I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 571 I Want To Move In Too

"Of course I know this kind of thing!"

Even though Hestia was confused about some things, she was very clear-headed when faced with some things.

Bell had always considered her the most important person, which she knew from the beginning.

It can be seen from the way he does things and his attitude that Bell cares about her more than anyone else.

That's why she loves Bell more than anything else.

Sharing this word makes Hestia uncomfortable, but considering that Bell still needs to face the black dragon, some compromises must be made.

"Okay... I agree to the matter between you and Freya for the time being."

Although she agreed with tears in her eyes and an expression of extreme reluctance, it was still Hestia's attitude.

Finally passed.

Loki felt a little more relaxed.

This was a very important step. Without Hestia's approval of "660", she was sure that Bell would definitely choose to stay away from them.

Even Freya's face showed some relief.

She also knew that only if Hestia nodded would Bell not continue to resist her to the end.

After getting this answer, Freya leaned back against the backrest, and her graceful figure became more obvious when she raised her hands. This was also her relaxed posture.

"Now that I've decided, I can slightly change that child's attitude towards me."

"We need to have more contact with Hestia and Hephaestus in the next time."

Hestia has already recognized the "shared" relationship, so the next step is to take the initiative for the purpose of "shared".

It's just that Hestia and Hephaestus were not in a good mood.

After all, the person they had been guarding so much before actually entered their home, and now they have to share Bell with them. There is simply nothing more uncomfortable than this.

Do you really think they won't be jealous?

But now it was their own choice to acknowledge it. Even if they felt extremely sad, they could not object to Freya's words at this moment.

In the future, they will inevitably come into contact with each other frequently in such a relationship.

"You idiot, Bell isn't here, why are you showing off your figure on purpose? It's provocation!"

Loki's brows raised, and she felt that this nymphomaniac definitely did it on purpose.

"Am I provocative?"

Freya almost laughed out loud, then glanced at Hestia and Hephaestus.

The two goddesses noticed Freya's gaze, and both goddesses inadvertently puffed up their chests. They were obviously not the targets of provocation, after all, they were almost as good as Freya.

"Loki, you are too sensitive."

"At least, Hestia and Hephaestus don't think I'm provoking."

Those two are also cows!?

Loki almost didn't spit out the curse words directly.

The dwarf and Hephaestus naturally wouldn't think that was provocation. After all, those two people have always been in good shape.

Among the four goddesses, only Loki is the most miserable.

After all, body problems are really destined by God. Every goddess has been destined since birth.

From the beginning, goddesses who are small in scale do not need to think about growth. Gods do not have the attribute of "growth".

Appreciating the way Loki almost jumped but was holding back his anger, Medical Leya suddenly felt a little funny.

"Loki, when you were competing with Hestia, you seemed to be very concerned about your figure, but usually you have no idea of ​​comparison when you look at me."

"The past was before, and the present is now."

Facing Freya's teasing, Loki's expression froze and he replied unnaturally.

Of course, Freya naturally knows the reason.

In the past, there was no child that he clearly loved, but now he had a child that Loki loved.

The changes before and after made Loki, who was only slightly concerned about his figure in the past, become particularly concerned about it.

Freya naturally did not tease her in this regard, because she had other ideas.

"Loki, you should have moved here, right?"

This sentence made Loki's wandering will completely return.

Loki's lack of an answer was actually an answer.

Freya was not very surprised by this.

Just like her understanding of Bell, any god who has an interest relationship with the Hestia Familia will be treated specially.

Not because of any other complicated reasons, just because of its value.

"That kid's ideas are too straightforward."

There is nothing wrong with such a straightforward idea. Although it feels a little utilitarian, from the child's perspective, such a choice is understandable.

"Hestia, I want to live in too."


"Don't you understand?"

"But, you are too anxious..."

Hestia really didn't want Freya to move in so soon, but Freya also understood this, but she also had enough reasons to do so.

"Shared ownership, this is no joke."

"I know I can't snatch that child away, so now I'm not allowed to approach him on my own initiative?"

There was some sadness on Freya's face. Even though Hestia knew it was just an act, she still fell into the trap.

"It's not not allowed..."

"Then it's allowed."

In an instant, Freya changed her face, the sadness on her face disappeared instantly, and her smile was as bright as the rising sun.

"You...you are too fast..."



"So Loki, do you dare to tell me when you started living here?"

"There's none?"

"I just want more contact with that kid."

His eyes glanced in Loki's direction. 3.6

"That kid just treated me like a beast and was on his guard."

"Where can I have it!?"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Before, I had to make a lot of preparations if I wanted to find an opportunity to contact that child, but unlike you, you can live with that child under the same roof every day.

"Loki just said that I provoked her. With her behavior just now, doesn't it mean that she is provoking me?"

One sentence instantly made Loki panic. It was really hard for her to say this.

Hestia stared blankly at the speed of Freya's face change. She once again understood how quickly the goddess's face changed.

"I was the last person to propose moving in. Am I going too far?"

Freya shook her head slightly, she didn't feel it was fast at all.

"I'm not like you, you can have contact with that child if you want, but I can't.

Speaking of this, Freya felt a little aggrieved.

Facing Loki's rebuttal, Freya's smile instantly turned cold.

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