I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 602 Hermes Was Dumbfounded

With only one day left before the Divine Moon Festival, a specially sealed object was moved into the Hermes family.

But because this is the Hermes Familia, even if some adventurers saw it, they didn't take it seriously. After all, God Hermes was a god who was allowed to leave Orario, so there was nothing to say about him occasionally bringing back some strange things.

At first, many people might be curious about what the Hermes God Familiar Clan had brought back from outside, but after more times, those who were curious in the past were no longer so curious.

Because everyone found that most of the things brought in from outside were things that God Hermes liked from outside, or they were some materials introduced from outside.

From then on, even if they saw the Hermes Familia often carrying some large things, the adventurers who saw them would not be curious.

It's just that this time it's slightly different from the past.

The things brought in this time were not things that God Hermes was interested in, but things that friends outside had entrusted to him for the last time.


"Artemis, I'm in big trouble this time, I hope you won't implicate me then.

27 Looking at the gun in front of him, Hermes couldn't help but think of what was going to happen at the Shenyue Festival. Even he couldn't help but pray, hoping that nothing out of control would happen during the Shenyue Festival this time.

"Lord Hermes, if it bothers you, why do you accept this request?"

Yasi Fei felt that Hermes would definitely not agree to it. She was too aware of Hermes' neutrality philosophy.

"Well, I chose to help the leader this time just because the situation does not allow me to refuse."

Hermes had a wry smile on his face.

Just like Yasifi said, normally he would not choose to accept such a troublesome request. But this time things were unusual.

"Artemis is a very powerful goddess in the heaven, but her final request to me was like she completely abandoned her dignity. She just asked me to take her bow and arrow back to Orario and help her find a The right person."

"The right person..."

Yasi Fei deliberately lengthened her voice and stared at him with burning eyes.


Perhaps it was because Yasi Fei's eyes were too sharp, especially the slightly pointed voice, that caused a lot of cold sweat to break out on Hermes' head.

Seeing Hermes' guilty conscience, she knew that this god had no intention of hiding it from her.

"Didn't you already decide to entrust the matter to the Hestia Familia?"

"Asfi, how can you think so?"

"So, you don't deny it."

Hermes was sweating more and more on his head, and even when he spoke, he became more and more guilty. This made Asfi more certain that her judgment was correct.

She knew that Lord Hermes had this idea in mind and brought this gun back.

But Yasphi also had to remind Lord Hermes, hoping that he would have thought about the follow-up issues.

"Lord Hermes, I don't object to your decision. But are you sure that the Hestia Family will agree? To be more precise, will Bell Crowne really agree?

"Should... yes?"

After being awakened, Hermes felt that his heart was becoming less and less firm.

If Bell was a rookie who had just joined Orario, perhaps Bell would agree as long as he offered sufficient compensation and even explained the stakes involved.

But the problem is that Bell is not a rookie.

The moment he came into contact with the Familia, what Bell did was not like what a rookie would do. His own rapid growth even pushed Hephaestus and Loki to the front. Now all Orario doesn't know that Hestia has such an unusual child.

Especially Bell's work style is simply much more stubborn than him.

"I had no idea that that was a child raised by Zeus."

Hermes used to have such complaints in his heart, but now Hermes feels a headache because of Bell's cautious and cautious character.

Under such cautious circumstances, it was simply unrealistic for Bell to accept the commission.

Therefore, we can only start from Hestia's side.

"Hestia should do it."

That terrifying space tunnel can really crush even the gods. Hermes' scalp feels numb now when he thinks about it.

"Lord Hermes, God Hestia acted according to Bell Crowne's advice. You don't think that if Bell Crowne doesn't accept it, you can ask Hestia to agree to it, right?"

"It has been two months since God Loki last appeared outside the Familia. Except for the God Association you know, God Loki has not appeared for a long time. "Where do you think God Loki is? "

This sentence silenced Hermes.

....Absolutely true. "

When Asifei heard this, she shook her head and poured a basin of cold water down.

Looking at the silent Hermes, Yasphi asked another big question.

PS: A few seconds late.

"Then, go through Loki's side like last time?"

Good guy, Hermes feels like he's taking some things for granted.

Hermes was completely dumbfounded. Now all the pathways were really cut off, and he really didn't even have the chance to speak.

"So, do you think there is another way?"


"In addition, Hestia Familia exists in a different dimension. Is there any way to get in?"

"Although it is also possible to forcefully break into the passage in God Loki's room, but do you think what God Loki said last time is true or false?"

Hermes did not doubt Asfi's words at all, because he knew that Hestia would definitely listen to Bell's opinion before accepting the commission. If Bell doesn't accept it, then no matter what Hestia says, it will be in vain, because in the end Hestia will definitely stand beside Bell and refuse the commission.

Hestia Familia exists "outside the world", a place where even gods cannot escape. Without going through the formal passage, even gods may fall into it.

Once he entered it without Loki's guidance, Hermes was not sure whether he could remain alive before entering the Hestia Familia.

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