I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 567 Let’S Talk About The Conditions First

"Dionysus, he plays this game very well.

Freya was so angry about Dionysus's other identity, and she was not the one being fooled anyway.

"Huh, he's really good at it."

Loki, who was being tricked, had a sneer on her face, obviously unhappy with Dionysus' trick on her.

"That guy really knows how to act. I never saw that before."

This is no joke.

In the past, the relationship between Loki and Dionysus was not that good, and he didn't know much about that guy. Coupled with the fact that the guy died and his family was still immersed in a sad atmosphere, Loki naturally did not have too many suspicions about Dionysus.

But who knew that this guy Dionysus could hide himself so deeply.

He did some things secretly for "Five Nine Three", and even used divine wine to convert his relatives to the names of other gods.

"Bell, who did Dionysus trick?"

"I really don't know who it is. I haven't systematically studied sacred texts and I don't know what is written behind those dependents. But I did see that Dionysus had some magical powers and had already prepared them. of blood.”

"Is that so, conversion through the hands of Dionysus?"

It is theoretically possible to perform conversion rituals through the blood of other gods.

Although divine blood is difficult to preserve, it does not mean that it cannot be preserved.

As long as the god in question does not have self-will, his blood can be reserved for data updating and conversion of other gods, but this process is relatively complicated.

At the same time, doing this means that a god is silently sent to Tianli.

"Dionysus, what a good trick."

To accomplish such a move with almost no gods noticing, this is not a simple method, but a quite powerful method.

Even Loki, who now knows, has to lament Dionysus' methods.

"Is that guy who faked the death of his family members just to give himself enough reason to get involved?"

"I think so."

Although this answer is hard to believe, Bell still confirmed God Loki's guess.

"The god Dionysus should be the biggest black hand behind this. He has been doing a lot of planning in order to return the earth to chaos."

"Although I don't know the specific reason, I think it is a reason that makes no sense to us ordinary people."

"...Well, I really can't refute this statement."

Bell's words were a little harsh, but Loki also felt that the guy's reasons were probably meaningless to the children of the lower world.

If Dionysus could even be sent back to heaven by a god, then his heart would definitely be no different from the lunatics of those dark factions.

And do the things those crazy people think have anything to do with ordinary children in the lower world?

Obviously, only the madmen in the lower world can understand what the crazy gods are saying.

"Hey~ It's over now."

Freya couldn't help but sigh.

She originally took the opportunity to ask Bell to accompany her. More contact can also introduce strangeness and lay the foundation for more contacts in the future.

It's just that the fun here ended too quickly.

Moreover, this place made her feel sick.

As for Dionysus, Freya actually didn't care.

She didn't care whether Dionysus wanted to do something detrimental to Orario, as long as Dionysus didn't disturb her actions.

"God Freya, a lot of things have actually happened today."

Listening to God Freya's emotion, Bell couldn't help but remind her.

"The Ganesha family members are involved in the affairs of the big casino, the gray industrial chain within the big casino, and even the matter of the god Dionysus."

"I'm not talking about things that have nothing to do with me."

Freya didn't care about the obvious things at all. After all, except for one of her children's involvement, these things had little to do with her.

Her eyes were fixed on Bell.

"I'm talking about your business."

Do you need to be so direct?

Bell's eyelids twitched a few times. Of course he could hear the implication of God Freya's words, but he didn't expect God Freya to say it so directly...

"The "lust" in my body is one of the "Seven Deadly Sins" you want to collect. Even if that effect cannot be called power, it is probably close to the power I have."

"With such power, you don't want to be missing one."

Freya had a mischievous smile on her face.

Facing Bell, sometimes benefits are more useful than other things.

Although he is not a procrastinator, he also knows that sometimes he can push things back, and maybe things will become simpler in the end.


PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

In addition, he was not in such a hurry to collect the "Seven Deadly Sins" themselves.

Looking at Bell's face, Freya knew that her guess was correct.

Well, this is one of the best conditions.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Bell's face. To be honest, God Freya's guess was correct. He would really do this in 4.1.

Maybe after a few years, God Freya's matter will no longer be a matter?

After all, he himself knows how difficult it is to collect the "Seven Deadly Sins".

“God Freya, there’s no need to negotiate terms so quickly, right?”

"Did I tell you right?"

Freya knew Bell's character very well, so she knew to seize the opportunity here.

If possible, he would really like to postpone the matter of God Freya for a while.

"If I don't seize the opportunity, the next time you take the initiative to see me, maybe it will be a few months later, or even a year or two later, right?"

"When it comes to other children, I might be able to delay negotiating terms with them, but you can't.

However, God Freya did not give him such a choice, but directly made it clear here.

As long as Bell hopes to collect all the "Seven Deadly Sins", then the "lust" in her body is one of the necessary conditions.

Bell is actually not in a hurry to collect all the "Seven Deadly Sins". After all, once he starts negotiating terms, he will be in a passive position.

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