I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 599 The Protagonist Of The Divine Moon Festival—Moon God

"Freya, you are probably the most inappropriate.

Loki was not used to Freya's willfulness, so he fought back as if he had taken gunpowder.

"After all, you are the center of attention wherever you go, but what Bell seems to hate the most is being stared at by too many people. Do you think it's appropriate for you to walk with her and go shopping together on the street? "

Good guy, this sentence almost broke Freya to pieces.

After realizing that this was the case, Freya couldn't help but twitch with uncontrollable emotion on her face.

She realized that what Loki said was really accurate. Maybe because of Bell's character, he really wouldn't walk with him on the street to go shopping in peace.

Hestia's problem is not big, because Hestia is not very famous in the eyes of many ordinary children in Orario.

Although Hephaestus is already famous enough, as a craftsman god, it is not surprising that she actually goes out with a child, even if her relationship with the child is close enough.

Even Loki often fights with his children on the street. Even though Loki's closeness to the opposite sex is very concerning, but no one would find it strange as long as Loki's character is taken into consideration.

On the contrary, she will really become very attractive.

"How's it going? Is that right?"

Looking at Freya's ever-changing expression, 877 Loki felt much more relaxed.

Finally, I got an advantage over this woman.

But Loki's pride did not last long, because she quickly calmed down when she saw the ugly expression on Freya's face, and it was almost as if the previous emotions were just for teasing her, and she could hardly see it. to any unstable emotions.

Freya's face returned to a victorious smile, without contempt or any excessive emotions, just like an outsider.

Not only did she not deny what Loki just said, she even accepted it very calmly.

"Well, it's just like what you said Loki. If I invite that child to go out with me, I will definitely run into all kinds of problems. However, I remember that the child has the ability to hide his aura, so (chei) Wouldn't it be fine if no one saw it?"

How could Freya break through the defense so easily?

When Loki said those words, Freya was already thinking about Bell's character, and then thought about the same situation in her mind.

But she just wanted to feel the festive atmosphere with Bell, which didn't necessarily mean that she would attract everyone's attention.

Now that Bell has been hiding his true self, Freya naturally doesn't want his hidden truth to be exposed. You must know that gods are greedy. Once other gods see Bell's true nature, she may be in big trouble.


Loki was so angry that she jumped up and down. She thought Freya was going crazy, but it turned out that this guy had always been super calm.

"Loki, you don't think I'm angry, do you?"

...Humph, the way you were angry just now was not fake. You pretended to be very calm, but you just wanted to tear me into pieces?"

Freya didn't deny that she wanted to tear Loki into pieces, she didn't even want to deny it.

Freya was really stimulated by Loki's words just now.

Normally she would not be stimulated like this, but this is not an ordinary situation.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the space.

The four goddesses all clearly felt the fluctuations in the space. It was like a doorbell at home. As long as there were no restrictions, they could almost instantly know that someone was back.

The four goddesses did not continue to argue, but quietly waited for the sound of the door opening.


"I'm back."

The sound of the door opening was accompanied by a familiar "I'm back" sound, causing the four goddesses to stand up together.

"Welcome home."*4

Who can face these words of the four goddesses?

Well, anyway, Bell felt confused when faced with this sentence at this moment.

"Uh...well, I'm back."

I could only dryly repeat what I just said.

Looking at the four goddesses in front of him, Bell had an illusion deep in his heart that he was "back early" for no reason. Maybe he should continue to spend more time outside.

For example, by learning about festivals that I thought were boring and unnecessary to know before, it can be considered as getting in touch with the local customs of Orario.

At least it's better than seeing four goddesses sitting on the same table at the same time.

Filled with a dangerous smell.

But now is it his turn to speak?

With some hesitation, Bell asked directly.

Divine Moon Festival... Divine Moon Festival...

"This is a good opportunity."

The specific start time of the Divine Moon Festival should be after "Bell Colony" has crossed to Lv.2. According to the original progress, "Bell Colony" has now crossed to Lv.4. This is the start time of the Divine Moon Festival. It's somewhat late.

Bell, who understood the reason, felt somewhat complicated, but was this a good thing?

The only person involved with the moon is the moon god. Bell naturally remembered that the Moon God appeared during the Shenyue Festival, but it seemed that the Moon God who appeared was still missing him.

"The four of you happened to be sitting together today...for a party?"

Bell was slightly startled, as if he had heard of this familiar festival somewhere.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Shenyue Festival..."

"It's a party. Mainly because the Shenyue Festival is coming soon, and we are thinking about how to celebrate this festival."

The four goddesses looked at each other one after another. Although they somewhat hated saying this, let's just regard it as a party now.



The monster Scorpion that swallowed the gods and absorbed the power of the gods, in a sense, this is really a good challenge.


"No wonder I always think this festival is a bit weird...but isn't this festival a little later?"

It's a pity that Bell has no intention of crossing Level 7 with this.

Bell was definitely not aware of this term in Orario. After all, even though he knew there was a festival today, he didn't care what kind of festival it was. So, in the previous life?

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