I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 492 Mutual Testing

In almost a moment, the entire Freya family, which had been temporarily waiting on the "Tower of Babel", arrived in front of the "Mistress of Plenty" with the force of breaking through the sky.

This posture made the onlookers who had just been thinking about what this firework was about came back to their senses.

"That person just now was really the God Freya!?"

The men who were still in a daze suddenly came back to their senses. Everyone opened their eyes wide, and then all the men's faces were filled with fear and regret.

I wish I had looked more often.

The men who were watching now really regretted not taking a few more glances just now.

However, after regretting it, all the men were thankful that they were sensible at the time instead of rushing forward to do some irrational behavior.

"Lady Freya!"

Allen, the cat man who was the most nervous, was the first to arrive. After landing, he couldn't help calling the Lord God's name and rushed into the tavern.


The outer door of the tavern was immediately knocked open.

Allen, who was full of anxiety, slowly felt relieved when he saw the situation inside and that Lady Freya was safe and sound.

Glancing at the woman rolling and twisting on the ground, Allen almost couldn't hold back his men's movements, wanting to leave two holes in the woman's body.

Needless to say, this woman is the dark faction that attacked Lady Freya.

Allen knelt down on one knee.

"Lady Freya."

Freya nodded slightly, then looked at the woman rolling around, a chill flashing in her eyes. But in the end she endured it.

"Ellen, send this woman to the guild. There is no need to kill her, but she only has one month left to live, so just let her enjoy the rest of her life."


Allen's closed eyes opened slightly and he looked at the woman on the ground with some murderous intent. However, he still complied with Lady Freya's request and did not kill this woman.

He stood up and came to the woman's side, grabbed the clothes at the back of the woman's neck, and took the woman away from Lady Freya almost dragging her to the ground.

This is a way for Allen to control his murderous intention.

In fact, attacking Lady Freya is the greatest disrespect. If Lady Freya hadn't been prepared to let him do it, he would have penetrated this woman's heart here.

When Allen dragged the woman's body out of the tavern, Ota and others finally arrived.

At this moment Freya also walked out of the tavern.

This scene made the men watching outside stare straight in the eyes.

A slim and plump figure, a beautiful face, and an unattainable temperament are all factors that attract men's attention.

"What a nice view.

This is an unconscious compliment, and it is also the compliment that a man can make the happiest woman.

It's a pity that Freya, who heard this praise, has become accustomed to this praise, and is obsessed with the praise of her child who has an impure heart. It is just a kind of irony.

Because those children would have the same praise even if they saw a prostitute walking by the roadside.

Freya never took this kind of worthless compliment seriously.

"Go back, Ota.

"Yes, Lady Freya."


On the other side, Bell also returned to the family early after handling the sneak attack by the dark faction.

But when he returned home, he was greeted by Hestia and Hephaestus.

Both goddesses wore cold faces, which made Bell feel a little chill down his spine.

"came back?"


Inexplicably, Hestia felt a little cold today. It seemed that meeting God Freya had a great impact on Hestia.

Bell, who understood this in his heart, did not beat around the bush. If he continued to tease out what the two goddesses wanted to know, he would have to sleep in the living room in the next two days.

"Today's meeting with God Freya was actually nothing unnecessary. The meeting place was at God Freya's stronghold on the street, the "Mistress of Plenty." In addition, when I visited the location the day before, I discovered that the dark faction knew God Freya's action plan in advance. "

"How did those people know the day before that...it was her who spread the news!?"

Just when Hestia was wondering how this kind of thing spread, she suddenly realized who the person who spread the news was.

This made Hestia's eyes widen.

"Isn't she using herself as a bait to find out something from you?"

Bell nodded with a wry smile.

"I think God Freya wants to determine my current strength, so she deliberately exposed all her action plans."

"That person still likes to play tricks."

Hestia pursed her lips. What she didn't like to use the most was these tricks, so she said that the person she didn't like to face the most was Freya.

"After all, this is the power held by God Freya of Lust. In addition, God Freya's personality seems to be similar to mine."

"about the same as you?"

Hestia and Hephaestus were stunned for a few seconds and still didn't recover.

Only then did Bell helplessly remind:

"I mean the cautious part."

But Hestia felt very unbelievable.

"You said Freya is as sick as you?"

"...Hestia, please don't take my caution as an illness. I just habitually leave some leeway for myself when doing things. This is not an illness, it's just a precaution.

Facing Bell's forceful correction, Hestia felt helpless and had a serious expression on her face.

"So, Mr. Bell, how did you tell that she is the same as you?"

The expression on Bell's face became much more serious.

"I noticed that God Freya herself exposed so much information about her actions, but she went to the meeting place without caring about the risk of being targeted. This is undoubtedly a reckless approach.

"However, I noticed it when the key members of the dark faction made a sneak attack. God Freya had indeed captured the opponent's actions and had been waiting to see my actions.

"So, what does this mean?"

Hestia fell into thinking, but Hephaestus already got the answer with a frown.

"Freya can control the other party's actions. Perhaps exposing her own actions this time may seem dangerous, but Freya has always controlled the risk within an acceptable range."

"Yes, that's it."

But that's exactly what happened, and this was the biggest problem in Bell's mind.

"God Freya's control of power is not comparable to that of Ishtar. Maybe she holds a trump card that we don't know about. This may be why God Freya can be unscrupulous."


Here Hestia raised her hand.

"What if Freya knew that you would stop it? She doesn't have the ability to control the situation, but the ability to see through people's hearts?"

These words silenced Bell.

"If this is the case, then God Freya will become even more troublesome."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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