I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 606 Saving Hestia For Her

Among the Hestia Familia, except for Hephaestus, Hestia, Loki and Freya were all in the living room at home watching the projected images and listening to what Hermes said.

"Tch, besides running errands, this guy also has a very quick mind."

Loki hugged his chest and crossed his legs, but he was so unhappy with Hermes' wise look.

"That's what he's like. It's not like you don't know."

Freya said with a smile, then looked at Bell again.

"Hermes already knows, so what are you going to do?"


Unexpectedly, Bell did not answer Freya's question, but looked at the projected image with a solemn expression.

Freya was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at what Bell was paying attention to on the screen.

"Artemis's bow and arrow? That is Artemis's accompanying weapon. She has a silent connection with that bow and arrow. There have been rumors in the past that Artemis rejected many male gods with that arrow. It seems that Yes, "Only the one who pulls out the arrow is the one I am destined to be." "

"Bell is also interested in this rumor?"

After coming back to his senses, Bell shook his head slightly, but his expression became more solemn. 27

"No, I'm not interested in that kind of rumor. But I am a little concerned about the God Artemis attaching part of his consciousness to that arrow.

"If I read it correctly, that part of consciousness still contains some small amounts of soul fragments."


The faces of the three goddesses present suddenly changed.

Hestia, Loki and Freya naturally saw part of Artemis's consciousness attached to the bow and arrow, but they did not pay more attention to the fragments of her soul hidden in her consciousness.

But the soul of a god is not easy to divide. Even the god himself cannot divide his soul at will.

However, there is still a situation that may cause the soul of a god to be broken and tear apart part of his own soul fragments, and that is before death.

"Isn't Artemis' situation much more serious than Hermes said?"

Hestia suddenly became nervous.

"If what I thought is correct, the monsters swallowed the fairies and caused the fairies to turn around and start to hate humans and even gods. Then if the monsters swallowed the gods and caused the gods to be unable to return to heaven, would it be possible? Will it also move in the opposite direction?"

Bell thought for a moment and then came up with his guess.

Bell can no longer remember exactly how the original story developed, but he still knew that Artemis was devoured by the monster.

And this point is based on the phenomenon of fairy reversal, so gods may also be reversed by monsters.

Now that God Artemis is still able to make certain counterattacks, she is probably resisting this reversal process, so she needs someone to send her back to heaven. This is the only way to avoid being reversed.

This speculation is just like Bell once speculated whether he had polluted the soul of the god with his sins, thus separating the divine core in his body and the power in his soul.

From this perspective, it seems that there is indeed the possibility of such an operation.

Bell kept this in mind.

"So, God Artemis used her last strength to seal part of her consciousness and soul fragments in the bow and arrow, and handed over the trouble to God Hermes."

Judging from the current situation, Bell is almost certain that the God Artemis is between being devoured and not devoured, and the situation is very bad.

Once a god is completely devoured, the devoured god may immediately reverse itself and tear into pieces the monster that devoured itself. But the biggest problem comes after tearing the monster apart.

When gods stand opposite to humans on earth, they will turn into ruthless killing machines and carry out the most cruel and even inhumane killings on humans on earth.

Once things really develop to that point, it will be a big trouble.

Obviously, the three goddesses now also understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Fuck! Why is this idiot Artemis rushing so far ahead!"

Loki instantly became furious when he thought about that result.

"It's too late to talk about Artemis now."

Freya got rid of her surprise, her brain quickly regained her composure, and reminded Loki.

"Hmm... Artemis..."

Hestia's face looked quite ugly at this moment.

"God Artemis should be ready to be sent back to heaven at any time, so before that she will definitely use all her strength to resist the monsters from devouring her divine power. So

"So, as long as the divine power in the core of Artemis is still resisting the devouring of monsters, then Artemis still has a chance to be saved."

Now is still a good time to save the god Artemis.

PS: Not fully recovered yet, but much better than yesterday.

"The last case of God Ikelos made me do a lot of research, and I confirmed that the soul of the god is essentially connected to the rules of the world. Therefore, trying to obliterate the soul of the god is equivalent to erasing one of the rules of the world. Such a thing cannot be done at all, so the souls of gods are immortal."

"Can Artemis be saved?"

"The first thing that should be used to devour monsters is the divine power of God Artemis. Only after the divine power is devoured, will God Artemis lose her resistance, and at that point will she reach the point of devouring the body."

"It seems that the relationship between God Artemis and Hestia is indeed good."

The observing Bell naturally knew this reason.

And this also reminded Bell of the "Goddess's Divine Core (Artemisian Edition)" lying in the four dimensions.

"So, the key is time."

"But after returning the fragments of the rules, that is, the power to the world, the soul of God Ikelos is no longer incorrigible. This is the key to my ability to completely match the Nagaho of God Ikelos."

If used properly, it might be possible to bring back the God Artemis who was being swallowed by the monster.

But she tried to speak as little as possible at the moment.

"God Artemis's matter is very troublesome, but I think now God Artemis can send a message to God Hermes, so it won't be a desperate situation."

Thinking of this, Bell already had a decision in his mind, so he spoke in this stiff atmosphere:

She had a very good relationship with Artemis in the heaven, but now that she heard that Artemis was on the verge of death and might even be reversed by a monster, how could she continue to remain calm?

Hestia's eyes suddenly shone, and Bell just nodded slightly.

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