I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 512 Hestia’S Comfort

Back inside the Familia, Bell threw herself into Hestia's arms with a look of helplessness.

"I'm impulsive again."

Seeing the depression on Bell's face, Hestia couldn't help but laugh.

"Huh? Hestia, are you even laughing at me?"

"Pfft, no, Mr. Bell."

When she was combing her hair, Hestia could only feel like a god when she was asking for comfort like Bell.

“Every child has things he can tolerate and things he can’t tolerate.

"It's like a bad boy who kills the heretics. Just like you said, that child created the despair of those heretics in order to fill his own hole. In order to show his sense of existence, let others bear his pain on his behalf. Pain. And his happiness is based on the despair of those heretics, which is undoubtedly wrong.

But when he said this, Hestia's serious face lowered her voice helplessly.

"Although this is the child's fault, it is not all the child's fault."

"The reason for his twisted character actually has a lot to do with the environment in which he grew up, as well as the obsessions of countless generations that he has carried.

It's really unethical to do something like curse your children and grandchildren.

What Daedalus did made even the gods shake their heads when they saw it. For his own obsession, he actually distorted the future of his descendants and even pulled them into this dangerous whirlpool.

Daedalus' actions were unapologetically selfish.

Don't pile your personal obsessions on other people, even the younger generations, because this behavior is the practice of distorting others with your own obsessions.

"Obsession and desire..."

Talking about this issue, Bell also had some emotion on his face.

Raising his hand, four slightly different colors of black mist wrapped around his hand.

"Maybe it is."

"The curse given by Daedalus to his descendants and the resentment accumulated from generation to generation formed the sin that has always resided in the heart of that man."

"That's why many of his negative emotions were exposed in an unrestricted way, thus distorting his own values.

"It's desire again."

Hestia looked at the black mist wrapped around Bell's hand.

"If only Ouranos had not let Daedalus see the dungeon."

"it's useless."

Hephaestus did not think this approach was useful.

(chcc) "Children in the lower world have endless desires. They long for many things, their own achievements, values ​​and preferences. Even if Daedalus did not have desire because of seeing the dungeon, then he would because of it. There are other reasons for doing this.”

Bell also recognized this very much.

"Hephaestus is right. What builders pursue is the display of self-worth. Just like the craftsmen of the Hephaestus family, they are definitely not willing to just build some mediocre weapons, right?"

In response to Bell's words, Hephaestus nodded happily.

"Every child hopes to forge better weapons, even me."

Bell nodded and immediately took up the topic.

“Different types of adventurers pursue different things.

"As the leader of the Loki Familia, Finn pursues to use his own influence to change the situation of the small humans. Therefore, he needs to make his achievements not only limited to a small city like Orario, but also to this small city. A city serves as a center radiating to the entire world.”

"Daedalus undoubtedly did the same thing. It's just that compared to Finn's choice to use his own power to spread influence, Daedalus knew that the time was limited, so he transferred his obsession to his on future generations.”

"He doesn't consider at all whether his obsession will have a bad impact on future generations, he just wants to satisfy his own sense of accomplishment.

"I suspect that Daedalus made such a decision thousands of years ago because he decided not to do anything."

Because he couldn't do it himself, he cursed his descendants to accomplish this achievement. To be honest, even Bell felt that this Daedalus was somewhat idle.

But he didn't mean to speak for others. After all, Daedalus was the ancestor of that man. In addition, the curse was also arranged by Daedalus, the ancestor. The descendants had no way to get rid of it, so they had to accept it.

"Indeed, if Daedalus hadn't gone completely crazy a thousand years ago, maybe he wouldn't have done such a crazy thing."

As a craftsman, Hephaestus understands this obsession very well. Just like what she just said, every child in the lower world has his own desires and obsessions [Song is that some people will do things if their obsessions are too heavy. Make some crazy decisions.

"I will remember."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"If you are not crazy, you will not transfer your obsession to your children and grandchildren, letting those children bear the curse-like obsession of their ancestors."

"Including the "Gluttony" you got from that child today, Mr. Bell, you have collected four, right?"

"Yeah. There are also "anger", "laziness" and "lust", but I'm not in a hurry to get all the seven deadly sins together. After all, besides knowing that the seven deadly sins can control desires, what's the use of getting them all together now? have no idea. "

Hephaestus couldn't help but sigh. Each of the children in the lower world had different fates and identities. Some of the things they faced would make the gods marvel, but some of them would make even the gods sigh.

Bell, who was lectured, was also reflecting on his own impulses.

"I must have been crazy for a long time [but at least I regained my sanity at the end."

Although Hestia also hated that kind of bad boy, at least the bad boy opened his eyes in the end and no longer continued to fall into madness, but died with a clear head.

Bell is actually not very urgent about collecting the Seven Deadly Sins. He knows that the Seven Deadly Sins of Desire itself is not that easy to find, and there is no point in being anxious.

Hestia was naturally not worried, but she also hoped that she could help Bell occasionally.

"Mr. Bell, you can't continue to be so merciful next time you face the enemy."

"That child has probably been crazy for a long time."

Daedalus' obsession back then may have really driven him into a world of madness.

"I know this, but we can also help think about who is more likely."

Today's publicity is completely different from the cautiousness of the past. This is something he needs to reflect on.

Eyes swept over her Bell, Hestia's face showed some reproach, but also happiness.

The battle on the front line can't help, but it can still help Bell gather the pieces he needs for his skills.

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