I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 505 This Is Speculation Based On Theory

The guild made a decision quickly.

This decision was also passed to Bell's ears through Loki's mouth, as well as another decision.

"Leave it to me to handle the fate of God Ikelos?"

After hearing this, Bell seriously suspected that God Hermes and God Loki were deliberately causing trouble. He even began to wonder if these two people already knew that he had obtained the ability to kill gods.

"Hey! You two have gone too far."

Hestia also immediately thought of the question "Has the secret been leaked?"

But when she thought about it, it was impossible for her and Hephaestus to leak this secret, so it was definitely not a leak, but an accidental collision.

"Even if that guy Ikelos is the main god who serves as a supporter, he is already considered a god on the side of the dark faction. That guy has done something excessive. Even if he is sent back to heaven, it is what the guild has to do, right? It's necessary. Is my Bell going to repatriate 27?”

"Hermes, if this is the final result of your discussion with the guild, I think there is no need to continue talking."

Hephaestus reacted quickly, and at the same time, in line with Hestia's words, his entire face turned completely cold.

"Hey, that's not the case. Just calm down and listen to me."

Hermes, who was inexplicably regarded as a bad guy, felt that he was quite unjust.

Although he often does things behind his back that cannot be said casually, at least he will not frame Bell.

And now that he knows that Bell is the hope of the entire world and God, at most he can only add some push to Bell's path forward instead of choosing to add obstacles.

At this time, Loki had already moved away from Hermes. She didn't want to be accidentally injured when the fight started later.

"The reason why Ikelos was handed over to Mr. Bell this time is because I think the existence of Ikelos is too suitable to be used as an experimental subject.


Hestia, Hephaestus, and even Loki looked at Hermes in astonishment.

After hearing this, Bell finally understood the reason. It turned out that it was not his secret that was leaked. It was just that based on his past abilities, the god Hermes was preparing an experimental product for him.

This made Bell speechless and covering his head.

"God Hermes, although I appreciate your trust in my ability, I really didn't expect that you could arrange a god's experiment for me.

But to be honest, Bell really wanted a god-level experiment.

There are still many secrets in the gods, and if we find a few more gods to use as experimental subjects, we will definitely be able to grow a lot in terms of developing abilities.

It's just that this reward seems a little sudden.

"Ah, after all, it is rare to catch a god of the dark faction. This is the best use of waste. And we need your help to save the heretic, so there is nothing wrong with leaving that guy to you."

Seeing that there was still some hesitation on Bell's face, Hermes immediately increased his intensity.

"Based on the amount of power you have, Mr. Bell, you can prepare yourself to kill the gods, right?"

"God Hermes, I don't want to talk about this. How can I have the power to kill gods? If the gods of Orario know, I don't want to be the target of public criticism?"

Bell directly denied the question of having the power to kill gods.

He didn't want to cause himself a lot of trouble.

This part has not yet been directly confirmed.

Of course, even if he confirmed the authenticity of this part, Bell would never say it openly.

You know, there are many more gods living in Orario than imagined.

Walking around the streets you might encounter someone who is a god.

In such a world, if there is an adventurer with the power to kill gods, wouldn't he be regarded as a street rat like the dark sect?


Hermes once again understood the child's caution. He had no choice but to change his words.

"Gods will not be killed so easily, so if you want to find out the secrets of the gods, you need to conduct professional research.

"Huh? God Hermes still has research in this field?"

"Well~ I have done research in this area before when I had nothing to do in the heaven, but the effect was..."

Hermes spread his hands helplessly.

Bell also understands this.

"After all, no matter what kind of existence the gods are, they are all arranged by the world to be born. And gods use rules as the medium for their birth, and they themselves are bound to the rules. Just like gods cannot kill the black dragon , the gods can’t kill each other.”

"In addition, the rules of the world cannot be torn apart, so it is almost impossible to kill the gods.

Rules cannot be torn apart, so there is no possibility of the gods bound to the rules being killed, which is theoretically no problem.

If there really is a god who can do it, then the god can naturally also have the ability to kill the black dragon.

"This is just a speculation based on theoretical basis, and it does not mean that it has any practical significance. Just like I said that my mother is the world, it is just an unrealistic statement."

But do gods have it?

After all, the conclusion was drawn from the black dragon. From the perspective of the way the god was born and the environment in which he lived, it was just a dream for the god to kill him.

"You are really............ah......"

Yes, just "almost".

But if the binding relationship between Rule 290 and the gods themselves could be separated, it might be possible to kill the gods.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Bell, who was trying his best to cover up at this moment, had no choice but to turn his helplessness into a sigh.

"As a magician, bold speculation and careful argumentation are necessary conditions for reaching conclusions. Therefore, these words I said are just the conclusions drawn from the black dragon's situation. In addition, I think this "Almighty One" "The same is conceivable. "

Hermes looked at Bell with a wicked smile, but Bell calmly shook his head slightly.

Of course, this is only possible.

"Don't you understand this very well?"

If there are gods as materials, we can conduct experiments to see if it can be done.

Bell had some guesses in his mind, but because such conditions did not exist now, and he was unwilling to self-destruct, he had no materials for the experiment.

Obviously, gods do not have the ability to kill gods at all.

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