of slashing down with the big sword.

Before the woman could figure out what was going on, she heard a sigh.

"Use yourself as a bait to prompt the dark faction to jump into the trap. "Just to see my reaction? It's not a good idea to bet your life and safety in a place like this.

Good thing. "

Freya, who was just lectured, looked at Bell with smiling eyes without caring.

"So, you already knew it?"

"No, I just came to this tavern to check out the location before the appointed day out of habitual safety considerations. Then I set up a suitable barrier out of habit. After all, I also want to leave some legacy for myself. Lu, this is my habit."

This is indeed Bell's habit.

Out of a cautious way of thinking and acting, Bell will often leave himself some leeway before taking action, so as not to leave himself with no way out after the action fails. Therefore, he came to visit the spot yesterday to prepare for this.

It's just that when I went out to prepare yesterday, I happened to bump into a conversation between the dark factions, and I happened to know a series of operations behind the scenes by God Freya.

Of course, even if he didn't meet anyone from the dark faction talking about God Freya yesterday, Bell was still preparing to set up a series of barriers around the "Mistress of Plenty".

Just listen to the fact that there is absolutely no commotion outside.

And magicians are not just standing there chanting chants. Magicians are also very good at arranging terrain that makes them more advantageous, so that they can change some immobile dangers in certain places.

She was not angry about the woman's sneak attack, she was angry about the timing of the woman's sneak attack.

Freya looked at the woman who was fixed in mid-air, and the chill in her eyes soared little by little.

What magicians are best at is not close combat. Although Bell is very good at close combat, he will only show his side as a magician when it is not necessary.

She didn't even hear any noise. The pedestrians on the road seemed to have no idea what was going on. Is this normal? Obviously, this was Bell's special preparation, specifically for the coming arrival. Dark faction.

"Yes, I understand.

This child definitely knew in advance that the dark sect would come, so he deliberately arranged it like this... Freya was very sure that today's preparation was definitely not an accident.

Faced with Bell's lesson, Freya just dealt with it a few times with a helpless expression.

It can be said that this date was really a failure. I didn't see what I wanted to see, and the topic we just talked about came to an abrupt end. It's just that the atmosphere has been destroyed and the date cannot continue. What's more, isn't there one more person?

Freya couldn't help but sternly condemned the incompetence of the dark faction in her heart. She had never been so angry with someone. However, she needs to calm down her emotions quickly after she is angry, and she still needs to maintain her perfect image.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"The space has been solidified. The characteristics of the barrier are used to partially freeze space and time within a certain range, thereby limiting the person's ability to move. Although there is a time limit that must be prepared in advance, the effect is still very good. "

This time it was a collision.

"Useless things can't even seize opportunities."

She was indeed the one who brought the Dark Faction, but she didn't know who the Dark Faction came from. But Bell's preparation was as if he knew what kind of abilities the opponent had and made the most suitable preparations.

The five waitresses had all reacted at this moment, and quickly came to Freya's side, looking warily at the assassin who was frozen in mid-air.

"Originally it was just an insurance preparation, but who knew that we could see such a big fish. However, God Freya, please don't play such a dangerous game next time. If I hadn't made certain preparations, This sneak attack will definitely send you back to heaven."

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