I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 560 Alienated Clown

"He's just a businessman. Small countries other than Orario can only say a few words at most. Do they dare to voice objections?"

"Extraterritoriality, that's just the right given by Orario."

"You want to use the rights given by Orario to restrict Orario? Pfft~ It turns out that only an unaware insect would make such an unwise choice."

Bell's two or three taunts made the operator's face change drastically.

"The mercy given by the gods is not something you can just use."

"It's because the gods think you can use it, then you can use it."

"When the gods feel that your actions are disdainful to them, even if you have rights, the gods will not let you use them.

The so-called "extraterritoriality" is nothing more than a way of appeasing the weak.

This right can always exist, but the person who is given this right cannot always use it. This is the rule.


The operator tremblingly denied this statement.

He didn't want to admit it. Once he admitted it, wouldn't it mean that he had always been just a clown?


The operator raised his head suddenly, but Bell simply smiled.

"The world is just a chessboard, the humans in the next world are the chess pieces, and the people who play chess are the gods.

"The gods are interested in the changes that humans in the lower world have, so they give them enough tolerance.

"It's not just adventurers with outstanding talents who will attract the attention of the gods. Those clowns who don't know it and think highly of themselves are also the targets of the gods' gaze. Because they don't know it, and because their behavior often attracts The gods laugh at them, but their clowning behavior also brings pleasure to the gods, so the gods often allow such clowns to exist."


When Bell changed the topic, the smile he had just now was covered up and turned into a kind of sarcasm.

"The gods did not expect that the clown would do more than they imagined."

"A mere chess piece actually thinks that he can become a chess player. There is no limit to his arrogance.

"So, this clown can take a break for a while. The gods don't like such clowns."

Clown......I am actually a clown in the eyes of gods......

The operator's face was full of unwillingness, and he didn't want to believe it at all when faced with such a truth.

As the operator of a large casino (chbc) he can get almost everything he wants.

But his desire does not end there. He is not willing to be an operator, but hopes to become the king of Orario's dark side.

But now some people say that all he has is nothing more than a reward from the gods for watching him as a clown.

How can a person like him, who has always been in a high position, bear this?

"How is it possible...how is it possible...how is it possible!!!!"

The operator roared with a ferocious look on his face.

"Don't you admit the fact that you are a clown?"

"I'm not a clown! I'm a king... I'm the king of Orario!!!!"

"A clown is a clown."

Bell raised his head and looked at the dwarf in front of him who had almost fallen into madness. Everything was as predicted.

"Wealth, power, women, all these are just what others give you, not what you get by relying on your own abilities."

"Sooner or later this method of acquisition will be taken back."

"As a clown, you essentially have nothing."

"I'm not a clown..."

The operator retorted in an almost crazy voice, and his face was so distorted that he didn't look like a human being.

The black mist that no one could see condensed on his body bit by bit, wrapping his whole body bit by bit, amplifying his desires quickly and completely eliminating his rationality.

"I'm not a clown!!!!"


The dwarf's voice became even more crazy, and even made an irrational roar of a beast.

what is going on?

Lyu had no idea what was going on, but the operator did seem like a madman.

"Why did this guy's aura start to change?"

Although she didn't know what happened, Liu still protected Xi'er behind her.

"Lyu, take everyone around you away."

Xi'er looked at this abnormal dwarf calmly, but was worried about Anna, who was completely stunned beside her, and the other girls who were treated as collections.

"Is it okay?"

Liu glanced at the man standing behind him uneasily.

Xi'er smiled and shook her head.

"His target is not us. Go quickly. If you go any slower, Miss Anna will be implicated."


After Liu left, Xier turned around and looked at the man in white robe behind her.

At this time, Bell's eyes also turned to Xi'er.

"He is still as empty as ever, a person without self."

There was no anger on Xi'er's pretty face, but a smile.

"Lady Freya is my "self". "


Seeing the unwavering faith in the girl's eyes, Si'er shook his head slightly.

“That’s the furthest distance from understanding.

He said enough.

Continue to focus on the operators who have begun to undergo changes.

"The accumulation of desires successfully collapses a person's heart and even causes extraordinary changes."

"I'm not a clown!!!"

"I didn't expect desire to have such an effect."

There was a roar again, but this time the operator's voice was the same as before.

A pair of wings sprouted from the operator's back, just like insect wings, but they were fleshy and extremely disgusting.

"Show you! Show you! I'm not a clown!!!"

"Then, let me see."

The noise made Bell look away, but then he looked back.

There are a lot of accents in the sound, and the operator's original voice can still be heard in the accents, but this change is getting stronger and stronger.

Bell felt his situation carefully.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He wanted to test the effect of the "Seven Deadly Sins" in actual combat, but judging from the current situation, the power of the "Seven Deadly Sins" might exceed his imagination.

"Sure enough, I just controlled some desires, but I didn't expect it to have such an effect."

"Then it looks like we should collect them all in the next three days."

"The breath is stronger than before."

At this time, the gamblers around the gambling table could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts and screamed in surprise.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Even if he mutates, the clown is still a clown."


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