I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 580 The Direction Across Level 8

Dark factions hide in man-made floors in dungeons.

That is the territory of the dark faction, a relatively airtight space, and a place where various traps are arranged.

Once the unsuspecting Loki Familia enters an area they don't know, they will most likely be completely dispersed by the traps set.

If the team is completely dispersed, and if Finn, Riveria and Grace are not together, then the probability of the dark factions defeating them one by one is too high.

Because Finn and the three of them are not comprehensive adventurers, they cannot be comprehensive in all aspects. Therefore, after the three people were separated, the deterrent effect was obviously reduced a lot.

Other adventurers do not grow so quickly, and even Bell, who has grown too fast, is very aware of this.

In his previous life, he had seen chapters about growth being mentioned emphatically almost every time the plot passed.

Obviously, upgrading and accumulating ability points are the most basic daily routine for adventurers, and they are also the most difficult challenges.

So Bell can tell that Finn, Riveria and Grace will not grow too fast at this moment. Perhaps an expedition can increase dozens of points of ability, which is pretty good.

"Captain Finn and the others all have extraordinary talents, otherwise they would not be able to reach the level of Level 7. But even so, Captain Finn and the others would not be able to accumulate strength quickly."

These words made Bell sound more realistic, but it was a fact.

At the same time, Bell is also explaining another situation, that their potential capabilities have come to an end.

"Well, although those children are only one in a thousand, they have come to an end."

Freya also recognized this very much.

"After Ota reached Level 7, its growth rate also began to slow down significantly."

"Although there is a reason why the higher the level, the harder it is to improve the ability value, but I think that child's potential is almost over."

Freya has always been very optimistic about Austria's growth. Level 7 will not be the end of Austria, but it is almost unrealistic to cross to Level 9.

Since the time when the gods descended into the lower realm, only the empress of the Hera Familia had reached LV.9.

You must know that the Hera Familia and Zeus Familia were still encircling and suppressing Behemoth and Leviathan at that time. It was through those two magical beasts that were as famous as the black dragon that the empress gained the qualification to move beyond Level 8.

Now, if you want to step beyond Level 8, you almost have to personally challenge an insurmountable enemy, a great achievement that can only be achieved.

To put it harshly, there are no longer any conditions that would allow people to join a group to warm up and steadily improve.

At this moment, if adventurers want to overcome the shackles of Level 8, they can only face enemies that far exceed their own strength.

But how can we defeat an enemy whose strength far exceeds ours?

When the gap in strength is too big, some wisdom and one or two magics cannot save the situation.

Therefore, Freya has always believed that the highest level a child in this world can reach is Lv.8.


The road ahead to Level 8 is a huge shackle, and Bell is well aware of this.

"Lv.7 is not the limit for Ota, but Lv.8 should be it."

Freya was also blunt about this.

"If that child had been born twenty years earlier, maybe he would have become the second Level 9 in Orario's history."

"The gap of times."

Bell understood God Freya's feelings when she said these words, and he was sure that "The Fierce One" definitely had the qualifications to become Level 9, but it was a pity that such an awesome person was not allowed to appear in this era.

"It's you, have you thought about your enemies after Level 8?"

Compared to Ota's outcome, Freya was more concerned about Bell's choice.

The end point of Austria is Level 8, which is affected by the times.

But Bell's end point will obviously not be Level 8, because he has qualities and powers that other children do not have.

Therefore, what Freya cares about is whether the enemies leading to Level 9 from Bell have been selected.

"The choice is made."

"Really? Found it so quickly?"

"The parents of "Sword Queen", once I stimulated the soul fragments in "Sword Queen"'s body out of curiosity, and who knew that I temporarily summoned the souls of her parents. "

"Oh~Ace Wallenstein's parents."

A glimmer of understanding flashed through Freya's eyes. The strength of the couple was indeed not bad, especially the man holding the heavy sword. The mercenary did not accept the favor of the gods, but his own strength was unusually strong.

"It's the dungeon again."


Freya smiled with understanding, but Bell nodded slightly helplessly.

It feels like the underground city is behind everything.

Either those fairies are constantly looking for trouble, or there are dark factions hiding in the dungeon looking for trouble. Nothing good happens if they are involved in the dungeon.

…Please give me flowers…

"But if the target is the parents of "Sword Princess", then there will be a big problem, right?"

Freya said slightly.

.......The problem of "Sword Queen". "

"Although her parents can cast some water, she still needs to have the most basic level 7, otherwise her parents won't be able to beat her even if they cast water.

Freya is very sure of the potential of "Sword Lady". She does have amazing talents, but it takes time to transform potential into strength.

"The Loki family's child has enough qualifications and conditions to cross Level 6, but it will take too long for her to cross Level 6 through her own personal efforts."

Seeing the bitter look on Bell's face, Freya couldn't help but laugh.

"Lv.6 is too low. Parents who want to challenge "Sword Queen" must at least raise the strength of "Sword Queen" to Lv.7 to be qualified, otherwise "Sword Queen" will die.

This is a problem left to "Sword Princess" by her parents.

"It seems that you have to put some thought into "Sword Girl". "

That couple still retained their rationality. It could be seen from the soul fragments they deliberately left on "Sword Princess". That couple was probably just waiting for that day to come and was fully prepared for it.

But who knew that in order to get the key to promotion, he would also need to consider the strength of the "Sword Queen", which is really difficult to overcome.

Most children in this world don't have Bell's ability to transform potential into strength in a short period of time, and naturally the same goes for "Sword Princess".

Bell has no doubt that the couple will definitely let "Sword Queen" go, and with their own strength, "Sword Queen" will be ready to surpass Level 7.

"That couple seemed to have left a way out for "Sword Lady", so the biggest difficulty "Sword Lady" faced was how to cross LV.6. "

Bell naturally knew this, so he didn't want to think about it for the time being.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me comments and evaluation.

Bell can only adapt to the development of things. After all, he does not want to let go of the promotion path of "Sword Queen".

In order to make the leap from Level 8 to Level 9, helping "Sword Lady" advance to Level 7 is a natural exchange of equal value.

Freya looked at Bell's grimace and couldn't help but smile.

"No way, this is the price of taking advantage of others."

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