I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 557 Which Beauty Is Simply A Nightmare

"Operator, these beauties are..."

Hearing Liu praise his beauties, the manager couldn't help but have a smile and pride on his face.

"Well, it may sound a little unpleasant to say it, but they are all my lovers."

As he spoke, the dwarf had a strong sense of superiority on his face.

"Although some words are inappropriate to say, I personally am a passionate person."

"My sincere courtship has also been responded to by them."

Got their response...

Lyu looked at the proud smile on the operator's face and the numb color on the faces of the girls. She couldn't tell that these people responded voluntarily.

"But if we keep these beautiful princesses to ourselves, gossip about the beautiful goddesses will fly everywhere."

"So, I went out of my way to provide eye-catching services for everyone. "Zero Eight Seven" is like pouring wine for the guests."

"I see."

Lyu did not reveal the contempt and disgust in his heart. Such emotions were not appropriate to put here, and there was no need to put them at this time.

But at this moment, Lyu fully understood how lustful this person was and his ability to tell lies.

The goddesses will never gossip about this kind of thing, and will not even cast a "disdainful" look.

Are goddesses really willing to cast their gaze on such a place?

Even if the goddess would not cast her gaze on such a dirty place, people who admire stinky feet would.

"Oh, I'm so envious."

"It would be great if one day I could have so many lovers."

The fat man who spoke had a naive smile on his face, and his chubby face seemed to be very honest.

It's just that this silly fat man's hands have already touched the hands of the beauty next to him.

Looking at the operator who just spoke, there was not even a trace of unnecessary fluctuation on his face.

Of course Lyu could see it clearly.

"It seems that these girls were brought into this big casino using dirty means."

"I took possession of all these girls, and then forced these girls to be played by the guests here."

After receiving this answer, Lyu felt a rare flash of anger in his heart.

"Guests who come here will not criticize this behavior. It is good for them and they will not choose to resist."

"Under the exchange of interests, the groups that exchange interests with the big casinos are becoming more and more dense, and the place will be less likely to collapse."

The Grand Casino is a huge lesion on Orario, but this lesion inevitably has the problem of being too big to fall off.

"My strength alone is simply not enough to bring this big casino up."

Lyu's face remained calm.

She does not have such power, and her power cannot shake this interest group. Only gods can change the current situation here.

But as guests here, maybe some gods are the community of interests of this big casino.

"No, we can't think about this issue right now."

"The problem now is to save that girl, Anna Kress."

"Speaking of which, on the way here, I heard that the operator had purchased a beautiful woman who would conquer the country.

"Ouch! I've heard about this too. She married back from a distant foreign land."

There was no irritation on the operator's face, just slight surprise, which then turned into pride.

"I didn't expect your ears to be really sharp."

Then the operator glanced at the servant, who immediately bowed and went out to invite the person in.

Soon, the inner door was opened.

I saw the beautiful lady walking in. Her fair complexion looked particularly dazzling under the light. The pure white dress reflects its purity more clearly. Coupled with the exquisite facial features, the Japanese-style temperament immediately becomes prominent.

But there was no smile on the girl's face, only confusion and despair about the future.

"It is indeed beautiful."

As a member of the Elf clan, Lyu had to admit that the girl they needed to save was indeed beautiful.

"Bell, what do you think?"

God Freya suddenly asked, causing Bell to look at the young lady who walked in the door strangely, and then shook his head slightly.

"For ordinary people, appearance is the last thing they should have."

"That kind of thing is just an accelerator to make them become "commodities". "

"That's it?"

God Loki also asked a question, which made Bell raise his head in confusion.

"Is there anything else?"

Isn’t this the question that God Freya and God Loki asked?

"For example, what does this child look like? Don't you have any extra thoughts?"

.....Okay, Bell felt that he had really thought too deeply. He didn't expect that these two goddesses were asking this...

"It should be... very beautiful?"

Maybe this one is a very beautiful one.

However, Bell generally doesn't pay much attention to this issue. After all, no matter how beautiful she is, how beautiful is the goddess?

"Why use interrogative sentences?"

Loki was full of dissatisfaction. What was going on with this ambiguous answer?

.....Are you jealous?

Listening to the meaning of Loki's words, Bell couldn't help but think of this question.

"Not that much."

Although he thought it was unlikely, his survival instinct in the past still prompted him to say something reversal as soon as possible, otherwise he might be regarded as a target of punishment.

"I mean, she's beautiful and that's why she's preyed upon by these people."

God Freya had just established the Shura field, but to her surprise, God Loki jumped on it with a "Oh".

"I'm talking about the goddesses besides them."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"It's over! It's really turned into a Shura field!"

“God Freya, there’s no need to tell the difference so clearly, right?”

These words instantly made Bei 3.5 feel that the air around him had solidified.

"But I think she can only be ranked among ordinary people. At least the goddess is much more beautiful than her.

"Bell, which goddess are you talking about?"

Suddenly, Bell's heart tightened, and a chill surged into his heart unconsciously.


"Hey~ I think we can distinguish them clearly.

God Loki had just arrived, and next was God Freya. This series of verbal attacks made him a little stressed out.

"I'll go! Why is God Loki so jealous than Hestia and Hephaestus?"

Freya said the additional conditions slowly, and at the same time, she hugged her arms tighter.

“Specifically, Hestia and Hephaestus.

This caused a cold sweat to break out on Bell's head.

"I'm really jealous!"

As soon as these words came out, Loki's unhappy expression became much better, but this left Bell with a question mark.

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