I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 518 The End Of The Ikelos Familia

"Why! Why would someone invade here!"

"Where's Deeks? Where's Deeks?"

The Ikelos family members hiding here were all pulled out from the darkness one by one.

After being found out, he was directly faced with the pursuit of the Loki Familia.

They are also capable adventurers themselves, most of them are Level 2 or above, and some are even Level 3. You must know that these are the backbone of any small or medium-sized family.

But now they can only face being hunted to death one by one.

Just because they were facing Orario's strongest family now.

"Stop talking, run away quickly, just hide..."

A flash of silver light flashed, and the person who spoke had lost his head, and the people next to him were stunned on the spot with blood splattered.


The human heart is easily broken, especially in desperate situations.

At this moment, the thread in the hearts of all the Ikelos family members was completely broken.

"Tch! He's so enthusiastic about bullying weaklings, and he's still doing this kind of thing in the dungeon, but he only has this little strength in the end."

Tione flicked the kukri in his hand disdainfully.

It is really rare for the dark factions who cause trouble in the dungeon to have such a weak psychological defense. Although they are obviously weak, they still bully some heretics who are excluded by both sides in the dungeon. I really don't want to look at this.

The Ikelos family has retreated to a blind corner at this moment.

"Damn! Why can't you open it? Why can't you get out?"

People have retreated to the entrance of the secret passage, but the "key" cannot open the door.


"Don't come over!"

Several people who knew they couldn't escape were so frightened that they burst into tears.

The approach of death brings complete collapse to all those who are not strong-minded.

Seeing the ugliness of these guys, Tione's face became extremely disgusted. He had the courage to do bad things in the dungeon, but he didn't dare to bear the worst consequences. It was really best for such a bastard to die.

With a kick of the foot, the body quickly flashed past, and the kukri knife also cut through everyone's neck.

Almost at the same time, everyone lost their movement and fell down holding their necks.

"Remember to do good deeds in the next life."

After leaving such words coldly, Tione turned around and left without taking away any emotion.

Small groups were killed one by one by powerful people.

Larger groups use more people to besiege and kill, ensuring that no one can escape.

Under such an intense siege, the entire man-made floor was almost like a meat grinder, with blood and corpses covering almost the entire floor.

Only the place where "heretics" are imprisoned retains the last piece of pure land.

"In this case, it's over."

The only pity is that no one from the outside triggered the entry mechanism, leaving Bell with less opportunities to catch people.

"It deserves to end."

Without any pride, Loki would not be happy because his child defeated a group of rabble.

"The guy in Ikelos is also a pure god. He knew about such things but did not stop it just to have fun for himself. That guy just knew that his child would become like that, so he chose to indulge it."

It is true that in a certain sense, gods are very pure, but compared with those normal gods, they seem out of place.

Although Bell would rather hope that God looks out of place, he also knows that this is just a wishful thinking.

Gods can be said to be the purest existence in the world, but their view of good and evil is different from that of normal people.

Bell understands this very well.

Just like those games I used to play.

He has almost no taboos when playing games. As long as he wants to make himself happy, he can find various ways to do so. At that time, he might have been like the god he sees now.

At that time, for Bell, games were just games that existed to make him happy, stimulated, and excited. Naturally, as a game player, he would not make a clear distinction between the world in the game and his own world.

Therefore, there is a saying like the fourth natural disaster in the game.

As for the gods, they will treat the world as a game. And since it is a game, for them, there are no taboos for having fun.

For people in this world, gods with this attitude are typical fourth natural disasters.

…………Please give me flowers…0

"You seem to have something to say?"

"No, I don't have anything to say.

"Really? Shouldn't the children in the lower realm complain at this time? After all, many gods have caused a lot of trouble in the lower realm."

"I hate those self-righteous gods. This is probably the only thing I want to say. They are completely self-righteous and do such things just to have fun for themselves. Perhaps only a few gods will be more beneficial to this world if they exist. good."

...You are really not polite at all. "

I originally thought that this boy would be a little more tactful, but who knew that this boy would speak very harshly as soon as he started talking. Loki even thought that this boy was more eloquent than she was at first.


"After all, we are in front of God Loki."

These words made the corners of Loki's eyes curl up a little. Isn't this a very nice thing to say?

"I think God Loki has the same idea as me."

Facing Bell's question, Loki just smiled and said nothing.

What can she say? It's just a fact. When she was in heaven, she didn't like those guys who were obedient and secretive.

They are just a bunch of idiots who have been ravaged by time and become insane.

Loki didn't bother to argue so much with those who were sick, because she knew it was useless to reason with the gods.

"Don't compare the three views of humans with the three views of gods. The three views of gods and children from the lower world are not very normal. Most of our gods are willful and petty guys, so next time you should pay attention to yourself."

"I will remember.


After pretending to be serious for a while, the roadbed returned to its normal appearance of being harmless to humans and animals.

"Then, it's time to go meet the real owner of this incident."

Now Loki wanted to hear what Ikelos had to say.

But judging from her understanding of gods, even if it really reaches that point, Ikelos will still be like other gods, pursuing fun until death.

If this is really the case, then there will be something good to watch this time.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me comments and price.

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