I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 594 Freya’S Summary

"Soul", "Destruction" and "Time" are all rare development abilities, which are also aimed at Bell's development direction at this moment.

There is no doubt that these three options are available to Bell and are also the best choices.

So, the question now is which one to choose first.

The development direction of "destruction" is quite obvious, which is to increase one's own destructive power.

However, because this development direction is too simple, what Bell needs now is not this method of directly enhancing his own destructive power. Instead, "time" and "soul" are the trump cards that Bell wants more.

So Bell thinks about the development ability of "time".

"Space is already in my hands. The use of time may increase my means. Moreover, there is a certain connection between time and space. Maybe the two will complement each other."

If you consider this aspect, "time" must be one of the choices.

But the key is that "time" and "destruction" have the same problem. Now he has no shortage of trump cards and means of attack.

Perhaps this part of the means will be lacking in the future, but now Bell really has no shortage of 910.

On the contrary, "soul" reminded Bell of the souls of gods and fairies.

The next biggest problem is the gods of the dark faction, so the first thing that needs to be considered is a targeted method for the souls of the gods.

If he could attack the souls of gods, Bell would not be so passive the next time he attacks the gods, and would even have more options when dealing with fairies.

After all, "scare" is never a good idea.

The choice is always best to be in your own hands.

At this moment, Bell still made a decision.

"Hestia, choose "Soul". "

Hestia was not surprised.

"Okay, soul... written on it."

After confirming that the sacred words were written, Hestia put the emerging abilities back into the gift, and locked them accordingly.

"Okay Bell, please put on your clothes quickly, otherwise these people won't be able to control their eyes.

As Hestia spoke, she glared at Loki who was still staring.

If she hadn't seen Loki still slumped on the sofa, she would have really wanted to use her fingers to communicate with Loki's eyes.

Loki snorted, she was not as frivolous as the dwarf said.

Subconsciously I wiped the rash at the corner of my mouth, it was fine, I didn’t come down.

Bell's mouth twitched a few times.

"So, did Loki and I get the wrong script?"

When he was complaining in his mind, he put on his clothes very quickly, but in just a few blinks of an eye, Bell had already put the clothes he had taken off in the four-dimensional space back on.

After all, boys need to protect themselves when they go out.

Bell has already stepped into a trap with Hephaestus once, how could he really be reversed for the second time?

The four goddesses and a Bell sat down again.

"So, this is what happened with Bell."

Hestia showed her cards directly. She couldn't hide this part anyway, so she just spoke openly.

"Freya, what do you think of Bell's current strength?"

Loki and Hephaestus also turned their attention to Freya.

"Totally beyond my imagination."

Freya's eyes shifted to Bell and she expressed the most sincere emotion at the same time.

"I knew Bell's rapid growth was due to special skills, but I didn't expect it to be "premature". The experience gained can be doubled when facing strong enemies. Now I know why he always levels up so quickly and why he always gets enough great achievements.

(chdj) "You mean... Bell's great achievements have also been doubled?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

Seeing Hestia's surprised look, Freya was a little convinced by her rough nerves, and even rolled her eyes at Hestia who was completely unaware of the situation.

"I very much recognize Bell's talent, and I can also see Bell's amazing growth rate. He reached Lv.6 in less than a year, and even every ability value has exceeded the limit of growth, but the great achievements are different from ordinary experiences. .”

"Great deeds are special experiences that adventurers can obtain by defeating stronger monsters. As most adventurers reach higher levels, the demand for great deeds will increase linearly, and the amount of great deeds obtained will also decrease."

"It is for this reason that Orario is in decline."

"My son Ota has already accumulated his ability value to the limit in the level 7 field. He even often attacks the floor master one-on-one, but he has not achieved enough upgrades yet."

Freya directly compared her own children.

Of course, just such a comparison is definitely not enough, so Freya pointed her finger at Loki.

"The same is true for Loki's three children. They also have extraordinary talents and have completed the accumulation of ability points at Level 6. However, no matter how many floor owners they kill, they cannot gain enough experience to upgrade."

"This is a great deed that cannot be upgraded enough. The more powerful an adventurer you become, the closer you are to a more advanced position, and the more difficult it becomes to obtain a great deed."

"If Loki's three children hadn't been designed by Bell, they wouldn't have been able to do the great work required for the upgrade."

These words were a bit harsh, but Loki did not deny this.

It is really difficult for Finn and the others to take that step with their own abilities. It's not that they don't work hard, but that it is so difficult to achieve great achievements later on.

Hestia and Hephaestus were also lost in thought.

Freya continued.

"But Bell is completely different. In this year, he not only accumulated enough ability points to upgrade, but also accumulated enough great achievements to upgrade."

"Perhaps every time he achieved greatness, he used the weak to defeat the strong, but he has never been blocked by great achievements. So I can be sure that what he achieved was also affected by "precociousness". Influence. "

After finishing talking about Weiye and returning to the topic of strength, Freya was silent for a moment, and then gave her summary.

"If you don't count Bell's magic, skills, and powers, his strength should be close to that of Ota."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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